Ovarian Cancer Canada Webinar Series - updated
Webinar # 1 Sept. 25, 2013 "Ovarian Cancer 101 – for women living with ovarian cancer" presenter Dr. Jessica McAlpine, British Columbia Cancer Agency download PowerPoint or listen to the recording http://ovariancanada.org/News-Events/National-Events/Ovarian-Cancer-Canada-Webinar-Series?lang=en-ca 38 min into the recording…
Hi, Ladies: My daughter went for a biopsy yesterday due to mild cervical displaysia. Her doctor asked if I had ever had genetic testing, and I had in 2006. He said that was too old of a report, and there are new tests available. So, I want to call my doctor to give me a written request for OVCA genetic testing. What should…
"happy" cancaversary
One year ago today (10/18/13) my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, boy what a year its been. So far she seems to be cancer "free" we had a bit of a scare with her ca 125 numbers going up, her surgeon seems pretty optomistic though that she isn't symptomatic and that she feels good! She has an appt coming up next week…
My gf has stage 1 Ovarian Cancer please help with any sugestions
Hello. My Girlfriend was diagnosed with stage 1 ovarian cancer and has been doing chemo for 3 month now. Doctor said there was no change since she started chemo. Cancer is not progressing and not getting better. I read about natural way of treating OVC from different articles which came from some of the OVC Survivors. One…
My CA125 is inching up...
I had my latest CA125 and it is 14.4. It has been inching up the last 3 times, from 4 then going to 5.1, 8.8 and now 14.4. I know this is still considered within normal range but in my in my mind I am having a recurrence and am full of fear. Has anyone had a rising CA125 without it being a recurrence? Is this the way it…
Mixed Bag - CA125 up by CT pretty good
Hi all Sorry I haven't been on for a while. I have been lurking and reading but not quite ready to post. Last week more results and my second cycle of Etopocide. Unfortunately my CA125 went up again from 534 to 650. However chest abdo and pelvic CT pretty good. Lungs showed two areas of concern which we may attack with…
Best place for women's gynecologic cancers?
I am considering getting a second opinion on my uterine cancer. Where do you think is the best place to go in the country? My cancer is a rarer type, aggressive, and behaves like ovarian cancer rather than the typical uterine/endometrial cancer.
The doctor and the PA both agree that they are 90% positive it is cancer. Still holding the good thoughts, though. Will hear from the lady tomorrow who will schedule a mammogram and biopsy for the same day. Guess we'll know for sure once we get results, and then decide on a game plan, if necessary. 10% chance it is NOT…
Past and present
I was looking back at old posts. It pained me to see the names of so many sisters we have lost. But I got a chance to see how many are still here that I hadn't seen post for awhile. I don't read all the posts so I think some ladies are missing when they are not. It made me happy. Karen
here we go again?
I was just in here a few days posting how great my mom was doing, she got the all clear in July, well last night she was laying she "felt something" inside her and her gyno today said he felt nothing and was sure it was scar tissue, but ordered a stat ultra sound becuase her CA's are higher. I am just wondering how…
Monday, Oct. 14th - Canadian Thanksgiving
Miss Arizona USA contestant battles rare ovarian cancer
Dozens of young ladies are busy preparing for the Miss Arizona USA pageant next month. But while most of the contestants are only fighting for the crown, one Scottsdale woman is also fighting for her life. In July, 25-year-old Kristina Anderson was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive form of ovarian cancer and began…
Ca results
Does anyone know if UTI infections can raise the CA?
Update on Update
Hi ladies (& gents) Just thought I'd let you know that I am due to undergo bilateral mastectomy & DIEP reconstruction on 12 Oct (still having a fight with my private med insurance to cover this in full - I do need the extra stressssss NOT!!!) Anyway here's to a flat tummy and pert boobies. the good news is that my doc…
Haven't posted in awhile
In July mom (Chris8588) found she's cancer free (happy dance happy dance happy dance) and she's been doing wonderfully! She's back to work part time. On the 18th it'll be one year since we found and boy what a year it's been. I am so proud of my mom for everything she's been through and survived! My mom is the most…
Peripheral neuropathy treatments
I came across this website http://www.peripheralneuropathytreatments.com while researching magnetic bracelets / anklets. They are selling this expensive ($759+) gadget called "The Rebuilder", that claims to cure 95%, reverse or at least reduce pain caused by neuropathy. They are also selling the Magnet Therapy Kit that…
Today is my three year "cancerversary"
It's hard for me to believe but it's been three years since I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. What a rollercoaster ride this has been! I'm grateful to be alive and NED and I'm so appreciative of the supportive and love from you ladies. I pray for you all daily. Hugs, Kelly
VEGF Inhibitor
Avastin works as a VEGF inhibitor. Elevated VEGF results in angiogenesis, excessive production of new blood vessels, allowing new blood vessels to develop and feed a tumor. A tumor cannot grow larger than 2 mm, without a blood supply. This research indicates that Grape Seed Extract is also a VEGF inhibitor:…
Has anyone used the drug Naltrexone?
Hello Dear Ones - checking in
Hi Loves... I haven't been here in awhile and I wanted to read through posts to see how everyone was doing. Sorry I've been absent for awhile, but been real busy with chemo treatments, granddaughters and a new puppy! I must be crazy, but this little (quickly getting larger!), ball of fur has made me very happy. For those…
Doxil shortage
I heard from my ONC that there is a North-America wide Doxil shortage. Other brand names are Doxorubicin, Caelyx (in Canada), Myocet, Adriamycin PFS, Adriamycin RDF, Lipodox or Rubex. Looked it up and yes, that's true. http://www.fiercepharma.com/story/jjs-doxil-shortage-last-until-least-end-2014/2013-10-07
Good news to share
My latest PET/CT scan was clean, my CA125 is 4, so after a year of Carbo/Gemzar maintenance, I was told at my recent appointment - NO MORE CHEMO! (At least for the time being). So cross everything possible that this holiday with NED lasts longer than the 7-month one I had between the end of my front-line treatment and my…
Dr. Laura Shawver Featured on The Burrill Report Podcast
The Burrill Report: Bringing Personalized Medicine to Ovarian CancerMatching the right drug to a particular patient's tumor type, though increasingly common in treating certain types of cancer, is not yet the norm for ovarian cancer patients. The Clearity Foundation is trying to change that by providing ovarian cancer…
large intake of air
Last night I went to a home party. They were selling kitchen items. The company was featuring items that would receive a 25% donation to breast cancer research if you made a purchase. So the company rep said, the host had told her a couple people at the party had fought cancer, who? and what type? One woman 15 years free…
Allow me a little closure....Please
I’ve been here a mere three years. Some of you have been here longer than I. Some here are new to me. Some, who were here when I joined, are gone. I deeply miss my dear friend, CarolenK (aka LaudryQueen), who I met here years ago. I still cry when I think of her. She was an amazing, well-read woman. I’ve observed a lot of…
Monthly Toll Free Telephone Support Group for Women with Ovarian Cancer
Next session is Oct. 9th
those of you NED & CA 125 in single didgets---are yoiu able to function as if you weren't ill?
Due to my severe stroke & use of just my right side - brain damage - along with chemo brain Stroke fcauses bbrain fog balance & weakness issues. this is all exacerbated by chemo & cancer side effects. hoping for an improvement inwell being after debulking & single digits. Opinions ? have you noticed a big difference in…
Boehner Advises Americans to Delay Getting Cancer for a Year
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a special Sunday radio address, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) delivered a health tip to the American people, advising them to delay getting cancer for a year. “We’re involved in a high-stakes fight over our freedom from centralized government control of our lives,” said Mr.…
News on PARP inhibitors???
Does anyone have any info on status of FDA approval of any of the PARP inhibitors. Olaparib i believe falls in that catagorie Ive heard realy great things about them. Ive headr rumor of approval as soon as Jan. 2014 Unfortanetly my cancer is growing throughtout my active treatment hoping to get some info on other options.…
Recurrence for stage 1a clear cell
I was just diagnosed with Stage 1a Grade 3 clear cell carcinoma. The oncologist recommended 6 rounds of Chemo even though the cancer was confined to one ovary. Has anyone experienced recurrence switch stage 1a? Did you have chemo? Thanks!!