Help! Body Aches!
Hello...I just registered and am so glad to have found this place. I was diagnosed with ovca in May when I went to the emergency room thinking I had a bad appendix. I have since had a debulking surgery and just finished my 3rd round of chemo (carbo/tax). The first two days after chemo are so so, but by the 3rd day, I am…
Do any of you have a medical oncologist rather than a gyn/oncologist?
I read the other night that studies show women live longer with ovca when they have a gyn/oncologist. That is not an option for me, as I would have to drive 150 miles one way to have access to one. I live near Memphis, TN, but there are no drs. in my insurance network. I did go that far for my surgery. I have had 3…
can you feel the gas pedal
when you drive? I haven't driven in quite a while and I am kind of nervous now as I still have some neoupathy and sometimes I almost trip down or up a few steps. I feel like such a klutz. I am going to a wedding soon and I want to wear a nice strappy shoe with a heel but I don't know...but I think I shall..the worst I can…
Herceptin with Upsc
Have been on Herceptin with upsc for over 1 year.no reoccurance. Should I stay on it?
Insurance drama
On Wednesday I finally went in and quit my job it was hard to do but I knew I could not work while I was fighting this battle. I worked for five years as a house manager for adults with mental handdicapps. I loved my job and the four ladies that I took care of. Before quiting I applied online for our state health insurance…
cat scan tomorrow
I am having my third treatment tomorrow but before the treatment I have to have a catscan. They are checking to make sure the chemo is working and no tummors have grown back so please pray for me tomorrow. Anne
Well....I think I might live
This last 10 days has been the least fun I've had in a long time. I am way down on pain meds now, though and getting around better. The first two nights home, I had to sleep in the recliner because I have one of those beds that's about 4 ft off the floor, and I'm only 5 ft and have to use a little set of steps to climb in…
Short Remission
I guess I just need a little pep talk. In June I had a clean scan and the dr. said I was in remission. Since then my CA125 kept going up so I had a scan last Friday. The scan showed some small growths in my abdomen and there are 2 enlarged lymph nodes. The gyn/onc wants to do a needle biopsy on one of the lymph nodes. My…
Austin 5K Run/Walk
I am going to Austin for the Ovarian Cancer 5K Run this weekend and plan to walk are there any other ladies planning on going? Mona
Pet/Scan ...Not so good
Well I got the results from my PET/Scan that I had done on Friday. The one tumor has grown from 6cm to 9 cm (on my liver) and there other spots that appeared on my upper left chest area. I had been on Avastin alone and previous Pet/Scan had showed it was working. So now I had to choose a different cocktail. Choices were…
Sending lots and lots of prayers and hugs to both of you. You are both so inspiring, your attitude and outlook are encouraging. We'll all be waiting to hear how you're doing. Praying that your recoveries will be with minimal affects, speedy, and complete! God bless both of you - (((HUGS))) Monika
Vein Pain
I just finished chemo 4. My HEM/ONC raised my dosage of Tax/Carb because he said I tolerate it well. I am disapointed that after my 3rd chemo that my CA125 only dropped 1 point from 13 to 12. My blood counts also have not dropped much. I thought that was good, but ONC said they want to see some drop to know it is…
FSH Level too High and please advise me
Hello All, Most of people know me here and My mother was diagonesd in may 2009 with endo adenco stage 3 c grade 1. she had finished chemo in sept 2009. she is in remission with grace of god. In april her ca125 was 7. she went yesterday for her exam. Doctors has ordered her FSH test. Is it test for cancer. Her level come…
Encountering more ovarian cancer patients and a survivor!
Yesterday while in Kroger, a lady came up to me, pointing at my hat, and said "My hair used to look like yours." She said he was 73 and diagnosed with ovarian cancer (stage 3) in July 2010. She ended her chemo in April. She had a nice hair of head. She was so sweet. The other day a friend called to check on me. She was…
my partner's diagnosis and surgery
For the past two weeks I was posting on the Peritoneal Cancer board, but things have changed. A month ago a spike in her CA125 caused concern so she went in to Memorial sloan Kettering and met with a surgeon about finally having her ovaries out. She's put that off for years. To supply a little background she (Nancy) is a…
Bleeding 6 Months After Surgery
HI EVERYONE! I know you all are a VERY close knit group of ladies with lots of support and great advice and words or encouragement. I do read up on here from time to time. My mom is a fighter also...she is on the boards as well. She introduced me here as I am so thankful she did! I like reading about each and everyone of…
Earthquake and Hurricane
Earlier this week, in Maryland (USA) there was a 5.8 earthquake and will be getting a hurricane this weekend! Both are rare for this part of the country. Although I nearly peed my pants during the earthquake and annoyed about the disruption hurricane will do to normal life....I have two more things to add to my list of…
My mom has stage 4 ovc and really doent think she wants to go though chemo just to die anyway. Does anybody have any ideas how to keep her hopes up? she already went though surgery and is recovering well but still is unable to eat and is regaining some fuild again. 2 more weeks for chemo, any sugestions in keeping her…
partial bowel obstruction
On Monday, I thought was going to die from pain in my upper stomach. I knew right away that the bowels were doing something weird. I went into the doctor, and he confirmed that I had a partial bowel obstuction and said I could see if it resolved or go into the hosptal. I leave on Thursday (today) for Seattle and then to…
Tumors in liver
I was diagnosed with 3C last year and I am doing well. However, I have a dear friend who was diagnosed last year also but with stage 4. She had surgery and then IP chemo. In Sept. 2010, her doctor told her she was cancer free. In April of this year her cancer came back. She had tumors in her abdomen, in and on her spleen…
Why no sponsors?
While signing up for the winners walk of hope i realized that ovarian cancer gets almost no acknowlegement from the big guns. Everyone sponsors breast cancer. This really ticks me off. Why hasn't always or tampax or someone become a major player in trying to help those diagnosed with this type of cancer. I did send an…
http://health.msn.com/health-topics/cancer/cancer-drug-shortages-getting-worse-fda-says-2?gt1=31036 As discussed here earlier, some cancer drugs are on 'short supply'. As I read this article I was disgusted at the flimsy but very disconcerting excuses - 'misprints on drug label', 'contamination'. Who's policing this branch…
Ovarian cysts may not lead to cancer
Ovarian cysts may not lead to cancer: study NEW YORK | Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:25pm EDT NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Finding ovarian cysts on an ultrasound scan isn't a cancer sentence for women who are middle-aged and older, a new UK screening study suggests. Women with so-called "inclusion cysts" weren't at higher risk for…
Low Platelet count
I had lab work today. White counts were normal. RBC a little low. Platelets are very low. Nurse Prac. is confident that they will be back up next week. I've had 3 treatments and this is the first time that I may have to have a treatment postponed. Next one is scheduled for Aug. 30. Hope all of you ladies are doing well.…
Hi gals, I found his interesting, although, of-course reults from research are years out. I had infertility for 10 years and never was able to get pregnant. k Researchers Say Discovery Could Lead to New Tests and Treatments By Brenda Goodman WebMD Health News Reviewed by Laura J. Martin, MD Aug. 17, 2011 -- Researchers say…
CA-125 Results
Well, my number had oh so slowly been inching up this year from 1 in January to 4 in July. I had resolved myself to the belief that it was correcting itself to a more normal level. Now, it is back to 2. I am still doing integrative treatments of IV vitamin C, although less frequently than in the past, diet, exercise,…
Great book!
In case anyone is interested in reading a fascinating, gripping history of cancer, get "The Emperor of All Maladies," by Siddartha Mukherjee. My oncologist suggested it to me, and I loved it. The author is an oncologist and the book is up for a Pulitzer.
surgery date set
Hi everyone, after much deliberation and prayer, I opted to do surgery. I have 6 tumors, all operable, according to my doctor in CA. Date is set for August 31st. I fly to Seattle on the 25th, drop off my son at uni and then off to CA to surgery. I am at peace about the whole thing, but was pretty much a mess for a couple…
Still dancing
Went to my doctor yesterday and I am still in remission, beenof chemo since April. Ca-125 went up a bit from ten to sixteen. I'll take it. THANK YOU for support and advice over the last few years.,,we are truly survivors and one friend told me we are over comers and I like the sound of that..val
Anyone else think this site is slow?
It seems to take forever for a reply to a post to go through... everyone having this problem? (((HUGS))) Maria