NH (Large and Small B Cell) Lymphoma of the Bone Marrow
My cancer began in the bone marrow of my hips as small B cell nonhodgkins lymphoma. I was 39. By the time they found it and 6 months later diagnosed it, some of the cancer cells had transformed to large b cell and had spread to various bones all over my body. I've had spinal fusion with cadaver bone, 4 open bone biopsies,…
abdominal lymphoma / eating habbits
How can I encourage the eating habbits, and the will to want to fight this cancer for my father.
I am about to undergo radiation and I would like to hear about the experiences all of you have had. I have heard different things and I know ultimately it just depends on the person. But I still would like to hear about different experiences. I have heard that it depends on where you receive your radiation,,,has anyone…
how to know if you've relapsed?
Hi! My dad has NHL-large diffuse b-cell. He underwent 7 treatments of R-chOP, nad 17 radiation treatments. His cancer started in the abdomen and he was classed as stage 3e. He finished all treatment in Dec. 2004, and in early March all blood work was normal. but now suddenly he has been having massive watery diarrhea. Can…
insurance after remission
anyone know if there is any form of insurance available for NHL pts. after you've been in remission? thanks for any help.
dad went to hospital
My dad had his 5th chemo treatment, he's been very nervous and is not comfortable with the way he's feeling. He has really bad fatigue, seems to have more bad days than good. He woke up thursday a.m. the day after his treatment and he told my mom he was not feeling well, so he ended up overnight in the hopsital. They did…
How do I get my dad to ingest food and liquids?
Hello,My dad was just recently diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The doctors have told us that the cancer is not in any of his organs or bone marrow, but is a tumor mass pressing on his stomach. He is 81 and was not eating very much for about a month before this was detected 3 weeks ago. As a result he is weak and…
My peripheral T-cell lymphoma, diagnosed in October 2001, reoccurred one month after complete remission following CHOP treatment. I am now taking two rounds of ICE chemotherapy, to be followed by stem cell transplant. I am weighing whether to use my own stem cells or someone else's that would be a match. Has anyone had…
stem cell transplant that did not work
Any one that has had a autologus stem cell transplant that did not work and is now going to have a allogeneic transplant
After treatment
My radiation treatments ended last month and I seem to be having more difficulty now than with all of the chemo. My chemo lasted for 12 weeks and I had 17 days of radiation and boy, did it kick my ****. I still have a sore throat. I lost my voice for 3 1/2 weeks. I am so tired and draggy. I still cannot eat certain foods.…
Has anyone ever had there regimen of ABVD shortened. If you are in remission at the 4th cycle, what are 2 more cycles doing. What if you just had 1 more cycle and try to avoid unnecessary treatment. Does anyone understand what I'm saying.
Can Someone Please Help!
Ok, I had my 6 cycles of ABVD and had a CAT scan and my oncologist said that everything looked great. He set me up with a radiation oncologist and I will have four weeks of rad. My radiation oncologist has scheduled a Pet Scan so that he can make sure the areas that came up as scar tissue on the CT scan don't have any…
my sister was diagnosed with hodgkins
hey there my sister was diagnosed with hodgkins they think first stage. she has to go for a pet scan bone marrow check lung test ekg and has to have a catheter she is 20 years old and real scared we all are so she is looking for support... and so am I she has 6 cycles of abvd no radiation yet her email is…
hodgkins while being pregnant!
6weeks after giving birth to my son i found out i had hodgkin's disease. during my pregnancy i did have symptoms, but my doctors said i was just going through pregnancy, and that i was fine. my son is going to be 2 in april. i coming up on my 2 year anniversary and the doctor said i can start trying again iam very scared…
waiting for results
I found two lumps in my lymph node (neck area) and had a biopsy last week. I am waiting for the results and I am very scared. I have a history of breast and thyroid cancer. The only symptoms I've had are painless lumps in the lymph nodes, tired and last summer I would get chills in 100 degree weather and would have to…
I have just been diagnosed with lymphoma. I am scared. I have 2 babies to care for
immune system
About a dozen years ago I had an autologous BMT for NHL. Since then my health is fine, but I seem to get an inordinate amount of colds, much like I did as a child. Does anyone have a similar experience, or any information on the reconstitution of ones immune sytem and if any immunities are lost or attenuated by a BMT.
my dad is in his 5th treatment of ABVD. He is suffering from acute fatigue. He was having good days and bad, but now seems to have more tired days. Is this common with the chemo. He says the chemo is wiping him out, will his energy level return to normal after the chemo? He is not anemic, so he does not need procrit.
My dad seems to be getting depressed over the chronic fatigue he feels, he does not have anemia, so they can't prescribe anything. The nurse said there's not much to do regarding the fatigue. I'm concerned about my dad and the depression, does this depression go away after treatment. My dad has never suffered depression…
What can nurses do to better help you?
I am an RN student and I would like to know what the nurses who care for you could do to better help you? I'm anxious to get your feedback! Please reply!
Good News
I think all of us need hope and encouragement during this time, so I would like to share my story. I have Stage 2B Hodgkin's and have had 9 treatments of chemotherapy. I have 3 treatments left. I got all the testing (CT Scan, Pet Scan, you know the works) last week. Well, it came up virtually clean. There was only one…
Dx Lymphoma lungs
Hi, my husband Robert was diagnosed with lymphoma in the lungs by CT scan. Oncologists circled the spots on both his lungs. Robert also had enlarged lymph nodes in the windpipe and clusters surrounding the windpipe. A biospy was done by inserting a long needle to the area where the most enlarged lymph nodes are at. Results…
Insight sought
I'm doing research to assist my brother who has low grade, B cell, marginal zone type NHL. His is stage III, possibly IV. He has a bulky tumor in his abdomen and has received rituxan treatment but no chemo since he's asymptomatic. My questions: - Anyone with experience with fludarabine, mitaxantrone & rituxan? Comments? -…
anybody out there?
Hey...I'm 22 years old and I'm battling round two (in just over 2 years)with nhl. Level 4 this time around, REALLY agressive. I just discovered this website, and I've found it to be really useful. But I am wondering if there are any other people around my age that are battling this as well. Or if there are survivors of a…
Thanks for reply Jat.
Hi Jat many thanks for the reply, to the posting 3/3.Seems like we both have these little devils in the same area,but unlike you I have had the chop(Rituxan ) wasn't in Australia at the time I was first dx with nhl large diffuse b cells,so I missed out ,it is now here but is called MabThrea,but as I have relapsed,I have…
Seattle Young Survivors Support Group
I'm 33 years old and just had my right kidney removed for RCC. This is my 3rd primary cancer since I was 28. I'm looking to start a young survivor support group in Seattle - anyone interested, please email me at glennrockowitz@yahoo.com. Hang in there everyone!
need help please
i am a 35 year old wife of a non hodgkins lymphoma patient .my husband is 39 and august 10 03 was daignosed with non hodgkins lymphoma .its in his bone marrow and just got 2 unraliated bone marrow donnors . but last sunday got really sick and ended up back in the hospital .he has had chop (did not work) then they tryed…
my dads nurse says they do a pet scan after 8 cycles or is it 4 cycles? I pray there is no activity. I'm afraid my dad might get upset if there is still activity. The nurse says they would have to adjust the chemo and they would continue the cycles. What has been the outcome of pet scan after 4 cycles for everyone. The…
dad so quiet
My dad is so quiet I don't know if he is depressed or mad about his HD. He's fustrated because he is limited to activities, which he is not used to. Does the fatigue pattern remain the same throughout the chemo or will it get worse. I get so nervous I just want my dad to get thru this and be cancer free it can't come fast…