Can't seem to get it together
Hi, I've been cancer free for 1.5 years now, and I still can't seem to find joy. I am afraid of everything, and I'm sabotaging my life. When does the joy return? Please help, I feel like I'm going crazy.
10 years clean
I am a 10 year survivor of Hodgkins Lymphoma, 8 months of chemo, I am doing wonderful, I had ABVD chemo, some times are rough, but am doing well, just want to let people know that there are long term survivors out there, have faith and God Bless
Hi all, I have some worrying symptoms and signs, was wondering if anyone can shed some light?
Hi everybody, Everytime I google my symptoms, lymphoma comes up and I'm starting to worry about my body. I have a doctor's appointment for a biopsy on Monday but I was wondering if anyone with lymphoma recognizes my symptoms in themsevles. A little more than a month ago, I got this abscess below my ear lobe. I noticed my…
Funny Cat Video... Chemo #2 this week... No Sleep for me!!
16 days after my 26th birthday I was diganosed with Stage 2B Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I had Chemo #1 on June 5th. ABVD in my right arm (3 of the 4 drugs). I had a bad reaction to the "A" and they switched the IV to my left arm and slowed it down so the normally 1 hour drip took 4. It felt like my entire arm was on fire from the…
Hepatosplenic T Cell Lymphoma (HSTCL)
Hello everyone, My fiance and I just found out the news yesterday that he has this very rare disease Hepatosplenic T cell lymphoma. We are from Albuquerque, NM and are being sent immediately today to the MayoClinic in Rochester, MN. I told myself, not to read the internet about this type of cancer. However, I could not…
A Story - Feelings of Cancer [non-hodgkins Lymphoma]
Once you’re in it, it’s like: All right, I can do that. I did it. I had that sense of accomplishment for my part, as microscopic as this was stacked up with the efforts of my Doctors and Caregivers. I felt as though I had been conditioned for that situation, as weird as that may sound. Much of my parents' strict…
malt lymphoma
friend of mine just diagnosed with 2 primary cancers. Adenocarcinoma invasive of the colon and malt lymphoma. Never heard of 2 and since my dad had colon cancer i am familiar (unfortunatley) with that. Anyone here know more about malt lymphoma? thanks Louann
primary flat lesion lymphoma and adenocarcinoma invasive of the colon
has anyone ever heard of having 2 primary cancers at the same time. one is adenocarcinoma of the colon and malt lymphoma originating in the colon?
New Family Member
I adopted this little girl yesterday. Haven't decided what to name her yet. She's about 6 months old and a bundle of energy and already mostly housebroken (been a couple of excited pees). She likes to dip her front paw(s) in her water bowl before she drinks. At certain angles, she looks fox like. She moves so much, it's…
Recipe Added
Member "Mardigras" recently added a recipe for "Mardigras' Turkey and Ginger". That's the first activity in about two years. It took awhile for me to figure out/remember how I set this up but I got it. Below is the link to the site and a list of recipes. I set this up almost 3 years ago for our members, caregivers and…
Swollen Lymph nodes neck/groin
Hello, wondering if anyone has any comments on my health as the doctors seem to think everything’s normal? i have had for the past year swollen lymph nodes in the groin area...no pain, i am quite thin so they are noticeable without having to touch. id say a bit bigger than a marble, cant really move them and they are hard.…
GI Pain during RCHOP
Hi all, New to this network. Stage 3 DLBCL in nodes and T CELL in bone marrow. After first RChop infusion 1 1/2 weeks ago I continue to experience lower GI pain and cramping. Not really constipated, although that was problem at first. Resolved for the most part, but the severe cramping remains. Any comments on this would…
Depression and anxiety
I had my one year check up and at this time I am in remission from stage 4 NHL. Instead of check ups every 3 months i dont have to see my oncologist until 6 months. While I am very happy for the news i find myself more depressed and anxious than ever. I will be 67 next month and that may be part of my problem. The cancer…
Interesting Article (Skin Cancer)
New drug evidently cures man of advanced skin cancer: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/health/skin-cancer-patient-is-cured-by-new-drug-30323149.html
Recurrent HL
Hello, everybody! I first was diagnosed with classic HL in 2011, 2A with a mass in the right supraclavicular node, and another mediastinal mass. I must have joined this network then, because my email was registered when I went to "join" tonight. I just don't remember posting here. I think I read a lot, but didn't feel I…
In honor of the retreat I just attended, and to celebrate summer, my favorite season; to debut the kooky and festive cake stand that followed me home from an estate sale, may I present my lemon poundcake with blueberry cream cheese frosting decorated with sugared blueberries.
Am I An ABVD Failure?
As soon as I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma my oncologist (who had previously treated me for anal cancer) started me on a course of ABVD chemotherapy. The results have been disastrous. Aside from the expected side effects (hair loss and metal mouth) I began to waste away until my appetite disappeared, my weight…
All CSN members are invited!
It’s finally happening! We are happy to announce that as early as tonight, a new Chat application is being launched on CSN. It is NOT Java-based and it DOES support members using mobile devices. To access chat, you must be a CSN member and logged on. Once logged on, all you have to do is click chat in your left navigation…
Backyard Visitors
These guys often frequent my backyard sometimes as many as five in a group:
Another New NLPHL Hopeful
I've been reading this forum for a few days now and am thankful for all the supportive and amazing people! I'm 48 and just diagnosed with NHPHL in the mesentery. I had two nodes taken out three weeks ago and the small one tested positive for folicular in situ and the large (3.5 cm) for NLPHL. I have no symptoms, just found…
It's back
So my daughter has to have a Stem cell transplant. We will be traveling quite a distance next week and moving there for a few months. She has to meet with her hematologist to discuss the process. She had hodgkins and it has showed it's ugly head again. it is very small unlike the last time it was quite large. Can someone…
Personal Choices Poll
This is just kind of a personal choices poll to see how any of you would handle certain circumstances and any advice that can be provided. 1.I am at a point in my life where after being single for 17 years, I feel that I might be ready to start dating and allow myself to share my life and feelings with someone else. Do you…
Third Cancer Dx CLL after Lymphoma and Thyroid
So yesterday I saw a cardioologist for a stress test, and he tells me so I see you have Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and I said oh really good to know. Then he sent me for an echo and turns out I have heart realted damage from ABVD treatments as a kid, and now wants to send me for an angiogram. Another day anothe dx just…
Camp Bluebird was Amazing!
I returned yesterday afternoon from Camp Bluebird, a 3-day retreat for adult cancer survivors. Camp Bluebird is co-sponsored by the American Cancer Society and is held in many locations throughout the country. The camp I attended was held at a beautiful conference center nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North…
Thinking of Sue
Hi Sue, Just wanted to pop in and say that I am thinking of you today and always. Biggest hugs. Lisha
Nodular lymph-predominant Hodgkin's lymphoma in husband
Hi, My husband was diagnosed with nodular lymph-predominant Hodgkin's lymphoma in November/December 2012, began chemo in Jan 2013, finished then began a round of radiation in March/April until May 2013. He now undergoes Rituxan maintenance treatments every other month and I think has another year left. He is quite a bit…
Que le vaya bien
RIP Blanca Valdez. I remember meeting you almost 20 yrs ago when I crashed a quinceñera w your cousin. I rember you being shy to dance, but over the last 15 yrs everytime we crossed paths you were dancing. The life of the party! Im not sure where the nickname Grumpy came from. Maybe like how they call big boys Tiny. I…
Good news...
Hi guys... Great news!..(I think )..My Radiation Oncologist's office called today and said they will be making my radiation mask tomorrow, so I should plan on being there an hour or better!!!! I haven't talked to the Radiation Oncologist yet about the scan results, but I "assume" this means my eye cancer is NOT in the deep…
Hello folks: I have always had a problem with low back pain. Started Rituxan in 2012. In 2013 I developed pain in knees, hips and back. Eventually I am going to a physical therapist. Anyone had pain problems from Rituxan??? Nancy
Sue, Good Luck on your scans today!
I know you won't have results today but wanted to post in addition to my mesage to you so others can chime in! May it be superficial and knocked out easily! Hugs