My scar aches
I was wondering if anyone could give some insight.... In February I completed 6 r-chop chemos. Pretty much paid it no attention even though I hat very second of it I wasn't going to give in. Thought it was a pretty good attitude at the time. Docs have said that everything is looking good but I live in fear of this bloody…
PET scan
My Oncologist did a PET Scan. Lots of bright red lymph nodes. Today I freaked out on him because he told me he would have to take the node from my abdoman, which would put me off my feet for wo weeks. He then told me the bright red nodes might just be an infection. Is he just feeding me crap to calm me down or is there…
onc visit today
Well I go at 9:15 this morning to meet with my regular onc. I am hoping to come away with a better understanding of my options and a direction that makes sense. The transplant doc I saw last week wants to type me for a donor, as he said it could take quite a while to find a match. I really don't want that if I have other…
new to this board and freightened
Hello all I am Lynda and i am a 2 year survivor of ovarian cancer. I have continued to have blood isses since chemo. i was told yesterday that a test came back positive for a t cell gene rearangement, which i am told may be lymphoma. i get a ct scan next week. can somone tell me a little about lymphoma? i am freightened nd…
Pets and. chemo
I'm curious how many of y'all had pets in your home during chemo and your experiences and methods of staying safe from infection during treatment. We have 2 dogs and 3 cats and a bit of a game plan to keep safe but any and all advice and insight would be much appreciated. Thanks. Aaron
Rituxan Maintenance
I just wanted people to know that I had my first Rituxan Maintenance treatment and all went well! I feel great! Don't fear it! Live on, all of us survivors!!
Coming off prednisone??
Today is the 1st off prednisone and my body hurts all over is this normal?? I really didn't get jittery on it or felt like I had tons off energy but I am extremely tired. Just wondering if this is something that will pass soon.... I was feeling really good and am starting to get discouraged :(
new here just diagnosed nhl +
7 parotid gland tumors now 10 still fighting hmo Medicaid for help diagnosed so far with non hodgkins lymphoma on third biopsy .waiting for pet scan possible lung involvement but pulmonary function test so bad drs said I would die on table .not sure if its sarcoidosas or cancer so pet scan is only hope.I suffer from…
power back on
I've been MIA because a nasty storm knocked out our power for 5 days! We had bought a generator after last years hurricane, so at least we had some power..... a lot of trees came down but minimal property damage. Clean up is going to start soon. Like my wife said we survived cancer twice so we can get thru this! Vinny
Heard from Carol (cbpgill26)
I got this from Carol this morning and am sharing as she asked. Carol, thanks for the update and sorry you continue to have a rough time. Hang in there and hopefully this will be over soon. I hope all of this is successful and you won't have to go through radiation or further treatments. We've been thinking about you too.…
Happy July 4th !
Happy July 4th everyone ! With all my heart, I hope and pray our celebration of "Independence" will herald continued and permanent freedom from cancer for all of us! I'm still visiting my friend in Muskegon, Michigan and have enjoyed myself while here. This area for the most part has missed the heat wave - the weather has…
Well the fl is back. Going to do watch and wait for 3months and rescan. Dammit. It's still low grade.
hi everyone
i hope everyone is feeling ok. i have a question for anyone that has state insurance do you ever feel like you sre treated diffrent, as an example about 4 weeeks ago i was at the cancer center for over 3 hours which was there fault and then someone else came in and had been there fo about 30 minu and her clothes said…
The Gerson Therapy Diet
The Gerson Therapy Hello everyone, I randomly came across this website and read about people who've lost their mother. I lost my mother to cancer and if I could bring her back and start all over I would have tried this. I've been reading online about The Gerson Therapy and there are plenty of people on youtube with…
A month after my radiation, i have this rash in my neck area, it started itching then it got thicker, reddish...then it started flaking. Is this normal or something i should be paranoid about? THANK YOU! :)
Well have another spot under my my arm. Go for biopsy monday. Dammit
Makes me wonder....
Hi guys, At my last R infusion 3 weeks ago I asked my doctor a few questions regarding the long term survival rate with Follicular NHL. I could tell he felt a little uncomfortable by my question, so I showed him some information I had printed out and just asked him to give me his honest opinion on what the info reported.…
SGN35 is beating me up
Have done all chemos you can think of, never delt with side effects until now. Fatigue, partial loss of appetite. I'm thinking because it's my sisters sc I am reacting different.
Good morning! New here :) I was diagnosed with NHL last year, November and by God's grace, my tumors shrank after 6 chemo and 18 RT BUT WITHOUT RITUXIMAB, was allergic. Anyone with the same case? I want to know if there is a higher chance of recurrence?
Monday evening hello
Hi All, I just wanted to say hello and that I am thinking of you all. I've been following all the posts and there seems to be so much going on. Sometimes I just don't know what to say, it's a hard journey for so many right now. Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts to all. Peaceful healing, Lisha
How's it going Denise(scuttlebug11)??
Hi Denise, Haven't heard a peep from you this week, so thought I better check up on you. Hope all is going ok.(???) Drop us a note and put our minds at ease sweetie. Keeping you in my prayers and sending you warm loving positive thoughts! Love you...Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)
Auto Stem Cell Transplant (Questions)
Hi Everyone, I recently finished my 8th round of chemo (for diffuse large b cell lymphoma) and then I had a pet scan. When I went to see my doctor to get the results he told me that I have residual mass left on my lung with an SUV of 3. We had previously discussed the posibility of an auto stem cell transplant and I met…
C returned after our stem cell transplant, at day 102
We heard to day that the cancer has returned. We have dealt with this for 2 years now. The stem cell transplant was March 6, 2012. PET scan was yesterday and its back. A total shock Thought we had a shot with the transplant. Really hard to deal with, but will learn our options next week. Anyone have any ideas or similar…
Something to think about :)
I thought I'd share this native American story - simple and true: A native American grandfather was talking to his grandson about how he felt. He said 'I feel as if I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is the vengeful, angry, violent one. The other wolf is the loving, compassionate one.' The grandson asked him,…
Here's to us becoming stronger!
I came across this video this morning. Here's to us becoming "stronger" ! :) Keep up the good fight! Hugs to you all, Jim
2nd post chemo pet scan tomorrow
Go in tomorrow for my second post chemo pet scan. My last post chemo pet scan was 3 weeks after my last chemo back in March. The last pet scan came back positive after my Oncologist told me i was cancer free. My last 3 ct scans have all came back with no swollen Lymph Nodes. My Oncologist told me that the positive pet was…
1st Chemo Treatment Tomorrow
Leaving tonight for my 1st chemo treatment and i just want it to be over already :( We live 3 1/2 hrs from where my onocologist is so it looks like a night in a hotel and tossing and turning for me. Thankfully after the first one i will get them done at our local hospital that way i can go directly home afterwards.
Do I have Hypothyroidism?
Hi all, I just discovered this site. I was diagnosed with Nodular Sclerosing Hodgkin's Lymphoma Stage IIA at the age of 23 in 2002. I underwent 8 sessions of chemo in 2 week intervals (ABVD regimen) and was zapped 24 times on a linear accelerator. After 9 years of nothing (hoorayyy) I am starting to experience cycles of…
Mouth Sores
I have mouth sores like a mother. Any suggestions on how to take care of them or get rid of them would help. I am currently taking my Mycelex lozenges and those sometimes work but not lately this is my fourth round of SGn35.
Hi All, I came across a post from one of our group members. Many of you will remember Tracie1981, she was a young mom with Hodgkins. Her 6 year old daughter is now fighting cancer. She was diagnosed on May 30 with a Brain tumor, Pilomyxoid Astrocytoma. She had had one surgery and is starting chemo. She will have another…