Scan Results
The results were good and I'm still in remission (NED). My oncologist said that if all is well after my next scan (6 monhts), we'll go to annual follow ups with no scans unless symptoms present. If next scan is good, I plan to say goodbye to my old friend the dual port. I have some other issues like high blood pressure I…
Bad Medicine?
One of our 4-year-old granddaughter's friends has leukemia and they are attending a fund-raiser for him today. Granddaughter was telling me about it yesterday. She told me her mother said the friend had to take some bad medicine and that it made his hair fall out. She went on to say, "Like you, Mimi. You had to take some…
Some fun info
Since there hasn't been much going on, I thought I would share something fun. Some of you may have watched the Kentucky Derby or heard about the winner "California Chrome" It's a real Cinderella story, and the neat thing is that two couples own CC and one of the couples live in our town of Yuba City. They are the quieter…
Moving right along...
Hi guys, Well...things are moving right along. Had labs today....this coming Tuesday will have my CT Scan of the head, and Thursday I'll meet again with the radiology oncologist. He said if my eye cancer is superficial/on the surface, he can do a targeted radiation consisting of 2 rounds.If the cancer is deeper in the…
Second chemo today
this one went about twice as fast!! Thanks for your prayers. As you can see by my new profile picture, I went for the buzz cut.
Missing in action
Once again I have been missing in action....ahhhh nobody told me how busy life was really going to be...School and work are draining me lately, but the semester is over and this is my last summer school free. I just had to stop in and check in on everyone....did some cyberstalking on you guys For those of you who have been…
The Picnic and Camp Bluebird
Last weekend, the physicains and staff of my oncology clinic held a picnic for staff, patients, and their families. It was amazing! My husband and I took our little 4-year-old granddaughter. There was delicious food, music, and all kinds of family games. They had those giant puffy, inflatable, jumpy things and our girl…
4 biopsies done on swollen lymph node
I had thyroid cancer in 2008, 5 mm that was removed. All my thyroid gland was removed, did not have radiation because dr said it was really small. Every since all my blood work and my t4, t3 and all other tests have always been very good, perfect results. 2 years after the thyroid cancer, during one of neck ultrasound they…
Happy Mother's Day!
I'm so thankful for each moment w my mom even though I wish the quality of time was better. Today marks one month since she has been away from home. After her second week in the hospital she went to a skilled nursing facility for rehab. Two days prior to her scheduled return home she was rushed to the ER because her…
Radiologist appointment...
Hi guys, Finally got a date to see the radiology Oncologist...Thursday at 2:00. I assume...(not smart to do )... he will schedule my MRI for the following week. Once that is done and we get those results, I should know more which way we will go with treatment....radiation or chemo. My right eye tears up constantly, but…
Scan Today - SCANXIETY
Well, as usual I have scanxiety about my 6 month checkup today. I could use some hugs, laughter and maybe hear from some of you folks who haven't posted in awhile. I know some of you are going through relapse, treatment, and stem cell transplants and you are in my thoughts. Some of you are in remission or perhaps "cured"…
New Oncologist
Hi Guys, Sorry for the delay in posting, but with the big move, unpacking and getting in to see a new doctor, my plate "done runeth over" , with little to no energy left at the end of the day for computer time!! But...with that being said, we are now completely settled in the new house and it feels very homey and…
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day !!!
Sue, did you make it to Oregon? ;)
Hope you're doing well and loving your new home!
First day of chemo over!!
First day went ok. I was in a bed which was nice since the session lasted over 9 hours. I had some minor alergic reactions that were dealt with and a little nausea that night. But I'm at work today!! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. They work!! I have a prayer list too. If any of you need prayer, send me a message.…
recurance or new?
Hi, My BFF has just been diagnosed with NHL for the 2nd time. The first time was in 2000. She went through the chemo and surgeries and at this point we "assumed" she had beaten it. A few weeks ago she developed a small lump on her chest and didn't like the looks of it so she had it removed. The biopsy revealed large cell…
Packed up and ready to move!
Hi Guys, Well...after tomorrow afternoon/early evening, my internet, phone and cable will be disconnected, so I'll be unable to participate in the group. However...our service at the new house in Oregon will be installed and up and running by late afternoon Saturday, so it will be a brief shutdown period. "yeah"! I'm so…
Latest Pet Scan
We got our end of chemo pet scan today :( My husband finished his 6 rounds of ABVD on Monday, April 7th. He got his PET scan Thursday and we received the results today. His cancer has gotten worse and the fluid has begun to fill around his lungs again. He has done such an awesome job and he looks wonderful. The doctor said…
Day -7 through Day 0
Howdy! I'm keeping this short but obviously my stem cell transplant has started. Day -7 through Day -2 was filled with high dose chemo. I am told I experienced worse than most because I'm coming right in from another chemo. Lucky me. Most of the issues were just diarrehea and overwhelming fatigue. Day -1 was 'flush day'.…
Double hit lymphoma remission but fluid in lungs????
Ex husband has been in remission for a little over 6 months. Several weeks ago he had a cough. Dr gave prescription and inhaler. No improvement. Today cat scan was done and fluid was discovered on his lungs!!! He left dr with oxygen!!! Flying back to Houston Sunday to see cancer dr. Could this be secondary cancer??? Please…
lymphoma plus heart surgery
Hello folks: Have not been here for awhile since I have been recently trying to survive heart surgery, which took place on January 21. Mitral valve replacement and aortic valve replacement, 6 hour operation. Finished two years of Rituxin infusions before the surgery, and the oncologist said that things look very good, but…
I started a nlphl blog.
Since there seems to be no way to add pictures and csn technical assistance seems nonexistance, I just wanted you wonderful people to know I started a blog at www.olympiajeff148.blogspot.com I think pictures make things much more personal. I will be trying to make a post each week with a picture, and my experience that…
Spam Emails
We have been made aware of another round of spam emails being sent to users. While we try to have security in place to handle such emails, we cannot always catch them all. If you have received an email asking for money, please do not respond to the email or the private email address that was given by the sender. Please…
First Chemo This Thursday (May 1)...Any Advice
I have my first chemo treatment of ABVD-R this Thursday. Any tips for the 8 hours I have to sit there. Should I bring snacks? Should I take constipation or nausea medication this week? Should I fatten up this week with lots of ice cream (while still eating healthy)? Should I take the nice sunny days off? I want to hear…
Rituxan Maintenance #7
You would think I could take this all in stride by now. I am doing well. I feel good. Strangers around me would never know. Those who do know think it is all over, that it doesn't matter any more. My hair is back. I am walking just fine. My appetite is great. My blood counts are normal again. I feel so blessed and happy.…
Good news...finally!
Hi guys, My Oncologist said I do NOT have to start chemo for the chest and cheek tumors. It is non aggressive( at this time) so we are going with "watch and wait" for now. We will check the tumors every 3 months with a CT scan. My Blood work looked great, so we will also do follow up blood panels every three months. The…
Mass in right eye...
Hi friends, Just thought I'd tell you that I will be having biopsy surgery on my right eye,Tuesday morning at 7:15. First of January a small spot in the corner of my right eye..(tear duct) showed up and has slowly grown to quite a large mass over the last 3 months. It is causing blurred vision, headaches and pressure…
CT Scan results....
Hi Guys, My CT Scan results came in the mail today. It showed an enlarged right paratracheal lymph node measuring 2.3 x 1.4 centimeters in size. Appearance is suspicious for recurrent lymphoma. So...basically this means, the cheek, eye and now the right paratracheal node in the chest wall is where the cancer is located. NO…
Has any one else had breathing problems after radiation? I have been in remission for 7 years now and this year my breathing has gotten worst. It affected me only some times before but it much more now. Like when I use cleaning products, doing my job at work, pulling heavy things with hand jack and other daily activities.…
Results from Eye Biopsy
Hi guys, Well...it isn't good. The report reads: Microscopic Diagnosis: Right Medial Conjunctival Mucosa Extensively Infiltrated By Malignant Lymphoma, B-cell type,Diffuse,Low Grade. Abnormal B-cell Population Consistant with B-cell Lymphoma of likely Follicle Center Origin. Stains reveal strong expression of CD79a, CD20,…