CT-Scan Clear
I forgot to mention that I had a clear CT-Scan.Terry
Scheduled for Wednesday
Hi Everyone, The schedule is a go unless the beds all fill up in ICU. Wednesday I go in, thurs/fri/sat/sun is chemo, Monday I get to rest while my son is at the donor unit for 5 hours giving up his NK cells. They did find a rare virus in his blood but said it could be a false positive reading. I am thinking that is what it…
Other treatments?
Hello Everyone, I am back again after moving from a different state. We were getting settled in and my mom was having a good response to Taxol after the Gemzar stopped working. Then the numbers just jumped. She started on Doxil 2 wks ago but is now in the hospital for pain management. Before this she has the platinums and…
Chemo Drug Question
Hi all. I haven't posted on here lately but I thought maybe someone out there might know about this drug. I've been off chemo for a while due to being hospitalized for numerous reasons. Infections, etc. but my CA125 is starting to rise fast so my oncologist wants to start me on a drug called etoposide or VP-16. Has anyone…
Post treatment question
If all goes well, I should be in remission by October, but I was wondering if I will be able to work at that time, cause I don't get any disability or other benefits, so I will need to work and would like to finish my last year of school, but I don't know how fast recovery usually is. I am getting weekly treatments right…
1 year anniversary
I wanted to say thank you to each of you who have given me sound advice and great support during the past year. Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of finding out I had this disease and I'm at the almost 7 month clinical remission point. I remain optimistic even though the statistics are horrible . You have all given…
her kids are tired of the cancer
I know some of you have probabley been thru this and I would like your imput my daughter is a five year ovarian cancer survivor, she is a single mom and still works ...the kids are now 19 and 12...they need to have more compassion and understanding..how do you keep them involved without burdening them
Reference of best care in Miami?¿
Hi all.. we might be moving from Mexico to Miami wich makes me nervious consideing my Mom's condition. Can anyone tell me the best cancer center and or Dr. in Miami or at least the nearest one to Miami??? Very appreciated. Liz
Hi, I have gone through 5 rounds of carbo/taxol. My cat scan came back clear. My CA-125 was in the thousands before surgery. After surgery and first chemo it was at 5424-638-227 and now it is at 151. It seems like its coming down but really slow. Does this happen? I am a nervous wreck. I have had 2 UT infections during my…
Hello all. Haven't posted in a while, but have been reading up on progress and challenges with you all. My wife Linda ended treatment in February and is struggling with pretty profound neuropathy in her feet, especially. At the end of our walks she says it feels like beach gravel. We know we should be hopeful and grateful…
Trying to Support a Friend
I've spent three days doing online searches to find an online support group for my friend. She and her partner have been together for 37 years. They just celebrated her partners 80th birthday and have just gone on hospice for her partners endstage ovarian cancer. Is this group a place she would be welcome? She is not…
New Here and need some advice!!
Hello Ladies! My name is Autumn Danielle which I like to go by! Im 20 years old and my sister who is 18 has ovarian cancer. She was diagnosed about a month ago and had a total hysterectomy and has been getting chemotherapy weekly. I am her caregiveer. I was just wondering we dont have alot of money for a week and in her…
great chatroom
The chatroom is up and running and it works wonderful! I love having my cup of morning coffee and being able to visit with others. Happy 4th to all!! Hugs N Prayers Bonnie
Recurrence - probably
This is tough to face, but because my CA-125 has risen to 279 at the last draw for it in early June, I am now seeing a qynecologic oncologist at Roswell Park who is monitoring my condition. So far I am asymptomatic, which is fine with me! I've had two CT scans (one in December, one in June) and a PET scan in February that…
We chose Caelyx = Doxil...
Hi Ladies tks for the comments... we chose Caelyx because since I'm my Mom's caregiver it`s hard for me to take her 5 days in a row and so often. I have a 1 year old and am 4 months pregnant. I hope this chemo is good for her... heat issues don`t worry me since we had a nice trip to the beach before this chemo and in…
I just finished treatment with gemzar and it didn't work. My doctor has suggested we try doxil. I have read it has some pretty bad side effects. Especially on the heart and the hand and foot syndrome. Did any of you out there have any bad side effects from the doxil? And did you loose your hair?
Caelyx or Topotecan??
Can anyone tell me which one is a better choice? The thing is Dr. says Topotecan has worse side effects and the administration is not nice... 5 days in a row than rest 16 that again, while Caelyx is once every 4 weeks, although is is more expensive. Has anyone had any of these?? Thanks for your opinions. Liz
Update! Sorry it took so long!
Thankyou so much for everyones private messages and e-mails. its been overwhelming in a good way. im just having a hard time getting back to everyone but i promise i will! this is Jesse by the way! Jenna has been doing ok. Just very tired and very sick. I need some advice...how do i get her to eat??? the site of food makes…
Baby after Cancer
I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer just over a year ago while pregnant. I had my beautiful daughter in August and then underwent chemotherapy. We've talked with the doctor about number two as he said we need to have kids soon so my other ovary could be removed. Has anyone had experience with this?? Other things that might…
elevated CA125
Ladies, its been a while. I've been doing great. Enjoying family and life. However, just lately my CA125 skyrocketed to 1200. A CAT scan came back totally clear. I feel a warm sension in the abdomin area which makes me think perhaps there is some kind of inflammation. My oncologist wants to run another test in a month or…
I just had my appointment with my gyn/onc and got the results of the CT scan. Everything was perfect, physical, CA-125 of 6, and the CT scan was negative with the liver spaces smaller than last time indicating that it is healing itself from the RFA of last July. I will complete the last four doses of Taxol maintenance and…
Avastin not working
After 4 chemos my Mom is still having pain in her abdomen, so I guess Avastin sadly didn't work. The Dr. is going to change her treatment, I'm very nervious since I don't know what to expect. Please has us in your prayers. Liz
I made it
Ladies I made it..no more chemo,tests or Dr. visits for another 8 weeks!!! I finished my 6 cycles of Topotecan with a ca-125 of 15.9. I made chocolate cupcakes for all the office helpers,chemo nurses and of course the Onc to celebrate this final day!!! I feel like I have a million things to do and wonder why?? Probably…
ca 125 stationary on the 4th &5 th chemo
Good Day to All, My wife was diagnosed with ovarian cancer clear cell and staged 1c .Her ca 125 was 119 went down to 64 on her 3rd chemo She had a complete hysterectomy and the doctors took out also her appendix and ommentum and both ovaries She is right now scheduled for her last chemo this jun 13 . We were hoping that…
Can Someone Advise me About Genetic Testing??
Dear Discussion Group Members: My mother's oncologist referred my mother (78 years old) for "genetic counseling" this week. After a long meeting, the counselor urged genetic testing. My sister, who is partnering with me in managing care for my mom (who has Stage III Ovarian Cancer & is on a course of pre-operative chemo)…
Finally recovering from issue's
Hey Everyone, I truly believe I'm finally on my recovery road and all the hassles are behind me. After all my other issue's I shared after surgery I then started having problems with infections in my stitches. I JUST NOW 6 weeks later last Thursday May 29th had my stitches removed, because they weren't dissolving right. I…
Well, I will continue to praise the Lord my God. Lisa, my nurse called this morning and I was on line up loading pictures, saw her call on call wave. I called her back on my cell phone and it was kind of breaking up. I heard 72 which meant my ca 125 would have gone from 122 down to 72 so my immediate reponse was Praise…
Hi ladies, I just need your prayers. I am sitting here at work in tears and I hate to get like this. I had a transfusion yesterday a 11 hour process which I really don't understand why it has to take that long. I go to the doctor tomorrow for exam and CA 125. I will start 5 days of chemo on Monday. Do any of you have bad…
Update and my apologies!
Hi ladies, I'm sorry to have been away so long. After my trip to Spain all has been just a rush. My 1 year old is now walking and with my pregnancy(a girl!!)and watching over my Mom, getting her drugs, talking her to chemo and basiccaly running the house is hectic. My Mom hasha 4 Avastin plus Genoxal chemos and is still…
thank you
Hey Everyone, thanks for all the support and emails. I heard from the research nurse and the wheels are in motion. I should go into the hospital right after the Neil Diamond concert July 19th. :-) Priorities you know. I will be the first woman with ovarian cancer to try this. Fingers and toes crossed and lots of prayers.…