Just diagnosed - starting Stamford 5
I have just been diagnosed with Hodgkins and am starting a new treatment called the "Stamford 5" on Monday. Has anyone else had this? Can anyone tell me what to expect? If you would like to email, my email address is LianeMJ@aol.com
Changes in Taste
I had my last chemotherapy treatment on October 3. My taste, which went "off" during treatment has not yet returned to normal. How long does it take for taste to come back? I'm living primarily on angel hair pasta, Cream of Rice cereal, and hot dogs with sauerkraut. Not what I call a balanced diet. Can't taste salt, and…
hi everyone. I am new to the group also, just wanted to introduce myself. I just finished treatment last week, but they have not declared me in remission yet. I am 19 years old and I am happy to be able to "discuss" with everyone
Kidney Problem
Hello all, I am happy to have found you. Diagnosed in 1977 stage 2B, in remission in 1988 after MOPP and radiation treatments. Long term side effects: thyroid knocked out of whack and taking synthroid, susceptibility to flu, leaking heart valve and hole in the pericardium (sp?) the sac that holds the heart.., pre-mature…
My husband Todd had a Lumbar Puncture Last Monday and has been having Migranes since. He has tried alot but nothing seems to work and we have to get on a airplane as if that isn't bad enough. If anyone has any suggestions please write back!! Ange
intercourse after transplant
I am looking for info on increasing my level of secretions (I am a 31 year old female). In 1997 I had a peripheral stem cell transplant and since have not had a normal flow of secretions making it difficult to make love--it feels as if I am a virgin all over again. I met with my ob/gyn and am taking lo-ovral but I am still…
Hepatosplentic T-Cell--me too
I too was diagnosed with Hepatosplentic T-cell lymphoma and would love to chat with you. Will try to email again, but it didn't work last time.
new to the forum
Hello. I am a 19 year old Hodgkin's survivor--I just found this website. My one year of remission anniversary is March 27th. I just wanted to join the forum and support anyone who needs someone to talk to who has been there and came through it. I'm not sure what else to post, so, if anyone wants or needs to talk, feel free…
Recovery after surgery
I ahd my lower lobe of my left lung removed in April of this year. The surgeon said it would take 4-6 weeks to get over the pain from the surgery. It's approaching 3 months and I'm still in a lot of pain! Anyone out there with similar lobectomy procedure who can agree/disagree with recover time period? Also interested to…
CNS lymphoma
My mother has CNS lymphoma and I would really like to talk with someone about this type of cancer. Please e-mail me at dnslmodro@stargate.net
Thank you!
What a wonderful world. I joined this site almost a year ago, just after it was started and am able to visit on a limited baisis. Each time I log in I am amazed at the number of "chemosabes" I have here on this site! I just spent nearly an hour reading, through misty eyes, the postings and can't help but think how much I…
No Subject
Rory I also have suffered from constriction of my esophagus and have nad to have it dialated several times.
The Wellness Community
If you are luck enough to be near a Wellness Community I suggest that you go. I did not know how far up de Nile river I was when I walked through the door. They made all the difference in my mental health. If you have any questions about them let me know. With love and wellness.
A note from Iceland
Hi everyone! I just wanted to give a warm salute from Iceland. My name is Steinunn (don
Happy Holiday'S Everyone.God Bless ,Michele
survivors discussion group
Did you all know that there is a wonderful discussion list for long term survivors of HD and other cancers? I have been on it for about 3 months. It is the best thing I ever did for myself. Here is the URL to join. Hope to see some of you there. http://listserv.acor.org/SCRIPTS/WA-ACOR.EXE?SUBED1=lt-survivors&A=1 Jennifer
Thursdays doctor visit
Rory, I was curious how you made out with the doctor today. Hopefully all is well and this visit put your mind to rest. Let me know. I know that my mind can go crazy at times thinking about my health and my body and what could be going on. A visit to the doctor to check all out always put me at ease. Good luck. Mike