Renal cell carcinoma
Had right kidney removed laparoscopy surgery in February. The mass was found on a CT scan that doctor was checking me for pneumonia. No symptoms. During surgery I developed a collapsed lung which was treated while still in hospital post surgery. 3 months have passed and still dealing with times during day I am exhausted .…
6 cm renal cell carcinoma solid mass - surgery upcoming
CT scan for something else, no symptoms. Been doing some reading on cancer sites for info - had no clue about anything to do with kidney cancer and pathology wording doesn't sound good per my reading. On a better note, no evidence of metastatic disease. Dr. seemed encouraging it was contained but need full removal due to…
Diagnosed with mcrnlmp
who else is diagnosed with the same? Multilocular cystic renal neoplasm of low malignant potential
Lenvima dosage
Hello all! I've been on Lenvima 18mg since Oct. 2023 for stage 4 renal cancer. I've had 2 surgeries where I had to stop the medicine for approx. 3 weeks. Cancer grew during those times. Once back on Lenvima it knocked it back some. My question is, has anyone reduced their dosage (ex. 18mg to 14mg) and continued to have the…
Well I had my four year scans yesterday and was Ned went to yearly scans and I thought I would be done after five years but since I was stage three I won’t be done untill my tenth year oh well it’s only once a year now
Gerald White
Has anyone hear of Gerald White? He has a book called 3 months to live. Apparently he had a 20lb Kidney tumor and went go to live a good life for many years. Well I ordered the book. Terri
Keytruda/Lenvima side effects
Hello group. I've been dealing with my kidney cancer diagnosis for 11 years now. I've had surgeries, radiation, immunotherapy, you name it over the years to knock the disease back, and I've handled it all pretty well. Last fall my doctor started me on a combination of a Keytruda infusion, every 6 weeks now, and a daily…
Small Renal Lesion - Very Nervous
49M. Had abdominal issues (likely unrelated) in October 2023. Abdominal/Pelvic CT w&w/o contrast showed 11mm (1.1cm) indeterminate renal lesion on right kidney. Follow up with Renal Ultrasound in December 2023 revealed no renal lesion (though US report stated it was limited study due to bowel gas). Going for MRI…
Reconstructive surgery after partial nephrectomy
I am currently 9 months post-op from an open partial nephrectomy. I began having really bad pain and swelling approximately 6 months after the procedure. After multiple emergency room visits, and absolutely no answers from my urologist/surgeon , I finally got a second opinion with a new urologist. He referred me to a…
4 years…NED!
Yesterday was my annual CT scan 4 years after my partial nephrectomy on Feb. 20, 2020, and there was no evidence of recurrence or metastatic disease! I am beyond thankful to God. Posting this as an encouragement for those who are new to their kidney cancer journey...there is always hope!
Stage vs Grade?
Hello everyone, I just came across this message board, what an awesome resource. My story, like most, begins with an incidental finding during an MRI for an issue with a pinched nerve in my lower back. I was soon referred to a urologist and a CT scan confirmed the MRI....a suspected 3.5 cm RCC tumor on my left kidney. 4…
Waiting Phase of Diagnosis- Bosniak 3
Hello Warriors A typical case of going to hospital for an infection and by chance a Bosniak III renal cyst was discovered. At the stage where no doctors or urologist wanted to commit and state their diagnosis and prognosis.So waiting patiently and hoping that it is not kidney cancer.Although all the symptoms are pointing…
Here we go!
I’m a 49 married ,mother of two. This summer I was experiencing some back pain and went to 6 weeks of physical therapy and nothing seemed to work. Finally I was able to get an MRI. A 11 cm mass was found on my left kidney. On Thursday I’m going in to get a nephrectomy as well as my left ovary removed. Doctor seems…
New Need Info
My son, who is now 49 was diagnosed with Stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma, in July 2020. It had already spread in his body, and had one kidney removed. He has suffered thru the treatments, and meds, pain, weight loss, etc. Afraid, now he is going on the last Med that generally last only 4 months. Any info for Clinical trials,…
cc RCC and MITF mutation
Hello everyone! I am a female diagnosed at 32 with 3cm cc RCC on left kidney, lower pole. I had open partial nephrectomy. I am going to be 6 years remission on 1/20/2024. I had genetic testing done and I came up positive for mutation MITF. It causes cutaneous malignant melanoma. This mutation also causes cc RCC, but…
Pathology report post nephrectomy
I’m 34 years old and was in a car wreck 1/4/24, where I was rear ended on a major highway. I followed up at the ER for neck and hip pain only to discover I had a complex cystic mass growing on lower pole of my left kidney via CT results. MRI 2 weeks later confirmed that it was over 8cm. I never had any symptoms whatsoever.…
Incidental kidney cyst
Hi, my GI doctor ordered a CT scan with barium and iodine contrast because I was constipated. There was nothing abnormal except they found a possible 1.3cm lesion on my right kidney. It said it was "subtle" and possibly solid. It sounds like the imagery wasn't great for some reason. The radiologist report recommended an…
Mental breakdown and constant nightmares
In November I went to the ER for a gallbladder attack and they found a 4.4 cm lesion on my left kidney. I had blood in my urine for a year or so that my GP blamed on kidney stones, because I do have those as well. I am seeing a urologist in a couple of weeks for my first consult and I am assuming it will be cancer as it…
Hip pain after radical nephrectomy
Hi, just wondered if anyone suffered hip pain after radical nephrectomy?? I seem to be feeling this in both hips but more so in right! im scared it’s a new tumour x
Recently had an ultrasound for abdominal pain with a 3.8cm mass found highly suspicious for RCC, now waiting for further imaging. Having a hard time waiting and know what to do next! What do you wish you knew leading into your diagnosis?
Second year follow up CT was good news
I'm two years and four months out from robotic partial nephrectomy. This is the third CT scan (the first was four months after surgery). No obvious evidence of recurrence. Feels grrrreat! Doctor will start rotating ultrasound and CT every other time going forward to limit radiation. Would urge anyone in the same or similar…
New to this...
I'm still processing all this... I'm a 58 YO male. October '23 my primary doc sent me for an ultrasound to look at my liver because of some high ALT/AST blood test numbers. Well, it confirmed no cirrhosis, just a bit of fatty liver. It also identified a 5 CM mass on my left kidney. I freaked out!!! A couple CT scans later…
Five years of NEDDDDDDDDD!
Went in for my five year scans. By now, the process is familiar - get bloodwork so they know I can handle the contrast, get really scanxious beforehand, get in there, get it over with, get a Starbucks afterwards. As they set up my MRI, they asked me if I wanted music inside, so they put on a Movie Soundtracks channel for…
Four year scans
Well next month I’ll go for my four year scans Doctor said we will switch to yearly scans for. My last year then start doing ultrasound scans what a relief this has been a ordeal to go thru but doctor did state last time I was in he be shock to see it come back now let’s hope for the best
Multilocular cystic renal neoplasm of low malignant potential
They found a bosniak 2f incidentally during scans. I am only 32. I chose to have it removed rather than following it. Turns out it was multilocular cystic renal neoplasm of low malignant potential. I am only 32 years old so it is freaking scary. stage 1/grade 1/2.2cm My surgeon basically told me it’s not “really” cancer…
Open Partial Nephrectomy Complications
I had a open partial nephrectomy back in May of 2023. Very invasive. Had a rib removed and my kidney had to be reconstructed. I had a rough recuperation but slowly made progress. After 12 weeks I was back to work part time and after 5 months back full time. The problem I am having is that shortly after the 6th month mark I…
Post Neph Pain
My right kidney was removed this past November. I still have some pain where the kidney was. When I twist certain way, or sneeze or cough I have a little pain. Is this unusual?
New kidney lesion fast growing
Good morning, Starting in on a new journey. There never seems to be enough information and much that is there seems contradictory or confusing. So, here’s my story: I’ve been having upper back pain for months, and some reduced kidney function. Incidental CT findings have been pointing in a different direction than kidney…
Help! Newly Diagnosed
Hello all! In early January 2024 a 2.8cm solid mass was found on my right kidney via a CT scan. Luckily I got into a urologist in just two days to discuss the findings. I have never been so anxious! The urologist stated it is probably cancer but we can't confirm with a biopsy because of the location. He suggested we take…
My 7th year scan - NED
Hi all, hope everyone is doing well! Have check the group for a little while. I would like to share my NED result after my 7th-year scan (Ultrasound+Chest X-Ray). Somehow, my scanxiety is much lower this time and I found that CT causes a lot more anxiety to me. I still haven't talked to my urologist, but I've read the…