planned maintenance on CSN this morning
Planned maintenance will be done on CSN this morning between 5:00 and 8:00 Eastern Time. There may be one or more outages during this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Greta
Hello friends, remember me? I hope so.. I am back and need some help/words of encouragement
Hello friends! It has been about a year since I have posted on here, because I finally got the news I was hoping for after 7 long months of different doctors and biopsies. I thankfully was diagnosed with “over active lymph nodes” and not the scary C word. Since last year a lot has changed! I no longer am a single girl! I…
Karl (Shoopy...How are you?
Hi Karl, We are all wondering how you are doing? Check in when you can, or feel up to it. Keeping you in my prayers. Love...Sue (FNHL-stg3-grd2-typA-Dx 6/10-age 63)
Diffuse large B-cell follicular lymphoma
I was diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in July 2012. The sub-class is a rare but aggressive "double-hit" translocation, as a result of two concurrent mutations: BCL2 & c-MYC. Consequently, the tumor was doubling in area every two weeks. I started treatment in August 2012. My regimen consists of…
Max Alocohol and NLPHL
Hi max, Bill. and all other friends I want to know can we have some beer. What reaction it will have on us. May I have your opinion. Suresh
not so bad
I 'm so sorry I did not post sooner. After the appt we had to go to Sacramento to pick up a new modem, so I wrote on my phone on the way down. I finished and was proofreading and poof my message was gone! AArgh! Bill just now got the computer running again. Well, the news is ok. The pet showed the nodes lit up., the…
What do yoga mats,shoe rubber and Subway have in common????
The answer is...... They have the some of the same ingredients in the bread ,the yoga mats and the shoe rubber. I just can't figure out why we get cancer and why cancer is on the rise. Maybe they should call for a $100,000,000 Federal investigative committee to find out. Whoops !!! Is this to political since the FDA has…
Training for school
Friends....just wanted to share that I had an epic 6 hours in the ER the other day, observations only...dang it!! I got introduced to the Dr and then to a bleeding artery in a woman's head immediately thereafter. I am not trying to gross you out, I promise. We saw 28 patients within a six hour period and I swear to you…
PET scan results
Well the results from the PET scan just confirm that it is an active cancer, same area just a bit lower than the last time, i talked with my Oncologist and we agreed that i will wait for 3 months and take another scan as i am not mentally ready to go thru hell again. It has been a little over a year since my last chemo…
The New Treatment
I figured I'd let you guys know that I was released from Area 51 (Roswell Park) last Monday. I'm still experiencing mild shortness of breath and fatigue but I guess that's expected after tha rough 3 weeks I've had. I figured I'd mention that the new chemo I'm on is R-GemOx (Rituxin, Gemcitabine, and Oxalplatin). I received…
My Latest
Hi folks. Last we talked I was talking Revlimid (an IMID--not chemo) to knock down the DLBCL before auto SCT. I had my CT scan last Friday and PET scan today. Met with the doctor and, unfortunately, the drug isn't doing what we hoped. The cancer has progressed--the Revlimid might have slowed it down but that wasn't the…
I need your help please - Words of Inspiration Needed
Hello!! I hope everyone is doing well and recovering quickly with no complications. I come from the breast cancer forum, dx at the age of 32. I want to reach out to all of you because I'm working on a project for my aunt, who was diagnosed with AML (leukemia) at the age of 46. She means a lot to me because she has been…
Aaron -- Have you learned anything yet ? I recall you expected to know something by late January . Hoping all is well for you in the Great Northwest, my "Former NLPHL" friend . Max
Our Latest
We got the results from our last pet scan, but it wasnt as good as we would have liked. :( My husband has just finished his fourth cycle of ABVD, but the main mass in his chest is still 8 x 2.8 cm. I cant find what it was on the first pet scan expect for "massive, bulky anterior mediastinal lymphadenopathy, with the…
Lymphoma Newbie
Hi. I'm newly diagnosed with Stage III Hodgkins Lymphoma, maybe Stage IV. The bone marrow biopsy was inconclusive and I ain't lettin' 'em do another! Ouch! I just started ABVD chemotherapy yesterday and so far I haven't had any untoward side effects. (I know, give it time...) This is my second battle with cancer. Last year…
We went to Bill's oncologist routine visit to check his ct report and to hear that he was still in remission (2 yrs) and get ready for his last rituxan infusion tomorrow. Well.......it didn't turn out exactly that way. They found a 3x8 cm cluster of lymph nodes in his abdomen that were not there before. He is scheduled for…
PRESCRIPTIONS are becoming a real hassle for me. I have plenty of refills, but when I go to get them refilled I hear, The insurance company has not cleared and have to give it a few days. The perfect answer when you don't have a few days because you are out of medications. The only other option is to pay out of pocket.…
Squamous cell carcinoma in pharynx - stage 4
Hi all, I recently had surgery to remove a swollen lymph gland and a lateral tonsil. They biopsied it and found squamous cell carcinoa. Unfortunately after xraying my teeth it was determined that they want to remove 3 lower molars and the mates above saying that any dental work after 6 weeks of radiation treatment would be…
Stopping in with a quick question
Hi. My name is Shawn. I am a "regular" on the Head and Neck board. My dear brother just recently finished up tx for tonsil cancer. Now my brother-in-law is battling Diffuse Large Cell Lymphoma. He is having trouble with a low WBC, which I realize is normal with chemo patients, but we were told that they are giving him a…
Stoping in to say Hi
Hey everybody..... Just stopping in to say Hi and check up on everyone I hope this finds everyone happy and healthy XXXOOO Carie
A poem i wrote
I wrote this poem this past summer it is about my feelings dealing the the demon i call cancer. And so I smiled As sweet as can be In the face of the monster Called my reality I have seen all my demons Have gone toe to toe And from this battle, I will win, that I do know Refuse to give in, will continue my fight I have so…
3rd times a charm?
Hi, its been awhile since i was here last, a lot has happened since i posted here last year. I had the Zevalin chemo last January 2013, which was not affective, i have relapsed again, twice now, and i am not sure what the future holds. I had the CT scan that showed a new mass, and i will have the PET scan Wednesday the…
Last Scheduled Infusion
I get R tomorrow for the 23rd time tomorrow. That ends my 2 year maintenance regime. My onc's plan is to go get a PET scan and then decide whether to simply watch and wait, do something like R-CHOP or to continue with Rituxan. Last scan the only thing was a 10% enlargement of my liver. But I am having skin lesions and a…
Snow Storm
To all the posters that live in the South as I do. Snow storm is upon us right now and hope it doesn't kill our power. Try to stay safe. Never seen anything like this !!! Snow,ice,freezing rain...John
I don't know what to do...Nodule 9,6 mm Mediastinum.
Hi! I'm new to the forum. I don't know where to post this topic. I came here to look for information and opinions. I have had several symptoms and signs, that the last years have advanced, but the doctors I had seen have been of very little or any help. I wanted to ask If somebody could tell me or has had the same: I had a…
Scan done, now we wait
Hey friends, Well, the scan is done and now I do the thing I think we can all agree is the worst...i wait. I have an appointemnt Monday morning to hear the results. I hate this part. I envy those that get to have their scan and then find out the results the same day. I really dont know why my onc isnt able to do that, but…
Nodule 9,66 mm mediastinum
Hi! I'm new to the forum. I don't know exactly where to post this topic. I came here to look for information and opinions. I have had several symptoms and signs, that the last years have advanced, but the doctors I had seen have been of very little or any help. I wanted to ask If somebody could tell me or has had the same:…
Young girl has documented her Hogdkin Lymphoma experiences on Youtube
http://www.youtube.com/user/meggersk/videos Sorry if this has been posted before.
Chemo Brain - I saw the Neurologist Today
About a month ago, I posted about my ongoing frustration with Chemo Brain--Chemonesia. Today, I saw the Neurologist. He gave me a test in which 30 was the "passing" grade. I made 27. He diagnosed me with 331.83 MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment). He ordered tests of B12 and Thyroid function to rule out those possibilities. It…
Marginal Zone Lymphoma
Hello, my mother at 90 is finally at the stage of her marginal sone lymphoma that symptoms needed addressing. She has finished her four weeks ( once a week) of rituxin and her platelets are still low. How long does it take for the rituxin and steroids to impact the bodys making and keeping healthy platelets ? Thanks