5 lbs gained and holding
Current me at 153....the best I can Do Folks..lol, Dennis, No trache, with some minor breathing, Could be worst,
New member????
Just wondering if anyone else has had a new member??? add them as their friend. It just strikes me as a little suspicious that I would get this request on the same day that someone posted spam on every forum. The person who added me as their friend has never posted on either of the forums I frequent and has not filled in…
Frequent urination!
Ok folks no prostate jokes here; because i am way too young for prostate problems. But ever since I had treatment I seem to be having increased urination during the night. Has anyone else experienced the same problem?? Charles
hearing loss from radiation
Hi -Looking for people that have had rads to the head that have suffered hearing loss. I am 5 mths post cancer treatments. I had Ewings sarcoma base skull which reqired chemo and ended with 35 radiation treatments. I was told I could have problems with my ear but permenent hearing loss was not mentioned. I hear a little…
Sore throat after treatments
Dave finished up all treatments 1 week ago. He has a really sore throat still. Any suggestions on what he can do to soothe his throat? I thought maybe some honey or something like that to coat his throat. He is still on feeding tube and taking only ice water orally. Any help is much appreciated> Hope all are having a good…
swollen cheeks & lower lip
Hi everyone,so mike was doing really good, & then started having headaches & a pain in the side of his neck he said felt like a spasm..all of a sudden he's got swollen cheeks & his lower lip is huge! the dr put him on steroids for the swelling and a couple of days ago, a small hole opened up where his neck was hurting &…
Good Heavens - How Much Water Does the Man Need?
Hubby went and saw his Medical Oncologist (chemo doc) today for first time since surgery 5 weeks ago. Doc thoroughly reviewed surgical report with him, says there are no signs of cancer, none of lymph nodes removed showed cancer so he is recommending no chemo. Kind of scary, but ok, we'll go with that since he already had…
Another new mbr
Hello all! I've been an "outsider" reading your posts since I was diagnosed with Stage IV tongue cancer. I've had my surgery and going into my last week of radiation and chemo. I finally decided to join to thank you all for your posts. I felt I wasn't alone and decided to join because there might be other "outsiders" like…
Swallowing after treatment
I am two weeks post radiation treatment and was able to swallow until the last week of treament. Today for the first time in three weeks I tried to swallow and even though it hurt like crazy I was able to swallow a tablespoon of melted vanilla ice cream and a few sips of Ensure (yuck!). Even though I was able to swallow…
Hot and Cold
I have a question for those of you finished treatment. Do you still have discomfort from liquids and foods that are really hot or really cold. My dad said that really cold stuff and really hot stuff cause his tongue and throat some mild discomfort. Is this normal at a couple months post treatment. Thanks!!! Kathy
How to know when to take PEG out?
Hi All I have had a PEG for about 7 months and still use it every day. I eat soft things, soups, yogurts, some chicken and fish, but only a small amount. My question is how do you know or when did you decide to take out your PEG????? I can probably eat and drink my 2200 calories needed, but I'm sure I'll get tired of…
An "outsider" coming in
Hello all! I've been an "outsider" reading your posts since I was diagnosed with Stage IV tongue cancer. I've had my surgery and going into my last week of radiation and chemo. I finally decided to join to thank you all for your posts. I felt I wasn't alone and decided to join because there might be other "outsiders" like…
A BIG concern
I am very concerned about Osteo radio necrosis. Doctors and dentist warned me and prescribed flossing/brushing after every meal as well as fluoride trays/treatment daily and believe me I am anal about complying (I guess after 25 years in the Army following orders is in my DNA). I started the routine 2 weeks before my first…
My story
I had a "rough" spot on the inside of my cheek which didn't go away. I showed it to my dentist who said it probably wasn't anything other than "cheek-biters" cheek but suggested a biopsy. The oral surgeon saw no urgency...oral cancer is rarely in the cheek and this looked like "cheek-biters" cheek. I delayed the biopsy for…
very dry throat
My husband, Jim, is now almost two months post-treatment, radiation and chemo, for hypopharyngeal and base of tongue cancer. PET scan showed only residual activity at the site of the treatment, which was great to hear. This was a couple of weeks ago. An increasingly troublesome ear pain has caused him to move back onto…
Edema - Chin & Neck
I've been told that the swelling under my chin (wattle) and rings around my neck are normal reactions to radiation. My concern is that they keep getting bigger and they are extremely firm to the touch. I'm 7 months post and I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this continued growth? Thanks Gang
Discontinuing TPF for BOT cancer
Buzz has had 2 rounds of TPF chemotherapy and has had severe side effects. He is in the hospital for the second time with low white cell counts, a respiratory infection, and severe electrolyte imbalances. The doctor has hinted we may need to stop chemo and not do round three. Has anyone had only two rounds of TPF chemo and…
removal of feeding tube
hi everyone me again I had a ?? when the feeding tube is removed what is the process and will it be painfull?
Throat Cancer Victory - Round One
On April 30, 2010 I was diagnosed with a stage 3, non-metastasizing tumor (about 4cm) at the base of my tongue. A PET scan revealed the rest of my body to be cancer-free and no lymph nodes were affected. In May I underwent surgery for relocation of my opposite-side salivary gland (to under my chin), insertion of a PEG and…
Vocal Cords Problems
I am just wondering how may of us survivor suffer with lost of our Vocal Cords. I am just starting to have problems and my ENT said he does not know why, but from what I read here on CSN there are a lot of survivors who have lost one side or even both due to radiation. If you have problems speaking due to lost of Vocal…
first time mask sucked
my first time using the mask was pretty tramatic for me. I could not finish. Going back on monday. If anybody had a hard time with the mask and was able to overcome please write me with your sucess story
question for people who is working and getting disability from social security?
Hi Guys I just wanted to know who is working and getting disability from social security my question is if your able to return to work do the disability cont or they stop it? Because I am still dealing with major dry mouth and numbness in my fingers and still having pain in my right side shoulder. Because I post to get…
Jaw Opening Device
After 5 years of not being able to open my Jaw more then ½ inch the Dentist at MD Anderson wants me to try and use a device called Dyna-Splint to get motion back into the Jaw. I have use other Devices before that did not work, has any one every heard or used a Dyna-Splint.
Back to Chattanooga for Brother's Services
Hi all: Basketcase here! First let say a big thank you to y'all once again. It's so comforting to read and feel your love, concern and sympathy. I'm headed back to Chatt. in about an hour for my brother's visitation and funeral tomorrow. He was an Air Force veteran and will be buried in National Cemetary. The brother that…
Some advice: EEEEEEEE-pics!
Reading some of the threads got me to thinking... How many of you have actually SEEN the inside of your throat/larynx through the scope? Does your doctor let you look? Does your doctor have a scope that projects on a monitor or screen? Does your doctor have equipment that allows him/her to capture a digital image like a…
My EEEEEE must have been off key
Saw my ENT today but didn't get any real news except he wants to see me back in 3 weeks instead of 2 months. I've been having head aches and ear aches for the last two weeks which I hadn't had since my treatment ended. He didn't say much, which has me more concerned. The tip of my tongue hurts because he was holding my…
Quick Question
My dad is almost 4 monthes post treatment and is doing really great. The only issues that he seems to have (other then dry mouth) is he gets chocked some when eating certain things. The main things being beans and corn. I tell him to make sure he drinks water when he eats. Does this still happens to any of you at this…
Peeling skin
Hi all, I'm probably bugging y'all because I ask so many questions! I was wondering, my neck is peeling a lot now and is there some kind of scrub I should use to exfoliate it, or should I just leave it alone? Maybe it's not safe to peel it though? I'm not sure, what did y'all do?
Night Cough/Desperate/Help anyone?
I am 7 weeks post rad tx. and I have this nightly cough that keeps me up most of the night. I am absolutely desperate as I can't sleep and I am so exhausted. I have this very salty phlegm that starts in the early evening hours every single night and then I cough of and on most of the night. Doctor's have no idea and keep…