Bendemustine, Neulasta and Me

Well this was my first week of treatment. This is hard. Had Bendemustine Wednesday and Thursday with my shot of Neulasta yesterday. Have typical symptoms I think. Swollen still from Iv,I'm quite sure my eyes are in my face somewhere!, have some wierd redness on neck (nurse checked it yesterday, blamed it on steroids) and of course the dreaded bone pain. (My husband hugged me - ouie) Have anti nausea medicine thank God. The GERD pain is really bad at night and wakes me up which is a pain because I am SO TIRED.

Every ache and pain I feel I try to think about the cancer getting killed! (Okay, strange but it works for me...:)

So please if you will, keep the good thoughts, hugs and prayers coming. Makes all the difference in the world.
All the best to all of you. You are all my heroes and give me such strength.

Thank you.



  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hey Donna
    Hey Donna!

    Congrats on finishing the first round.
    Did they give you anything for pain?

    I know it's hard but hopefully it will get easier as you progress.

    Super hugs coming your way,

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    Hi Donna,
    I hope you can get something for the just might help you get a little sleep also. My doctor mentioned this treatment you are on for me, in the event I should have a recurrance. UGH! I am such a wuss when it comes to pain. How many rounds do you have to do? You definetely have all of my prayers, hugs and good thoughts coming your way..(I thought good thoughts all week for you)! Hang in there sweetie...the end prize will make all of this worth it. Much love...Sue (FNHL-2-3a-6/10)
  • vinny59
    vinny59 Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hey Donna so sorry about the aches and pain, but I love the way you think, killing that cancer is all that matters...... always in my prayers! Vinny
  • onlytoday
    onlytoday Member Posts: 609 Member
    vinny59 said:

    Hey Donna so sorry about the aches and pain, but I love the way you think, killing that cancer is all that matters...... always in my prayers! Vinny

    In the Hospital
    Man- just when I thought it would get easier... I ended up in the hospital! Yesterday morning I woke up early and felt worse than ever. Temp was 102.3. Called Doc and they said go to the nearest ER which I did. They decided with my onc to transport me later in the day to Philly- which is where I'm writing this. I was a mess high fever, sick, hurting. Much better today- high temp gone and feeling better. Once they rule out infection they will deem that I react strongly to Neulasta and it causes me to spike a fever. Hoping to get home soon.

    Today is my 60th Birthday. The big gift of the day is that my largest lymph node has decreased in size my more than half! Go Bendemustine!! (And then there were the flowers from my husband...) :)

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    onlytoday said:

    In the Hospital
    Man- just when I thought it would get easier... I ended up in the hospital! Yesterday morning I woke up early and felt worse than ever. Temp was 102.3. Called Doc and they said go to the nearest ER which I did. They decided with my onc to transport me later in the day to Philly- which is where I'm writing this. I was a mess high fever, sick, hurting. Much better today- high temp gone and feeling better. Once they rule out infection they will deem that I react strongly to Neulasta and it causes me to spike a fever. Hoping to get home soon.

    Today is my 60th Birthday. The big gift of the day is that my largest lymph node has decreased in size my more than half! Go Bendemustine!! (And then there were the flowers from my husband...) :)


    "Happy Birthday"!!!!
    Hi Donna,
    Wow...what a way spend your birthday! The great news however is how much the biggest tumor shrunk..half as big..."YEAH"!!! I'm so sorry your reaction to the Neulasta causes the high fever. Hopefully your system will adjust to the shot and maybe the fevers won't happen, or possibly get milder in time..(we can hope)! Take care dear Donna, and my prayers are with you. "Happy Birthday"! Much love...Sue (FNHL-2-3a-6/10)
  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    onlytoday said:

    In the Hospital
    Man- just when I thought it would get easier... I ended up in the hospital! Yesterday morning I woke up early and felt worse than ever. Temp was 102.3. Called Doc and they said go to the nearest ER which I did. They decided with my onc to transport me later in the day to Philly- which is where I'm writing this. I was a mess high fever, sick, hurting. Much better today- high temp gone and feeling better. Once they rule out infection they will deem that I react strongly to Neulasta and it causes me to spike a fever. Hoping to get home soon.

    Today is my 60th Birthday. The big gift of the day is that my largest lymph node has decreased in size my more than half! Go Bendemustine!! (And then there were the flowers from my husband...) :)


    Happy Birthday Donna!
    Happy Birthday Donna!
    Sorry to hear that your in the hospital and on your birthday! Man I'm telling you if its not one thing its another. Hopefully you'll get better soon so you could go home and rest.
    The good news is that at least your node shrunk and hopefully you'll get more news like this one! Take care and sending you a (((HUGE HUG)))!

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    onlytoday said:

    In the Hospital
    Man- just when I thought it would get easier... I ended up in the hospital! Yesterday morning I woke up early and felt worse than ever. Temp was 102.3. Called Doc and they said go to the nearest ER which I did. They decided with my onc to transport me later in the day to Philly- which is where I'm writing this. I was a mess high fever, sick, hurting. Much better today- high temp gone and feeling better. Once they rule out infection they will deem that I react strongly to Neulasta and it causes me to spike a fever. Hoping to get home soon.

    Today is my 60th Birthday. The big gift of the day is that my largest lymph node has decreased in size my more than half! Go Bendemustine!! (And then there were the flowers from my husband...) :)


    Happy Birthday!
    Happy Birthday Donna !

    Sorry you had to spend it in the hospital but the tumor
    shrinkage (already) is wonderful news!

    Happy Birthday

  • vinny59
    vinny59 Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    onlytoday said:

    In the Hospital
    Man- just when I thought it would get easier... I ended up in the hospital! Yesterday morning I woke up early and felt worse than ever. Temp was 102.3. Called Doc and they said go to the nearest ER which I did. They decided with my onc to transport me later in the day to Philly- which is where I'm writing this. I was a mess high fever, sick, hurting. Much better today- high temp gone and feeling better. Once they rule out infection they will deem that I react strongly to Neulasta and it causes me to spike a fever. Hoping to get home soon.

    Today is my 60th Birthday. The big gift of the day is that my largest lymph node has decreased in size my more than half! Go Bendemustine!! (And then there were the flowers from my husband...) :)


    Happy Birthday!
    Happy Birthday Donna!, wish you were home.... Bendemustine keep doing your thing!
  • miss maggie
    miss maggie Member Posts: 929
    onlytoday said:

    In the Hospital
    Man- just when I thought it would get easier... I ended up in the hospital! Yesterday morning I woke up early and felt worse than ever. Temp was 102.3. Called Doc and they said go to the nearest ER which I did. They decided with my onc to transport me later in the day to Philly- which is where I'm writing this. I was a mess high fever, sick, hurting. Much better today- high temp gone and feeling better. Once they rule out infection they will deem that I react strongly to Neulasta and it causes me to spike a fever. Hoping to get home soon.

    Today is my 60th Birthday. The big gift of the day is that my largest lymph node has decreased in size my more than half! Go Bendemustine!! (And then there were the flowers from my husband...) :)


    Hi Sweetie
    Donna, you poor thing. When I first started reading your post, I thought the fever was
    caused by the Bendemustine. Not the case. This is just more than wonderful this chemo reduced your largest lymph by more than half. You certainly deserve some good news for a

    Healthy, happy, and blessed birthday. To the next 100 years. LOL love Maggie
  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,817 Member
    onlytoday said:

    In the Hospital
    Man- just when I thought it would get easier... I ended up in the hospital! Yesterday morning I woke up early and felt worse than ever. Temp was 102.3. Called Doc and they said go to the nearest ER which I did. They decided with my onc to transport me later in the day to Philly- which is where I'm writing this. I was a mess high fever, sick, hurting. Much better today- high temp gone and feeling better. Once they rule out infection they will deem that I react strongly to Neulasta and it causes me to spike a fever. Hoping to get home soon.

    Today is my 60th Birthday. The big gift of the day is that my largest lymph node has decreased in size my more than half! Go Bendemustine!! (And then there were the flowers from my husband...) :)



    Two days after my first infusion with r-abvd, I got a high fever and was admitted to the hospital with neutropenia. It took three days for them to determne that I had no infection, and I got "Red Man" reaction (severe allergic reaction)from the antibiotics they were pouring into me. Thereafter, they always gave me my neurlasta sooner, and I never had a recurrence of neutropenia (fever from low WBC).

    I hope you are quite well now and back home.

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107


    Two days after my first infusion with r-abvd, I got a high fever and was admitted to the hospital with neutropenia. It took three days for them to determne that I had no infection, and I got "Red Man" reaction (severe allergic reaction)from the antibiotics they were pouring into me. Thereafter, they always gave me my neurlasta sooner, and I never had a recurrence of neutropenia (fever from low WBC).

    I hope you are quite well now and back home.


    Neutropenia and Neulasta (Info)
    Hi Max/everyone :).

    From my understanding, "Nuetropenia" is an abnormal lack of "neutrophils" a type
    of white blood cell that fights infection. Many/most chemotherapy processes cause neutropenia. The "neulasta" shot most of us received post chemo is to help rebuild
    those neutrophils. It acts on the bone marrow to accelerate growth and development
    of new white blood cells (neutrophils).

    I was instructed that while netropenic, to contact or go to the hospital if I had
    a fever of greater than 100.4 degrees (I think that is right) because I could
    have an infection and they would want to treat that right away before it got
    out of hand and caused much more serious issues. Also, while netropenic I was
    advised to avoid crowds, sick people and uncooked foods to avoid getting infections.

    I had a high fever once while netropenic and had to go back into the hospital -
    about 2 days after chemo. It didn't make me happy and I complained but the nurse there pretty much summed it up for me: "Better to be in the hospital a few days to be
    treated for a possible infection than for weeks treating one that got out of
    hand and possibly interrupting chemo..." I stopped complaining after that :).

    Turns out they didn't find anything in their myriad of tests but better safe than
    sorry I suppose.

    Mayo Clinic Neutropenia Definition, etc.

    How Neulasta Works - Info /Video

    Hugs and positive thoughts,

    DX: DLBL 4/2011, Chemo completed 10/2011, currently in remission. :)