Needing support
Hi, I am really hoping to find some support on here as no one in my life gets it. I am in my mid 20s and my mother's only caregiver. Most of our family has already passed and I am not getting a lot of support from friends.I also have a high stress job so I am starting to feel extremely burnt out in all areas of my life,…
Concerning for malignancy on Liver ultrasound report
I’m new here and hoping to get some information. I recently had an abdominal ultrasound due to mild, off/on abdominal pain. everything was normal except a 3.4 cm mass on the left lobe of my liver. Ultrasound report stated, “concerning for malignancy” so needless to say I am a wreck. My doctor put through an “urgent” CT…
Going into the unknown with father
Hi everyone, Back in Nov my father started to have abdominal pain. After a few days he could not go to the bathroom at all. Went to the ER was admitted and rushed into surgery. Ended up discovering a stage 3 cancer tumor on his colon. Took out the tumor, part of his colon and his spleen. Now equipped with a colostomy bag.…
Dad-Liver Cancer
May 2015 my dad was diagnosed with a tumor the size of a gulf ball and a small mass on his lung. He is wine alcoholic as well and was also diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. In June 2015 he was recommended by the tumor board to ablate the tumor (burn) on his liver and keep an eye on his lung. In Sept 2015 4th MRI/CT…
This Chef's Cancer trip
Hello all! hope the very best for everyone dealing with this. ive had to go this road alone, being my own advocate, doing my own research and most recently treating myself because there are just no services or advocates, from what ive found. i get so terribly tired, following this crazy diet, pleading w state and gov…
Ct of liver
Hello I had to have a liver ct today due to the finding of a lesion on my liver. My dr called and said that all looks good repeat scan in six months. I have had no blood work done at all. I just want to make sure nothing is being overlooked. My husband is concerned the lesion could be cancer due to family history and…
Neuroendocrine of the Liver
Hi all. New to the forum and also outside the USA. Just wondering if anyone has experience of treatment for neuroendocrine Cancer of the Liver. I have a family member that underwent tablet chemotherapy which didn't work. Wondered if anyone maybe could shed any light on other possible alternatives. Thank you.
Votrient and bilirubin
Hi ive been on votrient close to 2 years and it had kept my metastic LMS cancer stable. My liver enzymes all increased each quarter as they scanned me and did blood work. A month ago out of the blue I’m yellow and itchy. My bilirubin was a 5 and had stayed within standard range for 2 years with 400mg of V. They had me stop…
fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma
I saw some talk about this from 2003 but nothing recently. Is there anyone dealing with this now ,especially someone young? My stepson has been diagnosed with this since Dec. 2003 (it came on very quickly) and this December has been given approximately six months. He is 21. He was told chemo would give him another couple…
Wife just diagnosed with HCC
My wife has just been diagnosed with Hcc with one tumor 3.8 cm. It was found because of pain in her abdomen. It was discovered to be bleeding prompting lnterventional embolization. The treatment plan is for y90 because of the bleeding. Hearing that the bleeding has made her at a higher risk for metastasis. I'm looking for…
avastin headaches
has anyone found any relief from the daily headaches from avastin?
SUV uptake numbwrs
Hi I am a 10 year breast cancer survivor. Back in April I had a CT of my abdomen for diverticulitis which also showed liver cysts. This led to an MRI of the liver which showed liver cysts as well. That led to an endoscopy which showed nothing and then a liver biopsy which was inconclusive because they didn’t get enough…
Hi I am new to CSN
My husband was just diagnosed with HCC Stage IV metastasized to his shoulder. He will receive more news after the next CT Scan on Sept We feel lucky that he is in FCCC This is a hi I am here. This is the broad strokes of the story. I do need support and hearing about you does help me. I will keep in touch
New here. Diagnosed with liver cancer
Was diagnosed with liver cancer first of May. I been suffering from fatty liver cirrhosis for 7 years and been having bi annually cancer scans. In January it came back negative however with severe abdomen pain and a trip to the ER I was diagnosed with PVT. Then right before I was discharged to go home, the doc come in the…
Liver mass normal blood work
Anyone experience large undifferentiated hypovascular lesion (8x6x6 cm) with all enzymes (AST, ALP, billirubin, creatinine) and even AFP in completely normal ranges?
neuroendrocrine tumors
Recently diagnosed with neuroendocrine tumors in liver and pancreas. Treatment has begun with Sandostatin LAR injections. Is anyone experiencing similar diagnosis and or treatment? Beth Beck ebbb810@gmail.com
neuroendocrine tumors
Most individuals are afraid. They are afraid of death, afraid of cure, healing and survival and that cancer like the cornovirus is contagious. They belive that manipulation and demanding co-operation means they care. It never accures to their that it's your body and you are the one dealing with the cancer. I was instructed…
Today's news about Liver Cancer - a Silent Killer
Historically, we have associated the words “silent killer” with hypertension. Why? Because high blood pressure can go undetected until it is too late. It can develop over time and not be cured. But, with proper medical care, many with hypertension can lead normal lives. The advances in cardiovascular interventions, in…
Cant figure out how to navigate and ‘open’ other users comments.
This is my second, third? Round with cancer. In 09 i had stage 3c inflammatory breast cancer, and been on aftercare treatment for 10 years until 2020/Jan it came back in my lung. Now been in active treatment for this metastisized cancer for 13 months and just now this week they found 3 lesions on my liver. I dont know how…
Has anyone tried marijuana for treatment of nausea
Looking for alternatives for nausea. My husband has a cholangiocarinoma and after chemo he has significant nausea.
11 cm of tumor - liver cirrhosis
My dad is 80 years old. Preexisting condition: Weak heart and mild bronchitis. Accidentally discovered lump in his liver caused due to Hep B. He has no symptoms beside loss of appetite but that happened due to his heart condition. 10 millions + count, he has 10-11 cm size of tumor. Is it possible the size could be less and…
DPD Enzyme Deficiency
My husband passed away on December 12, 2018, due to treatment with Capecitabine with a previously undiagnosed DPD enzyme deficiency. He had been diagnosed with Bile Duct Cancer, Stage 1, had a successful Whipple surgery, was pronounced "Cancer Free" by his Radiation Oncologist, but was prescribed Capecitabine by his…
Best Cancer Hospital in Florida
When does it end?
I've been fighting cancer for 6 yrs. now. Started in the Bladder, then the Lung, now the Lung and Liver. In those six yrs., I've had two operations with organ removals, Radiation treatment, and Chemo. My Dr. says no cure just remission. It's an ongoing saga with no letup. It's tiring and depressing. The only relief I…
End stage liver cancer question.
Hello, My mother has been fighting liver cancer for five years, after surviving breast and colon cancer. She currently has three tumors and is receiving treatment with exloda (chemo). The tumors are inoperable.Her doctor has told her that she will continue to get weaker and weaker until she slips into a coma but cant give…
Liver Sugery
I have 2 spots on liver that is cancer and will be having 20% of the liver removed. Doctor recommeds surgery and chemo afterwards. I will be doing surgery but think I will skip the chemo . Has anyone been thru this?
My doctors have me eat flash frozen foods as much as possible. Some yogurts and pasteurized milk/dairy products. Hard cheeses. Good thing I like cheddar. I unfortunately have a bad habit of letting my body cravings pick the foods. Works great when all my body wants is veggies (I always microwave my flash frozen foods). My…
Radioembolism side effects
My mother-in-law (read mother-in-love) is on her second radioembolism treatment for pancreatic cancer which metastisized to her liver. The first treamtment went great with the only side effect being fatigue. Her second and last treatment was 2 weeks ago. She experienced fatigue the first week. 2 days ago, she started…
Liver angiosarcoma
I have just been diagnosed with angiosarcoma of the liver and begin chemotherapy with Taxol next week. I am very freaked out, depressed and scared. It is such a rare cancer. I am just about to turn 50 and have always been in excellent health until this hit me out of the blue. I have not read any hopeful statistics on this…
Notch 101
My wife was diagnosed with liver cancer last October, 2019. Rather large tumors that made her look like she was, as she said, 6 months pregnant. She started chemo treatments which did not go well. Horrible. Our Doctor told us about an experimental procedure called Notch 101. She started treatments with the Notch 101 in…