I Have A Kidney Lesion

Sw1218 Member Posts: 72 Member
edited January 18 in Kidney Cancer #1

hello every-1. about 6 years ago this feb. i was diagnosed wit prostate cancer. due to a cyst seen on my right kidney i had an MRI on yesterday. i need to some help and guidance and my nerves calmed. would some1 please help me

  1. Indeterminate 2.7 cm lesion in the right lower pole of the kidney with peripheral rim enhancement and focal diffusion restriction. Findings are most concerning for papillary renal cell carcinoma versus lipid poor angiomyolipoma.
  2. No evidence of metastatic disease in the abdomen.
  3. Cholelithiasis without acute cholecystitis.

The images were reviewed and interpreted by Diana Murcia Salazar, MD.


CLINICAL INDICATION: Right renal mass.

TECHNIQUE: Multisequence, multiplanar MRI of the abdomen was performed without and with intravenous contrast. ESRC.2.7.3

COMPARISON: CT abdomen and pelvis 11/15/2024

Gallbladder/Biliary Tree: Gallstones without acute cholecystitis. No intra or extrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation.

Kidneys/Ureters: Left kidney: Normal enhancement. No hydronephrosis. Superior pole simple renal cyst measuring 3.9 cm. Lower pole simple renal cyst measuring 3.6 cm. Additional subcentimeter simple and hemorrhagic cysts.

Right kidney: No hydronephrosis. Scattered subcentimeter simple cysts. Within the right lower pole, there is exophytic, predominantly solid T2 hypointense predominantly centrally nonenhancing lesion with peripheral rim enhancement measuring 2.1 x 2.7 x 3.0 cm (4:23, 3: 18). No intrinsic T1 hyperintensity, macroscopic, or microscopic fat. Associated focus of diffusion restriction (16:27, 17:27).


  1. Indeterminate 2.7 cm lesion in the right lower pole of the kidney with peripheral rim enhancement and focal diffusion restriction. Findings are most concerning for papillary renal cell carcinoma versus lipid poor angiomyolipoma.
  2. No evidence of metastatic disease in the abdomen.
  3. Cholelithiasis without acute cholecystitis.