Radiation To Epiglottis

SethsPal Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
My husband just underwent a harsh treatment protocol of chemo and radiation for Stage IV Base of Tongue cancer T-3 N-2 M-0. He's been through the mill with neutropenia, hospitalization, extreme oral mucositis, painful radiation "burns", PEG tube infections, thrush...every single extreme side effect, Seth has gotten in spades. After a "swallowing study" recently, it was discovered that his epiglottis is gone because of the radiation and his chance for rehibilitation is "fair"; involving different therapies and such. I would like to know if anyone has in the past or is currently dealing with this particular issue and how best to deal with it and am looking for some positive imput and encouragement and advice PLEASE!!


  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    Well, my cousins wife
    Well, my cousins wife underwent chemo and rads a year or two before me and I think also surgery because she has no epiglotis. I know she is able to swallow food. She can actually eat more normally than I do. So I am thinking there is hope.

    I wish you the very best,

  • Scambuster
    Scambuster Member Posts: 973
    I am unsure how severe they mean and also how long out of treatment your husband is ???

    I had a rough time through treatment similar sounding to your huband. For the first couple or months out I had obvious damage to the epiglottis and frequently choked with food /fluid going down into my eosophogas. It just wasn't working properly. I was lucky and mine recovered its function and now I am fine.

    I hope his also recovers.

  • sportsman
    sportsman Member Posts: 97
    Damage to the Epiglottis
    My epiglottis was severely damaged by the radiation. On the modified barrium swallow test as well as the barrium swallow test I was able to view the x-rays to see that my epiglottis is not working. There is a fear here of having drink or food go into the lungs and causing aspiration pnuumonia. I have been told by the x-ray technicians that basically the radiation fused the epiglottis to my tongue. I fortunately have not had the aspiration problems and have not had pneumonia. I also have not had a swallow test in several years now so it is possible mine could be working some. I was told by a surgeon that there is a procedure where a stent can be placed to somehow how help this situation with the epiglottis. I have actually spoken to someone who has had this done. Upon checking further though I have been unable to find someone who does this procedure. This unfortunately is just another horrible side effect of this devastating radiation we all take to rid us of this cancer. I am always seeking help with all my side effects and still have hope amd faith that I will again eat normal some day. If not I know I will be healed in eternity. God Bless