How to post a clickable link
I put a document on the Recipe Project site that shows how to create a clickable link on a discussion board or message on CSN. Just go to the site and open/download the pdf document titled "How to Post a Clickable Link" Recipe Project - How to Post a Clickable Link on CSN Also, there hasn't been much activity as far as…
hi everyoune out there! can anyone help me look for an answer.?
hi everyone! i am ja from the philippines. i was diagnosed having HODGKIN's LYMPHOMA 2008 and had my 6 cycles of chemo for one year which ended feb 2009.. and until now i haven't had my menstrual period since then. im dying to know if i can possibly have it back! i am 28 now. and have this heavy pressure on me not to get…
Finally off prednisone!
My doctor sent me an email over the weekend and told me that I can finally stop the prednisone. Yippee! Seems like I have been on it forever, and I'm not convinced that it did me any good at all. I had an actual, real dinner tonight - not yet another plate full of asparagus and spinach. I've been so afraid of gaining…
OT- Graduation pictures
Hi All I have posted some photos from my daughter's graduation and party. She received a Master's Degree in Social Work! They are on my expression page.
Coming off prednisone
I'm going nuts. Feel anxious and nervous. Sore. Anyone experience this while weaning off. Down to 10 mg every other day. Then off by Wednesday
Have a nice Memorial weekend!
Just wishing everyone a great and safe Memorial weekend. I don't have a lot planned - going to visit a friend on Sunday - he heard I can cook - LOL ☺. Hugs and good wishes, Jim
Hi guys, I forgot to mention, I never received the results of the endoscopy this Friday. The results didn't come in yet. Yesterday, the weather in New York was good. Therefore, we had the BQ as planned outside under a shaded tree. Gotta go. My friend just called she's back in the hospital from the dog bit. bye. Maggie
Memorial Day
Hello everyone, I hope everyone will be enjoying this weekend. I also will remember all the soldiers, and the soldiers who came home so disabled from both wars in the middle east. In my opinion, and my mom's words so long ago, there will never be peace in the middle east. Forgive me for my negative thoughts. The weather in…
Memorial weekend..
Hi my peeps, :) Just wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy Memorial weekend. I'm headed to my Aunts house in Klamath Falls Oregon tomorrow morning. She has cancer, so I go twice a year to help her around the house getting various projects done. Usually go in the spring and then again in October. This trip my oldest…
CT Scan and Blood work up scheduled!
Going to have my 1 year CT Scan with a FULL Blood work-up. CT is scheduled June 6th and I have to have my blood drawn next week with 16 hr. fast. The Cancer with 12" of my Bowels being removed made me border-line Diabetic. Sugar level hovers around 130 with 1 glipizide 5mg a day. A little worried about the scan, have been…
Side Effects of Rituxan
I am in remission of non hodkins B cell lymphoma. My oncologist has put me on rituxan for a maintenance plan of two years. Has anyone ever gone through this type of treatment? Could anyone share what kind of side effects you may have experienced, if any? Thank you much. I am new to all this blogging etc.
Stem cell transplant
Does anyone here had a Allogenic stem cell transplant and how was it after your 100days?
Anyone had c-diff?
This is my 3rd bout with c.diff in the past 2 months - has anyone else suffered from this malady? I'm back on Vancomytin and pro-biotics. I read today in the medical section that chemo patients have more chance of getting c.diff.
new to this n confussed bout what been told :(
well around last august time i was sent for xray cause of a cough for 3months that shown lumps on my lungs as he put it which he said he though was sarcoidosis so had ct scan n 3montly scans which all shown same everytime specalist has always said sarcoidosis also n explained id need sample took n told me if i choose he…
Maggie is scared
My doctor ordered an endoscopy for me because of low iron counts. I finally went May 16. Rather then explaining each finding, 5 biopsies were taken. I will get the results hopefully this Thursday May 24. I think to myself, what now????? Please keep me in your prayers. Love Maggie PS if anyone wants complete details I will…
Bendemustine, Neulasta and Me
Hi, Well this was my first week of treatment. This is hard. Had Bendemustine Wednesday and Thursday with my shot of Neulasta yesterday. Have typical symptoms I think. Swollen still from Iv,I'm quite sure my eyes are in my face somewhere!, have some wierd redness on neck (nurse checked it yesterday, blamed it on steroids)…
Im finally getting my port out after 2 and a half years, what to expect, im nervous!
Hi, I was diagnosed a few years ago with Hodgkins, it was early unfavorable because of the size of the mass. I still have some of the tumor left and am still doing PET scans,was every 3 months now its every 6 months. Im a little nervous about getting it out, but anyone who has had it done before any insight on what to…
Platelets - is it wrong to worship them??
My platelets were at 18 when I was first diagnosed with marginal zone B cell lympoma on 4/13. Hard to believe it has only been a little more than a month ago! I'm being treated with Rituxan and Prednisone, nothing else for now because I also have ITP (an autoimmune disorder) that was diagnosed at the same time. The ITP…
should i happy or sad
Hi buddys..i juz completed abvd 6.2 which mean 12 times of chemo..i felt my whole body system haved change..nw awaiting for pet scan in a month time..what i scared is will i get a report that shows no evidence of lymphoma cells or still have lymphoma cells activities. Feeling very tired and depression at the same…
Possible Lymphoma with redness in both eyes
Hi, My mother currently has a mass on her right breast. The doctors performed a biopsy on the mass and found some B-cells. They are suspicious of lymphoma. She went in and received a CT scan of her chest to pelvic area and did not see anything abnormal other than the mass. She's going to receive a 2nd biopsy on her right…
It has been years since last treatment
And every test I go to has come back clean. I had type II Hodgkin's Lymphoma and after 6 months of chemo, 1 month of radiation and 1 surgery, everything was gone except scar tissue. Except every day I think about having cancer again. I feel like every day I wake up I am going to feel another lump, or start to feel tired.…
What is up with eyelashes?
The first thing that grew back after my last chemo treatment (May 13) were my eyelashes and eyebrows. They were just getting long enough for mascara and now it appears the long ones are falling out again. Anyone have a similar thing happen? - Susan
My son with Hodgkins..
Does anyone know the regiman regarding ABVD treatments? My son has just gone through 6 mos of treatments and has had a month from that before going into a PT Scan next week Monday... He is saying that he thinks he still has his cancer...he says he thinks he still feels it in his back. The doctor is saying that he won't…
CT Scan Today
This afternoon is CT Scan, port flush, blood work and visit with the oncologist. I'm so "excited". Actually, I experienced some anxiety and spent most of the night watching TV and surfing the net until I could finally sleep (yawn). I guess I wasn't so good at being positive but I'm okay now ☺. Hugs are welcome :) . Jim
no chemo
no chemo this week, my platelete are still low my dotor put on 2 prdonizones a day for it which i don't know how that would bring up my platelets,but i felt to bad to even to talk to him about anything. i hope everyone else is good and sue lizzy is so cute i can;t believe shes a y. ear old blessings denise
5 Day Hi-Dose Pred. OK?
I am starting chemo tomorrow R-Chop. One of the pills the dr wants me to take is Prednisone 20mg. BUT she has me prescribed FIVE TABLETS (total 100mg) for five days and then I am off it completely. Then when I have chemo again in 3 wks I will be prescribed do that again. Does that seem abnormally high to you or have some…
Carol - Helpful info on Side Effects
Hi Carol, I thought it would be helpful to start a new thread for you. I read in your last post about you receiving your Neulasta injection, I believe today. This has the potential to cause some real bone pain, as it helps to grow new cells at a fast rate. Many Oncs just give you narcotics, which is fine but there is…
Hi Everyone, Well went to my oncologist today and got my test results. No amyloidosis! Thank God for that! But lots of information today. I'm a bit overwhelmed. However, my hemolglobin is a bit low and several nodes are up. The biggie is the bone marrow though. I went from 10% to 50% infiltration. So needless to say…
Got my Pet Scan report back today....N.E.D.John