The Chair
I love you ladies. The port and numbing cream worked beautifully. My fear of sitting here and hooking up to the machine was manageable. I shed a tear or two and admitted to the nurse I was scared. She said they were there to help. She was great. Right now I am finishing up the first bag of fluids. Then they start the…
HIPEC Testimony
Dear Friends, I have made my decision to go with HIPEC (please visit http://www.hipectreatment.com/ if you haven't studied this treatment) to treat my first recuurent OC. (Please read my profile for my desease history.) I will do it by end of July because I have booked Alaska Cruise and that is one of the "have to do with…
Hi, Ho, HI, Ho it's off to chemo I go
Hi Loves, Heading out the door for my next chemo.... it's been i8 months now that I'm chemoing for my 1st reccurrance. Today it's cisplatin/gemzar and next week just the gemzar. Just wanted to say that if I'm AWOL for few days, I'm dialing up Netflix, reading and being downright b*tchy from gads of steroids........ I think…
I posted this under ovarian cancer though I have primary peritoneal. I can't understand why mine doesn't have its own space because there are people here with the same thing. Is there some way a new area could be created? Primary peritoneal cancer is treated like ovarian cancer and if there were two areas, I could use both…
CAAT Diet/Treatment
Hello, Has anyone been on the CAAT Diet? I am considering it for my mom who has stage iv ovarian.
debulking surgery
Hello ladies. I posted here about a month ago. I had my surgery on 5/9/11. I had an awful time with this surgery. I was in hospital for 12 days. Doc removed my rt. ovary and entire omentum which was where the cancer was. He told me that he got about 95% but I am going to need some type of chemo. Today I went for a f/up…
My Sister's Physical Pain
Hi. On May 17th my sister Karen, age 46, had suboptimal debulking surgery after 6 rounds of neoadjuvant chemo. (DX 12/10, stage 3C). They removed her omentum, ovaries and tubes. They said that they couldn't get the uterus out because the bladder is attached? Anyway, 3 weeks post-op and her abdominal pain is increasing. She…
Who knew? MSKCC has a Thrift Shop
I was poking around on the Memorial Sloan-Kettering site, trying to see if I could make a memorial donation in Nancy's memory via the internet, when I came across this: This spacious thrift shop on the Upper East Side of Manhattan is known for being the beneficiary of the highest quality donations of designer and vintage…
Ascites - Stage IV Ovarian
Hello Everyone, I am a new member. My mom was diagnosed with Stage IV OVCA back in 2007. She had a total hysterectomy followed by chemo treatments. She has been in remission 3 times, and has been on 3 or 4 difference meds. Her most recent was Gezmar, with no response. She is going in today to start Topotecan. I am really…
As many of you now know, my mother is no longer with us. As hard as it is for me to take the time to right this, but I know it's what she would have wanted. She would want everyone to know that she did not die in pain, and that she never once gave up. She left no stone unturned, in reguards of treatments to take. She tried…
Re: Getting Ducks in a Row
I am with you LQ. I am going to get started with a couple projects I've been meaning to do while I am feeling well. PS: I would appreciate prayers today as I'm having a ct scan this evening to see what's happening with a rise in my CA125 from 22.7 to 103 after a three month break from chemo. Thank you, Chris
Question for Donna (RockchickSurvivor) re: your trial
I am so sorry to hear about your 3rd battle with ovarian cancer. I, too, seem to be fighting battle after battle. I'm sorry that you are in pain, because I know what pain feels like and on a scale from 1-10, mine was a 10 (although I'm not in pain now). I have heard about the cytoxan trial, I think it's with ABT-888. I…
Getting my ducks in a row
After the recent loss of of some beloved members of the discussion board, I decided to come out of Lala Land for a while to get my "ducks in a row." I appreciated reading all the things some of the survivors have done to help their loved ones in handling their affairs when they reach their demise. I haven't done much…
Attn: kayandok
Is the IMPACT a liquid supplement that you drink? That's what I found when searching online. Thanks, Beth bcollins712@yahoo.com
Dear Eileen (EWARD)
I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Since December, being on different chemos, I have been having slight progression, they can't seem to find the right combination of drugs. So, over the last 6 months they have grown but have not invaded any other organs. It's almost like they have a long list of chemo drugs and if one…
Worried it's the beginning of the end
My Mom's left foot has been swollen off and on for the last week. The swelling seems to be getting a little worse and it is travelling a little up her leg, their is no pain and no redness. My Dad has called the gyn/oncologist twice and she seems unconcerned. This really p*sses me off. I think Mom needs to have an…
Mom and Ovarian Cancer
My mom has had the tumor debulking surgery about 2 years ago and a couple of rounds of chemo. She had fluid on lungs which I think that caused her pnemonia. She still wants to fight with chemo. A doctor at the hospital also mentioned the possibility of radiation. What are some of the things I can do to help prevent another…
Seedlings, sprouts and sprays from the Greenhouse
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I felt them with me every minute for the past two weeks! As I've been recovering from brain surgery, I've learned that we've lost Nancy and my own grandfather in the past few days. I am heartsick. I will write more later, I just wanted to stop by and let you all know how very…
OK sisters, time for our Big Girl panties
Whoa, we have been on a h*ll of a ride lately. Almost too much heartbreaking and terrifing news coming in all the same time. I'm having a good hard cry and then I'm putting on those Big Girl panties because we have many newbies who have joined us lately. They are overwhelmed with being diagnosed and fearful of starting…
Leaps of Faith
I know everyone is feeling sad right now with all the bad news being posted on this board, and rightfully so. But Linda brought up an interesting point under another topic. We all make leaps of faith, everyday. We do things or plan things from which we won't reap the benefits for a day, for a week, for a year, that we at…
Anyone heard anymore about Leesa?
if anyone is in contact with Leesa or her husband would you please send along our love and hope that she'll be home, safe and sound, real soon! Miss you, Leesa! (((HUGS))) Maria
Ovarian Cancer Stage 4
I am just curious about a few things. Just because you have Ovarian Cancer stage 4, does it always mean that it is incurable? Is there anyone who has been cured from this stage who never had to do chemo again? Is there anything out here that looks promising for a cure? I also heard there is a new test called OVA1 that is…
Where did the time go?
I cannot believe tomorrow it will be one year since we first heard the big C word. I will never forget it. I was supposed to go away for the weekend with some friends and my nephew was going to take my mom/dad to the doctor. Dad is blind so he can't drive. Something told me to cancel my plans and go with them. I remember…
am still NED!!!
Went for my check up yesterday, Ca-125 is 10 and exam was good .Will see Doctor in august so now I will enjoy my summer. I post this as from good advice that our teal sisters and new sisters need some hope that this disease is not going down without a fight..we all need hope and faith even when things sound so…
Picture this
I took time of work to go in for the port placement. I was tickled pink that I could have it done today. I asked the anesthesia clinic about any prepatory things for last night and this morning....none...if you need some the doctor will call you tonight(last night) otherwise they will talk to you at bedside. Ok....thei…
Question - please help with your advise
Hello All. I am a 43 yr old thyroid and breast cancer survivor. Just finished rads for the breast and am waiting for surgery for a reoccurance of the thyroid ca. Original was 2 yrs ago. When I was first diag with breast ca, they did a CT scan and found a large mass on my ovary. Then u/s showed it was two large cysts (one…
I haven't heard from Nancy's family but her sister posted this early yesterday morning on Facebook: "I feel the grim reaper lurking around every corner....my heart is breaking beyond repair." I don't think I will get to see Nancy again, or even hear her voice. It's been such a quick decline. It's really scary. I was pretty…
Fear of dying during heart attack
Fear of Dying During Heart Attack May Make Matters Worse. High anxiety linked to greater inflammation, study finds By Amanda Gardner / HealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, June 1 (HealthDay News) -- People who become very afraid of dying in the moments during and days after a heart attack also seem to have more inflammation, an…
Nancy is very ill....
I talked to Nancy's mom and her sister today. They said she had been asking about us, saying she needed to call or text me so I could keep everyone up-to-speed. But she is very, very weak. She cannot stand without help, although her mom said she wants to get out of bed. She just doesn't have the strength. The mets to her…
I just got some news I'm upset about
A dear friend called me to ask what the normal range for CA 125 is. Last week she went in for a biopsy for a growth or (?) in her uterus and she requested a CA 125 largely because of me. She told me tonight that her result is 29. I told her that anything less than 35 is in the normal range. She has to go back for another…