Recent Scan Results....
Hi everyone! I got the results back from my scan on Friday. The same lymph nodes are still enlarged but stable. He said I have one somewhere in my right side that I think is new, but I'm not sure of the exact location. (My online chart's not allowing me in today so I don't know any specifics from the report) So we're still…
Diagnosed and not sure what to do...
Hi everyone! I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease in August 2009. I remember the day like the back of my hand. I went through a lot of personal struggles after my diagnosis - I did not know where to turn to or who I could talk to. I wanted to share my fears with people, but I wanted to share them with people that…
Thinking of Jim Today
Hi Jim, I know you are in Scanland today and wanted you to know I'm thinking about you. May the scan be with you! Prayers and hugs, Rocquie
Happy Thanksgiving Happy Hanukkah
Hello Dearhearts Wishing each and everyone of you a very Happy Thanksgiving and a very special Happy Hanukkah. I am so blessed and grateful for all of you. Keeping you close in my heart today... Huge hugs today and always Lisha
Happy Thanksgiving
Seems like the holidays come faster every year - well for those of us over 50 . As usual with my family, Thanksgiving is three days away and we're not sure what we're doing yet but I'm certain some of us will converge somwhere - probably at my niece's in Virginia who has six children ranging from diaper age to senior in…
The Power of Your Mind & Attitude
Throughout my diagnosis of Hodgkins, I never allowed myself to corrupt my mind with the thoughts of death or disease. Not only did I defeat it on the drawn up time fram, but I would play golf after 8 hour chemo sessions. It is trully amazing what tthe human mind can do. The minute you believe you can demolish any road…
I just had my port in today. I have a Ct, PET, and MUGA ordered for this week. Will the radiation/magnetic feilds be okay for my body to have with this port inside of me? Also concerned about my first chemo appointment. What will happen? How will it make me feel during? I know I need to stay positive and quit worrying, but…
pain in the neck….
Can anyone out there recommend therapies/ treatment for chronic neck pain due to radiation? Having difficulty holding my head up these days! Don't have much muscle in neck and shoulders and what is there isn't very strong. Seeing speech therapist for issues with vocal chords, also due to radiation, and she has noted the…
next steps
Thanks for everyone's advice on the biopsy issue. I have (finally) heard back from the ENT and they said that the ultrasound shows increased lymphadenopathy and a new submandibular node. They didn't mention anything about any nodes decreasing, which my PCP had said so not sure what's what there... Anway, they want to see…
Up and down
Since I posted my first post about how low I was feeling, some things have improved. The depression/low mood has lifted quite a lot - I haven't felt the "being poured down a drain" feeling for several days now. I still have some anxiety, and have to psych myself up to doing things that were second nature to me before the…
Checking In...
First off I apologize to you guys for being away from the board for so many MONTHS :( I got back from my 2nd trip to the Mayo Clinic mid-July and the one year anniversary of losing my 38 year old brother to lung cancer came. I didn't handle that anniversary well & kind of shut down for awhile... I hope this finds all of…
Mucositis - HELP
Hello everyone, i am 2/3 througnewish radiation to my face and have mucositis. It ia very painful and I was wondering if any of you have suggestions regarding how to deal with the pain. Thanks!
A Question
Hello. I am a member who came on here awhile ago. I have had two clean PET scans, one in December of 2012 and one in July of 2013. My next scan will be in January. I am in remission for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Diffuse B Cell. My last chemotherapy of RCHOP was October, 2012. I have a question to put out there. I had been…
The waiting game...
Hi everyone! I am so sorry for asking these questions since I know I'm not the only one asking them. I also know you guys can't diagnose anything. I just feel like I'm driving myself nuts and I felt like I needed to talk to someone who understands at least a little. About two months ago after a workout I got extremely out…
Excisional biopsy today after pos FNA report rt groin
After having a +FNA report of rt groin, my surgeon took out groin node immediately ( same week). surgery went well & he tells my family it's benign but he has to send it off for path report. My question is, how would he know it was benign by looking? I thought lymphoma was dx By path report only??? any replies greatly…
Reaching out - lonely
Hi, I've been reading back through the discussions on this board for the last couple of days. You sure are supportive group! I'm very glad that you're here! I created an account today because I'd like to join the group and because I realize that I need some support. In Oct 2012 I was diagnosed with "B cell lymphoma…
follicular transformed as diffuse large B cell HELP!
Hi all, Writing from California. Hi to those I've talked to before. Some usernames I recognize and get happy to see. I return here in a bad state after two years. my loving mother who means the world to her three daughters was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma grade 3A (i think) in 10/2010. she underwent 4 cycles of B-R…
New To Group
Hi everyone. I have been reading a lot of the posts on here for the last few days. I was diagnosed in September 2009 with Diffuse B cell NHL. I went in for rutine surgery to remove my ovaries and woke from surgery cut from hip to hip instead of the four one inch incisions that I was expecting. They had found that one of my…
Advise about scans while in remission
Hi everyone, I saw my oncologist yesterday. She reaffirmed my status as complete remission -- yay -- and then surprised me by telling me that I don't need to have any further scans. I was really surprised to hear that. I asked her about it and she told me that the latest best practice for my type of cancer - dlbcl/double…
Hey guys- I was just wondering if anybody here was treated with BEACOPP. I had my last treatment 4 years ago, and I'm still wondering if anyone has had any of the long term side effects that they mentioned (infertillity, early menopause, leukemia). It was so new and so unknown when they gave it to me, and they only use it…
Advise about scans while in remission
Hi everyone, I saw my oncologist yesterday. She reaffirmed my status as complete remission -- yay -- and then surprised me by telling me that I don't need to have any further scans. I was really surprised to hear that. I asked her about it and she told me that the latest best practice for my type of cancer - dlbcl/double…
Biopsy advice please
I first want to say that I considered for a long time whether to post here or not. I know many of you are going through very real battles with lymphoma and I respect that. I have lurked the web for a long time on various forums trying to find information that would help guide me, but this is by far the group that is most…
The Scan was with me!
All, It feels odd for me posting good news. The doctor said that the radiologists report shows one node with minor cancer activity. My doctor is qualitified to read PET and CT scans so he took a look at them too. He said the activity is minor and significantly less than the last PET scan. He feels that "it is on it's way…
Been awhile
Hi i know its been many months since i posted but dealing with zevalin and getting back on my feet took a bit longer than expected. Was nice of Merry and another sweet person who contacted me to see how i was, so i thought i would come here and say hello, been spending my time reading and writing some poems, i go for my…
Fun Question
You guys are great at coming up with interesting words and phrases (IE: Lymphomaversary). I figured I'd toss out an interesting challenge to everyone. Here's a little background: My bro-in-law texted me asking me about my schedule for this week. I told him that I had PET/CT scans earlier this week and am meeting with…
After a very long month, we finally have a diagnosis. My husband has Hodgkins lymphoma. Although he told us in September that this was what he thought it was, it was very hard to have it confirmed. The main mass is in his lung, and the least invasive biopsy came back negative. We had a biopsy done on some swollen lymph…
Crazy town
Hey guys. Got some bad news but not about me. My fnhl cancer treatment is going great so far Thank God ! Going back for round four starting tomorrow. So the bad news (wish I was making this up) and im still a bit in shock. My brother has been having a lot of headaches, just generally feeling bad, etc, falling (which he…
Walking in honor and memory tonight
Hey everyone just wanted to drop by and check in. For those that don't know me I am in remission from DLBCL. After 11 rounds of chemo and an auto trans I have been living life without cancer for almost a year and half!!! Tonight I will be walking in the leukemia lymphoma society light the night event. I will walk as a…
First Rituxan Maintenance DONE!!!
Fellow Lymphomaniacs, I just wanted to let you know that I kicked that first Rituxan treatments butt today...It was a rough fight, not really.. I was a might bit concerned when the oncologist office called me yesterday to tell me that my B-12 level was at like 230, which is apparently too low. Oh well, they gave me a shot…
NHL - Follicular Lymphoma - R-CVP
Hello, I am starting R-CVP on 9-4-2013. Has anyone gone through this? Any feedback? Thanks