How many of you ladies have made changes, either small or drastic to your diets?

Hi Ladies,

For a wihle I was eating healthy.  Green smoothies daily, more fruits and veggies than I had ever eaten in my life probably.  Slowly I slipped back into many old habits.  Now that the cancer is growing, I'm feeling desperate.

I know that a change in diet can only help, not hurt me.  

Any suggestions or comments?  The more I read the more confused I become, with all the mixed info. available out there.

Do you consume dairy?  meat?

Thanks for your help.



  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    I try

    to eat moderation as I love pie,cookies,candy,beer,chips. My Dr. said no dieting and can have stuff I want within reason. I tried to exercise at the " y  " for awhile and it felt great. They also have swimming classes. Every little thing helps....stay strong..Val 

  • Hearty Pioneer
    Hearty Pioneer Member Posts: 158

    I try

    to eat moderation as I love pie,cookies,candy,beer,chips. My Dr. said no dieting and can have stuff I want within reason. I tried to exercise at the " y  " for awhile and it felt great. They also have swimming classes. Every little thing helps....stay strong..Val 

    Weight up weight down

    During chemo I lost over 55 pounds. 16 months later I have gained about 35 back. I expressed concern to my doctor. She said she would be worried if I lost weight, not gained.  My husband and I do deep water areobics Tues and Thurs nights. during chemo I weighed less than I did in high school. Now back to post pregnancy weight.

  • JoanC
    JoanC Member Posts: 231 Member

    Always is a good thing to try to eat healthy.....I really have not changed my eating habits but try to watch my weight (weight watchers) My weight seems to yo yo so try to eat more veggies.....but still have to have my chocolate!

  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member
    JoanC said:


    Always is a good thing to try to eat healthy.....I really have not changed my eating habits but try to watch my weight (weight watchers) My weight seems to yo yo so try to eat more veggies.....but still have to have my chocolate!

    Hi Carla

    I try to eat fairly healthy, not just because I've had cancer but because I know it's better for me and my body.  I don't have a special diet, just try to eat enough vegetables and fruits.  I don't eat red meat (personal preference) and not much dairy because of lactose intolerance.  I have a humongous sweet tooth, so it's always very hard to refrain from eating way too many chocolates, pastries, cookies, brownies, cake, etc., especially this time of the year.  I do make a point of drinking at least 6-7 8oz glasses of water every day.

    Hang in there, Carla.


  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member

    Hi Carla

    I try to eat fairly healthy, not just because I've had cancer but because I know it's better for me and my body.  I don't have a special diet, just try to eat enough vegetables and fruits.  I don't eat red meat (personal preference) and not much dairy because of lactose intolerance.  I have a humongous sweet tooth, so it's always very hard to refrain from eating way too many chocolates, pastries, cookies, brownies, cake, etc., especially this time of the year.  I do make a point of drinking at least 6-7 8oz glasses of water every day.

    Hang in there, Carla.


    Diet.. a good subject.. but a

    Diet.. a good subject.. but a complex subject.  One thing I have suggested on the K.C. site is that we get all of our blood tests and chart them.  Look for the high's and low's.  Can your diet have a positive effect on some of your results..?  Maybe.  It is my opinion, that due to the fact we are all different, we all may need a slightly different diet.  So, I have high Iron levels in my blood.  No spinach for me.  I have excessive red blood cells, so I have reduced my intake of Vitamin K.   And with my latest "stuff" my doctor suggested that I consult with a Dietician, which is being scheduled.  My new diet will be tailored to my needs.   As you can see, what is normally considered healthy, is not healthy for me.

    Happy Holidays..!  And Be Well All..!
