PET today for hubby of luv2cut1
Myka...know that I am thinking of you at Pat today as he gets his first post treatment PET. Mark said the scan was no big deal...didn't like the not eating breakfast...no coffee. He is taking it all in stride and is in no hurry to get results. That's just his way. Mixleader and Pam M have scans coming up too. My best to…
Starting Treatment Again
Well I got my PET scan results back and I still have a tumor at the base of my tongue left side. My last PET showed hot spots on the right side also and now they are all gone. I talked to the doctors this week and I will have to start four sessions of chemo. Cysplatin this time, I had Carboplatin last time and boy did it…
Wonderful news
David ate his first real food in over 2 months just now, I fixed him a bowl of oatmeal and he finished it all!! Wooohooo... This has got to be the happiest day in my life. It will only get better from here. Has his first pet will be in Dec and need prayers for an all clear. Hope everyone has had a good weekend and feeling…
Cry cry cry
So I am 12 days post treatment and though I should probably be happy that the worst is over, for the past 3 days I can't stop crying. I feel like my quality of life is just terrible. I love my life, I have much to be grateful and happy for, but I can't stop crying. I miss food, I hate sneezing, yawning, or coughing because…
Pet Scans
I was wondering what was meant by the term "full body pet scan" I was looking at the statement that came from the hospital, it stated "Pet Scan/Cat Scan" full body Sull to thigh. Wondering how much of your body do the scan, is it really from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. The internet tells me it's from…
Pulling Teeth
I need some advice for a friend - he was just diagnosed with stage IV throat cancer from smoking/drinking. I guess the treatment will be lots of radiation and some chemotherapy. As you all know, he and his family are in shock and, quite frankly, terrified. I've read a lot of your posts and am grateful for the advice I've…
14 Months - Reving up!
Hi all, I have not been on CSN for quite a while. I have a lot going on, but you are always in my prayers. I have my PET Scan on Monday 11/15 at Mt Sinai, and am trying not to rev-up! I am planning to have this port-o-cath out of my chest in December, after I receive my CLEAN scan. I am in the midst of a divorce, and…
How do you know when your body really is thirsty
Well 14 years out and I had a first. Last week I finally decided to trim our hedges; basically an all day event. Like all of you I carry my water everywhere but I also know that there are times (always) when my mouth is dry but unless I need to talk to someone, I may just ignore it for a while. Well I guess I ignored it…
This Thanksgiving, among many things I am thankful for you.
It is the time of year when Thanks come to mind..This is my first Thanksgiving following treatment and diagnosis and it sure does change ones perspective. Among all the usual things I am thankful for (and you all know what I mean) I am very thankful for this board. I may not post all that much and am often brief, but just…
Hi all, I want to thank each and every one of you for your well wishes and prayers this week. Pat had his scan on Wednesday and got results today. He has CLL also, so he will never get a complete NED, but it appears that there is NED for the head and neck cancer! We feel so lucky and so blessed and I thank you tremendously…
hello everyone, haven't been online in a while due to computer problems. Mike had his PET/CT scan & it was inconclusive. the dr said there was so much edema,they couldn't get a clear picture. They also said that there was some activity that they were concerned about. Mike's had an infection in his neck that's been leaking…
Parotid Gland Cancer - Stage 4
I am 44 year old female and found out 2 weeks ago that I have cancer of the parotid gland. 3 months ago I went to my primary care doctor because of pressure in my right ear and what I thought was a swollen gland. Thinking it was a possible ear infection starting, I took antibiotics twice, but nothing changed. My ENT sent…
Chocolate chip cookies...
When I was about three weeks into the cisplatin and rads, a family friend sent over a batch of chocolate chip cookies. They smelled fabulous. However, taking a nibble off the edge of one of those suckers was like filling my mouth with parafin wax. No flavor at all. Hurt to chew. Stuck to my teeth. Felt like glass on my…
radiation graduation friday and THANK YOU!
I was told today that my last radiation treatment will be on friday! I am so excited to finally get to a point where I can rest without having to get to the cancer center everyday. I love the way I have been treated there, but I am so tired. I just want to rest! I am doing a happy dance...with all the side effects I have…
PEG couldn't be placed....anyone else have that?
My husband went in to have his PEG inserted today, but after they attempted the procedure the doc says that he can't do it. We were told that his stomach sits too high and that he has a small hiatal hernia. If they placed the tube it would be right under his sternum and that would be too uncomfortable. They gave us two…
US Marine Corps ~ 235th Birthday
Tribute to my fellow Marines and to all of the men and women who have served and are serving our beautiful country...salute!!
First Visit to Regular Doctor
My dad had his first visit to his regular MD since his treatment ended. He had to go back on his blood pressure meds, but at a lower dose. The doctor told him that his diabetes is under control. The only area of concern was his sodium level and it was pretty low. What happens when your sodium level gets low. What kind of…
Reflash post treatment
In the sixth year of remission after the treatment for NPC, I recently had rash in my whole body resulting in an emergency visit. The rash was similar to the one I got when I received the first dose of cisplantin during the treatment. Emergency room doctor said it was caused by my body’s allergy reaction. Has anyone…
Chemo trial waiting list????
What do you do when you are on a trial waiting list? How long do you sit and wait? My 35yr old fiance has been diagnosed with stage IV parotid gland cancer (salvitory gland cancer) in Aug 2010. The Dr pulled us off conventional chemo after 2 rounds and put us on a trial waiting list. What do we do if there are no trials…
For Kimba and all who have scans coming up
Kim, Just to let you know thoughts and prayers are with you and Mark on Mark's scan this week, and to everyone who has scans coming up. Pat's scan is Wednesday and I know how stressed out I am. Here is to NED! Myka
New here
Looks like I finally found a good place. My husband Doug was diagnosed with T1 N2 Stage4 HPV Type Squamish Cell Carcinoma of the left tonsil, with large left side tumor mass and invading lymph nodes We have already done the biopsies, have opted out of neck dissection and should be starting radiation-chemotherapy within the…
For those of us with problems swallowing
I started my blog up on this site and posted a few recipes that I can actually swallow for any one that is interested. Just keep in mind that they are developed for my 'tastes' which is not much taste at all. Lol. Things still taste like salty wall paper paste to me. I also have two great kitchen tools that have made my…
Back in the chemo saddle
Hey Guys, Just wanted to let y'all know I started back up today with a blast of Cisplatin and day one of 35 radiation. They installed wifi in the chemo room while I was gone so I am actually writing while getting chemo. I was hopeful that I wouldn't need to be back in this room but the protocol calls for what it calls for,…
My husband (50) was diagnosed with stage IVa throat cancer 2 weeks ago and just finished his first week of radiation and 1 day chemo. I've been reading through posts here and they have been so helpful (and hopeful)....I feel so blessed to have found this group to help us along this unplanned journey.......
Moving Forward
I received excellent news today and just wanted to share. The results of my first post-treatment PET scan shows that I am currently cancer-free! This is the best news I've had in six months. I am so blessed! I am grateful that I have such a supportive wife (caregivers need lots of love), a loving family and a lot of…
Graduation Day...I guess
Just wanted to share with everyone that today was my last rad treatment #33. I amout about one week off schedule. I had to suspend the treatment with only 4 left for a week when my neck became so burnt from the rads, (doctors orders). And yes, I though about not finishing, But all behind me now Yahooooooooooooooooooo!My…
What Side effects do you have?
I am just curious about what different or the same side effects we are all facing. I have " Dry mouth, tingle in my finger tips and toes, constant stuffy nose, shooting feeling of electricity down my back that feels like it burst when it gets to the small of my back, ringer in the ears-not so bad anymore, fatigue from not…
during radiation, i'm having trouble swallowing anything
Hey Guys. I am 28 and have Hodgkins Lymphoma and usually post on those boards, but I decided you guys might be more help with this problem. I have just finished up 6 months of chemo and am currently going through radiation treatments. The doctor told me I may have trouble swallowing but I had no idea it would be this bad.…
Hello all and hope your evening is going well. I am one week post treatment and have way too much time to think about the future. I was wanting to know what your medical team may have said regarding the "aggressive nature" of your cancer. Pre surgery I was diagnosed T2N2M0 with my Right Tonsil being the primary. Once my 2…
NPC survival side effect
I am from Malaysia. Detected NPC stage 3(T3N0M0) on June 2009. Already finished 35 radiation n 6 round of chemo since last August 2009. My side effect now is lack of saliva, fatigue and alot of phlegm. Recently, i encouter blood stain in my phlegm especially waking up in the morning. Check with ENT doctor, he give me 2…