Training for school

Friends....just wanted to share that I had an epic 6 hours in the ER the other day, observations only...dang it!!

I got introduced to the Dr and then to a bleeding artery in a woman's head immediately thereafter. I am not trying to gross you out, I promise.

We saw 28 patients within a six hour period and I swear to you that 80% of the patients have or have had cancer at one point in their life, I was privy to all of their medical historySealed. Anyway, my point is when you feel like you are alone in this battle, know that so many surrounding you have been through it also. It is like a secret society, we should definitely have a secret handshakeWink.I keep telling all my friends that Cancer is the new COOL thing to do, I always wanted to be a trendsetter. It absolutely amazed me how many people in my small rural community have been stricken with this disease. I know now after that day 100% that I am on the right path in my medical field and maybe just maybe, I was given cancer to push me harder in that direction<---I sometimes am a slow learner. 

Oh also got to see a prisoner with appendicitis, he had to be transferred to a "secure" facility so they could do his appendectomy. The guard has to be present in the operating room and the surgeons at the hospital I was at did not allow that. I realize he is a criminal, but I felt bad for the guy he was in pain and didn't eat for 2 days prior before the prison would even allow him to seek treatment then he had to get shipped an hour away.

Man, I had fun...People thought I was a an amazing experience

My friends and family just had a spaghetti benefit dinner for me last weekend, they felt that my burdens from being off work needed to be lifted. It was so heartwarming to see so many people there and that donated to the silent auction and bake sale. I kept thinking wow all this is for me? and then wondering if I was letting people down by not appearing sick and there were there for a benefit for me. It is crazy sometimes, that even I myself am still in denial after one solid year of chemo and appointments that this really happened to me.

Love to you all



  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Girliefighter, Medicine Woman ;)

    Thanks for sharing!  It is wonderful to see you so excited about life and your chosen (destined) path!

    Don't have the slightest concern about the spaghetti dinner, Carie.  It is a well earned gift- just like you are and will be in the medical field.  Please keep sharing and thanks for inspiring us all.  So have you learned to give shots yet?  John (Cobra) needs a dose of anti-flagulant ;).  


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,817 Member


    You are not a doctor ? I thought that you were also...


  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member

    Hi  sweet Carrie,

      How exciting, and I can't think of a better person than you to be a doctor! Your bubbly wonderful personality is much needed in the medical profession! Keep sharing and don't be a stranger...some of us old folks..(speaking for myself) don't exactly lead an "exciting" life, so hearing your adventures puts a little kick in our steps! Take care sweetie and shoot for the moon! Much love...Sue

    (FNHL-stg3-grd2-typA-Dx 6/10-age 63)

  • Life

    Life is great isn't it. I am thrilled that you are doing so well!

  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member

    Hi Carie, It makes me happy to see you doing so well and feeling so well. You are obviously well-loved and that is why a fund raiser was held in your honor. Thank you for the uplifting post. Good news is always welcome and inspiring. Keep it coming. . .

    Love and hugs,




  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Rocquie said:


    Hi Carie, It makes me happy to see you doing so well and feeling so well. You are obviously well-loved and that is why a fund raiser was held in your honor. Thank you for the uplifting post. Good news is always welcome and inspiring. Keep it coming. . .

    Love and hugs,




    Hi Carie

    Wow, how exciting is that?  I really get how you could be excited in the emergency room.  We, of course don't enjoy seeing people suffer, but to watch how what looks impossible is cared for with such knowledgable hands must be incredible.   It doesn't sound like you had to experience the sad side of that job.  I know you will do well in your unselfish endeavor for a career.  You are definitely paying it forward.  Thank you also for your nice words about us in your other post.  Got Bill's biopsy report yesterday and it is confirmed to be MCL ( which he has renamed SLB "sneaky little ****" Laughing).  Oops guess they bleeped me, well the b word has to do with not having a parent Wink. So we are now waiting to hear when we go to Stanford.

    Keep making us all smile,  Bill & Becky