Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to all of you who have alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today. I apologize for the inconvenience. While we do have securities in place, we are not always able to catch all spam, and we are trying to figure out how this one got around our system. If you received a message from jegac1…
17cm tumor protruding towards heart
My Husband is a livern transplant patient of 5 years and now has liver cancer and a small one in lung. The dr siad teh liver tumor is massive and gave him nexavar to start. We are in Dallas and trying to get into MD Anderson for a second opinion. Anyway, just go on here looking for information on Nexavar a success…
Angiosarcoma of liver - please help! urgent!!
Hi all, My friend has tumors on his liver which are quite big and one of them ruptured about two months ago. That was taken care of by embolization, but he was diagnosed with angiosarcoma of liver. He has also consulted Dr.Ravi at MD Anderson in Houston and he suggested chemotherapy for entire body. The oncologist in…
Bile Duct Cancer
My wife was diagnosed yesterday with bile duct cancer. I have ready so many testomonials about people who have made the right decisions. I want to know what should our next step be, we are already looking for a second opinion but with so many out there it is hard to find the right one. We are currently living in Illinois…
Metastatic adenocarcinoma (liver mets)
Hello all - I had previously posted concerning liver mets from anal or colorectal origin. Wondering if anyone who has had similar diagnosis with mets to liver could respond with their treatment options. Thank you.
Feedback on Therasphere
Shortly after Christmas this year my dad let us know that after having two negative scans, his HCC had come back. Not only had it returned but was now considered stage 4 with a potential met to the lung. He was prescribed Nexavar and after two and half months, it was found ineffective and his cancer has spread into his…
Surviving Fibrolamellar HCC
I am a 14 year survivor of fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma. Originally diagnosed in 1995 at the age of 23 in Boston, MA with an 8 lb tumor I have been blessed with 14 years of non-reoccurance. I am wondering if there are any other FHCC survivors out there from anywhere and/or from or treated in the Boston area? I…
anyone on this site with Mets to liver?
Hello - I posted the last entry. Wondering if there is anyone who has been diagnosed with liver mets and could discuss their treatment.
What do I feel about my mom's death?
Yesterday morning my mom died of cancer and she's gone forever. 4 months ago we started on a journey of hope and yesterday it ended just like that with death. I don't feel like crying and I feel a bit relieved from what, I don't know. In fact, I even got a good night of sleep last night. Some of the time I feel that…
Possible to survive Primary Liver Cancer?
Hi there. An acquaintance of mine has primary liver cancer, and he is only 31. His symptoms included feeling unwell, jaundice, pain in back & some abdominal bruising, and A LOT of weightloss. Dr's are operating today to remove a large portion of his liver (he has 4 tumors) and he is on a transplant wait list. I've heard…
First time
Hi all, I signed up with this group because I found out that my father in law has been diagnosed with a rare form of liver cancer. I do not know the exact name just yet. However, I have not found much information about liver cancer (i.e. is it survivable, etc). If anyone knows any resources that can help, please let me…
stage 4 liver cancer , how do we know the last months of life ?
my father in law was diagnosed a year ago with stage 4 terminal liver cancer, he also has sorosis of the liver and a tumor on his liver, he is in and out of the hospital but refuses to give us any information . I want to prepare my husband and family , but he wont let anyone go to the doctor with him , refuses to hear…
Metastatic liver cancer after colorectal cancer
Hello everyone - I'm new to this forum - a colorectal cancer survivor who has just been diagnosed with metastatic adenocarcinoma - waiting for cancer appt. Would anyone who has similar diagnosis, please respond as to what type of cancer treatment was offered. Thanking you in advance for your response, and wishing all well.
Sorafenib (Nexavar) to lower AFP
My father was diagnosed with liver cancer recently, I presume they caught it early as they'd noticed the slow rise in his AFP levels and were scanning him regularly. After initally finding nothing they eventually found a 2cm tumor which was resected in March with good margins. He was given a 5yr survival chance of ~60%…
, Bavaria, where the ca
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What are your experiences with increased sleep and decreased appetite in liver mets patients?
Hi folks, my name is Don and I'm new to the forum. A bit of background. My wife (52yrs.) Has breast cancer initially diagnosed in 1998. She had a lumpectomy and radiation at that time. 5 years later it came back and she had bilateral mastectomies with reconstruction. 5 years later it came back again and she had chemo and…
dealing with taste changes and loss of appetite - advice for mom needed desperately
I am writing this for my mother who was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer almost 4 years ago. She was informed that it had spead to her liver in the beginning of the summer, and has recently undergone 2 Y90 treatments in the last couple of months. I think it is too soon to know how those worked, but they did mention…
What's normal after Chemo and Radio embolization?
I am a very healty 60 year old who somehow got hapatic liver cancer in my entire liver. I had radioembolization in my right side a month ago and in 3 days will have chemoembolization in my left side. I went to the ER last weekend because I suddenly had a lot of pain in my upper right side that I had never experienced…
Ampullary Cancer - Keytruda
I was diagnosed with ampullary cancer in January 2015. I was a candidate for Whipple surgery, which I had at Stanford, CA. I had one lymph node that shows cancer but everything else was good. I had adjuvant chemotherapy ( Gemzar) for 6 months. After 4 months I had my first CT scan which showed tumors at head of pancreas…
Ampullary cance
Hi all winners and real Heros! I would like to communicate with someone who survived from Ampullary Cancer. The reason is I am the only son living very far from my mom and she is suffering from the cancer. We came to know about this cancer last week and the cancer is in really earlier stange( one and half month old and 0.2…
Hepatosplenic Lymphoma
Hello I am new to this site. Just wondering if anyone else has this particular or similar kind of monkey on their back. Not trying to be funny but I suppose humour is good...or so I have been told. Anyway my liver is spiking along with the rest of my bloodwork except my hemoglobins, yay. I do not even know how to post tis…
My boyfriend has Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma... Need help please..
Hi all, My boyfriend has Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma, which he was diagnosed with about a week before we officially started dating (after he'd chased be for about a year).. So, I had to decide, knowing how hard this was going to be, if I should get myself involved in this or not. He's so worth it, so obviously,…
Dad has Stage Four Primary Liver Cancer for 4 years now...
Hello All, I am hoping for some guidance as to what my family and I can expect at this point with my Dad's cancer. He is a real trooper, was given 3 months survival when it was found and its been 4 years, so we feel very blessed. Things have have gone down hill lately..he had his first liver tap last Friday and it seems…
Want to know about "Cancer Fighting Strategies" site
i hoping someone can help me. My dad was today diagnosed with liver cancer. I am a wreck. I came across a website called Cancer Fighting Strategies and was wondering if anybody knows ANYTHING or has actually BEATEN cancer with all their protocols. Just trying to look for all and anything that will help my dad. I would so…
Third time HCC?
It's been awhile since I have posted on this forum; VA healthcare just confirmed 2 tumors via MRI in section 6 of liver. I have had HCC twice in the last 9 years with RFA the last time and resection the first time. Hep-C cleared in 2004 but the cirrohsis was too advanced and the cancer began showing up. Routine…
Qustion About Liver Scan
Hello everyone, I am visiting here from the Kidney forum. I was diagnosed with renal cell cancinoma in 2014, and had surgery that december--stage I with no evidence of metasticis at the time. I had my 1-year monitoring scans this past december, and they detected a small 3mm 'focus of low density' in the right hypatic lobe…
Nexavar Sorafenib questions please help
I need to know how good is Nexavar (Sorafenib) at targeting RAF1 mutation, I ask this because Mom used Foundation One, have this mutation, and one of three Targeted Therapies recommended is Sorafenib, the other two being Regorafenib and Trametinib The mutation is related to cell division pathway called the MAPK path:…
CEA Marker numbers
Colon cancer moved into the liver. Treated and was cancer free for two years while taking Avastin treatments. Last scan revealed recurrence in liver. My lab numbers, especially my CEA; cancer marker number and all other numbers reveal little or no change. Is this possible? If cancer returned wouldn’t numbers have changed?…
Heart Bleeding .....
Hi, My mum has just being diagnose with liver cancer and currently on nexavar treatment . She have quite a number of tumor on her liver but have not spread to other places .she has just started on low dose of 400mg a day for around a week plus but she is getting severe hand and feet rash . Her hand cracks and have leg…
Looking for info on Stem Cell/Immunotherapy/Ablation/Targeted or Low dose chemo
is anyone familiar or had any experiences with any of the following: stem cell, immunotherapy, ablation or targeted or low dose chemotherapy traetments? WOndering if anyone has found any succes with any of these treatments and how well they tolerated it etc....