Upper oesophical stricture
Hi I had squama cell cancer on my tonsil and received chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I am a year and 3 months on peg tube. I have upper oesophical stenosis and am only able to swallow a trickle of water. My oesophagus was unable to be dilated because it has gone so narrow after treatment and I was unable to swallow barium…
Dry Skin
Whenever I take a bath,usually once a week, shower all of the other days (I am British I grew up in a bathtub, what do you expect?)LOL, I get white scaly skin on my hands and feet, little whit spots as well, goes away after a few hours, I do not get it when I shower, at least not as much, does this happen to anyone else?…
Checking In
Hi all: Basketcase checking in here! Just got back from visiting my 92 year old aunt in Albany, GA (she's the one who lost her daughter, my cousin, in April) and spending the weekend with my brother (the only brother I've got left) in Thomasville, GA. Had a great time but good to be home. My aunt and uncle from Memphis are…
It's been a year....
The doctor called me 1 year ago and told me I had cancer. On my son's 16th birthday no less. We were getting ready to go out and celebrate his birthday at a rest. called Champs. I said to him " are you telling me I have cancer and he said "yes. I sat thru the dinner with my son and husband and felt in a fog. Slow motion.…
World Series!!
I've got five doses of Caphosol on the Giants to win tonight's game. In San Francisco! I could also throw some of those 4x4 pads with the slit for the feeding tube in. Any takers? Bob
Wednesday was SUPPOSED to be my last day. :'(
So, at the beginning of all this they gave me a calendar that had all my aptmnts on it. Started in the beginning of September and went thru Oct 20. My finish line. So yesterday I went in all excited and the rad tech says"you're in a good mood today!" and I say "Well of course! It's my last day!" she looks at me a little…
13 weeks out - PET results
Well, Glenn had his first PET scan and he's NED!! What really made him happy was his Rad Onc saying she would clear him for dentures just after Thanksgiving. They still see some swelling on the CAT scan and want another month. He still has a PEG tube and he's lost 65lbs, but he had it to lose. They're not worried about the…
Second PET Completed
Happy to report that at 7 months out "There are no definite findings to suggest residual desease, and there are no FDG avid cervical lymph nodes identified". My original diagnosis was T4N2 SCC of the vallecula between tongue and vocal cords. My Rad/Onc gave me a referral to see a Lymphedema physical therapy specialist to…
Tube out!
Monday morning my Gastro Dr. removed my tube. I am happy to report he yanked it out & there was no pain. He told me it would take a bit of time to heal however, it is not draining & is looking great! How long did you leave your dressing on it? I am changing mine daily & also use saline solution to clean it. I appreciate…
hi all I hope everyone is well I went for my ct/pet scan and was told no sign of cancer from my head to my toes thank God! now I have to work on healthy foods what kind of health shakes do some of you reccomend ? God bless
Bob's PET Scan Results
Well Bob had his 1st post Cancer PET Scan last Wednesday....He did NOT tell me he had to go in on Friday for the results. I was asleep and heard him shower and get dressed..thought nothing of it until he said do I look ok? I said for what? He said I am going for my results...OMG I could not get up and get ready and dressed…
Another new mbr
Hello all! I've been an "outsider" reading your posts since I was diagnosed with Stage IV tongue cancer. I've had my surgery and going into my last week of radiation and chemo. I finally decided to join to thank you all for your posts. I felt I wasn't alone and decided to join because there might be other "outsiders" like…
ENT Visit
Hello everyone. I wanted to share with you what my ENT Doctor told me today and see if anyone else was told something similar. He saw a mass, but told me it looked flakey and puffy not like the scary cancer he saw before. Which in my mind seems like good news. He said he wanted to keep an eye on it and has me coming back…
Vita-Stim Swallowing Therapy
Bob started this electrically stimulated swallow therapy this week. They put electrodes around his neck, wrap his neck in some other stuff, and then turn on this machine while he does swallowing exercises. Anyone else have this therapy and did it work??? He goes 4 days a week, 1 hour sessions, for four weeks. Note - he…
Therabite versus OraStretch
I was under the impression that I was getting the Therabite to help with my jaw stretching. However, the package just arrived and is an OraStretch. I know the Therabite is good....does anyone know anything about the Orastretch???? I haven't opened it yet so can exchange it if necessary. Thanks.
Never swallow again???
Hello, I live in a small Texas town just lucky enough to have an Oncology Clinic and a teaching hospital. I was diagnoised with stage 4 base of the tongue cancer with lymphnode envolvement, last Sept, 2009. I underwent cemo and radiation treatments. I wore a cemo pump 5 days a week and had radiation treatments 5 days a…
Infected Computer
I got infected with a computer virus that redirected me to advertisement sites. There is a free program called ad-ware by javasoft that did fix the problem. I don't know where I picked it up - but I do visit this site a lot and we did have that problem with that spammer. I had to load the software onto a flash drive on off…
Chemo for Base of Tongue
I am a 58 year old male that was recently dx with SCC - Base of Tongue as primary source. Noticed a lump on right side of neck in January of this year. My primary care doctor ordered a CT scan after my office visit. The results were unconclusive & I was told lump was benign. Dr said it was most likely a sinus infection &…
Happy Halloween
I have the next couple of days off from work and don't have internet at home, so I wanted to go ahead and wish everyone a HAPPY HALLOWEEN. Be safe! Kathy
Radiation To Epiglottis
My husband just underwent a harsh treatment protocol of chemo and radiation for Stage IV Base of Tongue cancer T-3 N-2 M-0. He's been through the mill with neutropenia, hospitalization, extreme oral mucositis, painful radiation "burns", PEG tube infections, thrush...every single extreme side effect, Seth has gotten in…
Just got my PEG installed; what a nightmare!
Hey all, Just got released from a 4 day stay at the local hospital after going in on Wednesday for same day surgery/installation of the PEG tube. About an hour after being released I began experiencing the most horrible stomach pain of my life, actually the most horrible pain of my life period. There was the pain from the…
Sperm Banking?
My Doctors said that since the treatments are being directed towards the neck the sperm banking isn't; necessary but should avoid getting someone pregnant during and after six months of tx. Has anyone had these same concerns? Anyone have kids after being tx for cancer! Since I'm in the military I can get 1 year storage for…
The food free for all, such as it was, is over. I am at baseline weight.
I am back to my baseline weight ( and as I am only about 2 feet tall, it isn't much) I guess it is a good thing, and I shouldn't complain..however.. The trick is going to be not turning into a puffball as it is hard to eat without slathering on the food lubricants (foobricants?) butter, dressing etc. Any suggestions? Hard…
Diet Ginger Ale for mouth sores
My boyfriend Joe has 7 more radiation treatments left and I wanted to share something we just found helpful. He has of course developed thrush and awful mouth and throat sores. He has tried everything available without any relief and his radiation doctor suggested 'diet' ginger ale. She said to swish and gargle and if…
I have just been diagnosed with poorly differeniated squamous neck cancer, and I have my neck dissection in 1 week and I am only 31. I have so many questions regarding what I will look like afterwards. My doctor said I will have a big scar and my neck will be sunken in, how bad will it look? I know I sound really vain but…
My poor abused tongue
Any suggestions on how to handle the sores that have taken up residence on the side of my tongue? Also, everything burns my tongue, including water. Is that normal? I've been doing swish-n-spit with the baking soda / salt and painting my tongue with the magic mouthwash, which doesn't last all that long. 7 more days to go!
Home from Brother's Funeral
Hi all: Basketcase checking in. I'm back from Chatt. for my brother's Richard funeral services. Being the big TN Vols fans we all are in my family, his wife had him dressed in a new orange shirt he'd just bought and a black suit and a beautiful TN tie! We put an orange/white shaker in with him and one of his TN ball caps.…
Cold Hands & Feet
It is getting winter time in North Carolina and I am again beginning to experience the being cold syndrome, especially the hands and feet. I am now going on five years post treatment (radiation and chemo) and being cold is another one of my many side effects. I have read on this site about others experiencing this and…
Am I blessed or just lucky?
So far I'm not doing so badly with this radiation thing. (I sure hope I haven't jynxed myself there!) Of course I have a wussy cancer compared to what many of you are going through / have gone through. Stage 2, don't need chemo, just radiation, localized in the larynx and so only targeting the larynx and neck nodes - all…
Would the people in charge remove this persons post from ALL categories, thankyou