
positive Member Posts: 75
my dad is in his 5th treatment of ABVD. He is suffering from acute fatigue. He was having good days and bad, but now seems to have more tired days. Is this common with the chemo. He says the chemo is wiping him out, will his energy level return to normal after the chemo? He is not anemic, so he does not need procrit.


  • kavnan
    kavnan Member Posts: 12
    My son was diagnosed at the age of 18 (four months before turning 19). He was extremely fatigued Chemo kills good cells as well as bad ones. So, how can one not feel wiped out. If my son was so fatigued at his age, I can only imagine what it would do to someone your dads age. The good news is that when chemo is finished that tired feeling will go away. My son finished his treatments one year ago this month. He is now feeling completely like himself again and looking wonderful. Your Dad will get there too... have patience. It is good for him to try and continue the things he can and to rest when he needs it.
  • bc99
    bc99 Member Posts: 15
    My mom had stage IV Hodgkin's and was treated with ABVD. For her, fatigue set in around the 6th treatment and was something she battled until chemo was over. She's has now been a cancer survivor for three months and her energy level has improved almost daily. She has started working and exercising again and has resumed much of her "pre-cancer" life. Cancer and chemo really change your body and the patient will have to work on rebuilding the strength that he/she lost during treatment. If your father's experience is anything like my mom's has been, his energy level will return over time, and you will be amazed at how quickly he makes progress once the last round of chemo is complete. Good luck!
  • jasmin23
    jasmin23 Member Posts: 2
    hi! I just finished my treatment of abvd about one year ago. I was 22 at the time and maybe because i was young i was able to fight it a little more at first. however, after a few of my treatments especially more towards the end I was extremely tired all the time. His energy will return to normal level after he is done with his treatments. But don't think it will happen over night. I would say overall wait about a month or month in a half and you will begin to notice your body slowly and surely going back to normal. The way he is feeling is very normal, no need to be alarmed. hope this helped your father out. Good luck!
  • msspunky
    msspunky Member Posts: 3
    I am a 56year old female who is now hodgkins free for 2 years. I was treated with ABVD ( no radiation) Fatigue is a big issue. Days could pass and I would not have the energy to move from the sofa or bed. I was not anemic and also did not use procrit. Good nutrition - fresh air and I took a daily vitiman. It will pass !