Maggie is scared

My doctor ordered an endoscopy for me because of low iron counts. I finally went May 16.

Rather then explaining each finding, 5 biopsies were taken. I will get the results
hopefully this Thursday May 24. I think to myself, what now?????

Please keep me in your prayers. Love Maggie

PS if anyone wants complete details I will post them. Right now, I would rather not.


  • tall floridian
    tall floridian Member Posts: 95
    Hi Maggie
    Maggie: My prayers are for your full recovery - remember always that God's in control of your life today and always so fear not - trust Him and take each day as it comes thanking Him for everything. Hugs, Steve
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    We all know the feeling of being scared when waiting for results. The longer we have to wait the worse it gets. I guess you should have insisted on why you were getting all those biopsies and what they were looking for. When you leave and go home your mind is going in warp speed as to what is going on. We will be praying for you. Just let us know what is going on. John
  • Avantgardener
    Avantgardener Member Posts: 32 Member
    COBRA666 said:

    We all know the feeling of being scared when waiting for results. The longer we have to wait the worse it gets. I guess you should have insisted on why you were getting all those biopsies and what they were looking for. When you leave and go home your mind is going in warp speed as to what is going on. We will be praying for you. Just let us know what is going on. John

    Yes, it is very scary, especially when you don't feel in control of your own body. While I was in the hospital the nurse told me out of the blue that they were coming to take me for a CT scan, which I had just had a couple of days before. I asked why, because nobody had told me anythin about this. She checked the computer and told me that the doctor's order mentioned colon cancer. I about had a heart attack on the spot. It turned out to be a mistake - the CT scan was supposed to be for someone else. It took about 10 minutes for the nurse to sort it out with the doctor, and I can tell you that my blood was running cold that entire time. Terrifying!

    For me, the best weapon is knowledge, and I ask so many questions that I'm sure the doctors are all sick of me. Too bad - it's my life we are talking about. They must hate the Internet. I read everything, and then come in with pages of questions. Otherwise, I just feel like things are being done to me, and nobody likes that.

    Take a deep breath, and keep hoping for and expecting the best.

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hi Maggie,

    First, BIG HUGS - I know how scary this must be.
    I hope you get the results soon and they are good.
    Low iron can be caused by many things (chemo being one of them).

    You're in my thoughts and please keep us updated and/or just come
    here to vent/share.

    Your experience and mine are similar. My Diffuse Large B Cell Lymhoma was found
    in the small intestine and I had also had resecton surgery where they
    removed about 7 inches of my small intestine. I had R-EPOCH chemo which
    was interrupted after the first cycle for the surgery. I had 5 more rounds after
    I recovered from the surgery. Thank God, so far so good.

    Hugs and positive thoughts coming your way,

  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    Hi Miss Maggie
    Hi Miss Maggie,
    Really sorry to hear that your having to worry from all the tests you had done.
    I'm keeping you in my prayers that everything is ok with you and that the doc just wanted to double check. Please take care of yourself and let us know what the docs says. (((HUGS)))

  • bluerose
    bluerose Member Posts: 1,104
    Hey Maggie
    I am not online alot these days but saw your post and just had to comment. I know how you feel I myself am waiting on results of important tests. Waiting waiting waiting eh? It seems to never end.

    Know that you are in my prayers and those of many on this site and I totally believe in group prayer.

    Hugs Maggie.


  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    Sweet Maggie...
    Hi Maggie,
    Dang...I totally disliked reading how scared you are! In my opinion, waiting for test results is "almost" as bad as being told we have cancer. For me, it's like waiting for the other shoe to drop. No matter how hard we try to be patient, or think positive, the waiting creates a tremendous amount of stress...which by the way, our immune systems DO NOT need. I just wish we could get results on the same day and save us all a ton of grief. Well my dear, you know I will be praying "BIG TIME" that your test results are normal and trouble free. Hang in there sweet Maggie and let us know the minute you find out anything. Much love...Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)
  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    Yes, it is very scary, especially when you don't feel in control of your own body. While I was in the hospital the nurse told me out of the blue that they were coming to take me for a CT scan, which I had just had a couple of days before. I asked why, because nobody had told me anythin about this. She checked the computer and told me that the doctor's order mentioned colon cancer. I about had a heart attack on the spot. It turned out to be a mistake - the CT scan was supposed to be for someone else. It took about 10 minutes for the nurse to sort it out with the doctor, and I can tell you that my blood was running cold that entire time. Terrifying!

    For me, the best weapon is knowledge, and I ask so many questions that I'm sure the doctors are all sick of me. Too bad - it's my life we are talking about. They must hate the Internet. I read everything, and then come in with pages of questions. Otherwise, I just feel like things are being done to me, and nobody likes that.

    Take a deep breath, and keep hoping for and expecting the best.


    "Wrong CT Order" Episode

    Geeze ! I guess that is why techs always ask our birthdays and such before actually running tests or wheeling us into surgery. Years ago, following a severe accident, I heard nurses arguing in the hall regarding whether I had had my meds. When I asked my nurse about it, she denied the whole thing.

    A friend once went for surgical removal of one wisdom tooth. When he came to, BOTH sides of his jaw were packed -- the doc dug first on the WRONG side. When he went for a follow up a week later, the same surgeon began checking the wrong side AGAIN.

    I believe such episodes are getting less common, due to digital records, and such.

  • miss maggie
    miss maggie Member Posts: 929
    COBRA666 said:

    We all know the feeling of being scared when waiting for results. The longer we have to wait the worse it gets. I guess you should have insisted on why you were getting all those biopsies and what they were looking for. When you leave and go home your mind is going in warp speed as to what is going on. We will be praying for you. Just let us know what is going on. John

    I suppose
    Thank you all for your responses and prayers. I suppose because of my original DX when my
    small bowel perforated in Sept 2009. I know I had to go for colonoscopies every year. Now it is every 5 years. I would think an endoscopy is part of the deal. I did ask the doctor questions. I don't think the doctor was looking for anything, but some abnormalites were
    found. See below, especially the first sentence, LA Grade B. Tomorrow is suppose to be the big day when I find out the results. Whew. I know everyone on this site goes through the very same thing. Waiting and waiting. Bluerose, my prayers are with you for negative results. Thank you Liz for sending me a private message. And to all, sweet Sue, Janine, Jim, Steve, John, Max. And anyone that responds after. Here goes the report. Maggie

    Dear Liz, You are so sweet worrying about me. Actually I still feel good. For the last few
    weeks I have been having Gerd. I think that's the right DX. You know, when something comes
    up in your throat and feels strange. Anyway, since I have been feeling OK, I am now more
    than worried that biopsies had to be taken. Originally I was suppose to have a colonscopy and endoscopy. I put off the endoscopy and then decided to have it done because of the Gerd.

    I suppose I will now post the findings. Let me take a deep breath.

    LA Grade B or more mucosal breaks greater that 5mm, not extending between the tops of two
    mucosal folds, esophagitis was found, along with sverelamsmall esophageal ulcers. Biopsy was taken for histology.

    Diffuse nodular mucosa was found in the gastric fundus. Biopsy was taken for histology.

    Diffuse moderately erythematous mucosa was found in the gastric antgrum with ?? specks of blood. Biospy was taken for histology.

    Diffuse noduylar mucosa was found in the duodenal bulb. Biopsy was taken for histology.

    The second part of the duodenum was normal. Biopsy was taken for histology.

    Is the above scary or what. I am and always was never a good patient. I am almost convinced they will find something. How negative is that??

    I will post this on our site also. Only because it's the right thing to do. Originally
    I figured posting the findings make it all too real.

    Luv and hugs to you Liz. Blessings and prayers. Love Maggie
  • onlytoday
    onlytoday Member Posts: 609 Member
    We're with you

    Waiting is so hard. This whole journey seems to be a test in waiting! Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers today and everyday. But today especially as you await the test results. Praying that everything comes back clean.

    Hugs to you,
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    onlytoday said:

    We're with you

    Waiting is so hard. This whole journey seems to be a test in waiting! Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers today and everyday. But today especially as you await the test results. Praying that everything comes back clean.

    Hugs to you,

    Checking Results
    I will be checking the computer all day looking for your results. Fingers are crossed. John