Parathyroid Cancer
Does anyone know where to search, discuss, explore options for individuals with parathyroid carcinoma that has now metasis to the liver and bone. I know its rare and its definitely cancer. Thanks!
I have done some research and the most I have found is that they do not recomend Cyberknife for tongue cancer. I had an MRI a few weeks ago and still have a golf ball size tumor on the left side base of the tongue, also one lymph node that is enlarged. I spoke with my Oncologiest on the phone Friday and he informed me they…
How Long
How long before everyone started to feel better after throat cancer treatments. David is post 3 weeks and a half and feels terrible today. throat still hurts, thick mucus, week. Still on feeding tube, but drinks tea and water, still on the pain meds. He wanted to know how long before things will start healing in his…
Hi from Chefdaddy
Hi guys and gals. I'm sorry for not posting for such a very long time, like everyone else here, my health has made several changes and reversals but I am now finally stabilizing and doing much better. My son, daughter, brother and myself were sent to Disneyland by the Make-A-Wish Foundation and we all had a wonderful time.…
Not eating post round 2 of TPF
Buzz had two rounds of TPF induction chemotherapy for Stage IV BOT cancer. Both rounds put him in the hospital for a week each time. He had severe electrolyte imbalances and neutropenia with infection. So, we are not doing round 3 and are waiting to go to the chemoradiation phase soon. For now he is not eating! His throat…
Hospital and Insurance Issues
Hyperberic Chamber was located in another Hopsital, I have had nothing but problems getting this hopsital to get B/C B/S of Michigan to get there payment, the hospital either can't give me info, last month they pulled my account, but they keep sending me bills for extravagant amounts. Blue Cross will pay for the treatment…
How Did Everyone's Employer's handle your Cancer Situation?
I want to Know how everyones boss handled the situation with Cancer, Mine is slowly working me out the door, you no the one that has been a dedicated worker, and now feels the prize pony is useless.....I just want to hear, we hear about our own personal problems, but did it effect your job. I, like others here know we had…
PET / CT Scan Preparation
Bloody ear discharge
Hi friends, I want to know if any of you experience bloody ear discharge post radiation treatment. I finished treatment in February of this year and for the past 3 months I have experience random bloody ear discharge. The ENT isn't concern and prescribed anti infection ear drop and fungal pills. Would appreciate your…
2 months post treatment, swollen neck and water coming out nose
Hi all, I had written several times about 4-5 months ago, then life got in the way. Roger has completed his chemo (cisplatin) and radiation treatments. he had stage 4a base of tongue cancer that had spread down both lymph chains on either side of his neck, He just got the results of his new PET scan and nodes have…
White Blood Cell Count
I am 10 weeks post rad for SCC at BOT and my internist is monitoring my lab work since my chemo oncologist discharged me. She just email me with results from todays lab and my white blood cell count is now 3.2 (down from 3.9 and 4.1 prior to that). I just left a message for the oncologist because I am concerned. Does…
Stories of Hope interviewed me :)
I hope y'all find this inspiring: http://www.cancer.org/Treatment/SurvivorshipDuringandAfterTreatment/StoriesofHope/after-tongue-cancer-a-newfound-determination-to-succeed
stricture update - great news
Hi all. I've been busy opening up our new psychotherapy office in town (a great milestone for me personally) but have been wanting to respond to Una's thread about her stricture. My stricture had completely closed. I see many people talking about their opening in centimeters (cm). 1 centimeter is 10 millimeters (mm, about…
Thick mucus and sore throat
Dave finished all rads and chemo 8 days ago, ooooh yyyea! But the problem is the mucus seems very thick and is making him sick, and throat is so sore he has let up on taking fluids orally. Any suggestions for these 2 problems, and How long before it will ease off? The doc said rads would continue to burn him for several…
Ring the Bell!
Today was my last treatment day and I rang the bell! Time to recuperate now.
Even Polly Anna can have a bad day.
Me texting my child: "Sometimes I have these 'OMFG WTF did they do to me' moments. I am afraid the edema is going to choke me in my sleep and that I will have demented elf hair forever. I can't tell anyone because I will cry. And I really have nothing to cry about." My wise child texting back: "And then you remember that…
Anyone here from the Stanford, CA area?
The son of a dear friend up here in the foothills has just been diagnosed with a Head/Neck cancer that is substantially more advanced than mine was. He'll be seeing the same doctor, Kaplan, who is treating me at Stanford Cancer Center. He, however, will have to get daily treatments at Stanford. Anyone have any leads on…
How long until taste returned?
Hi all, There is lots of info here about people's experiences with salivary function, but I am really curious to know how long it was for you after treatment ended before your sense of taste returned to normal? Or if it ever did? Thanks! ~Dane
This one's for you Kimba :)
As you requested Kim I have changed my pic to a picture of my great grandson Maven. I'm always happy to show him off but sometimes I get carried away :) He's 10 months old now and walking...excuse me, he's running, all over the place so trying to get pictures of him can be a challenge sometimes because he doesn't stand…
Face mask
Hi all, I am hoping some of you will have great advice. My mom in law is thinking of having cyberknife tx with the face mask for brain mets. Since I have not had to experience the face mask , as of yet, I thought of many of you and hope you can offer advice. This would be a treatment for pallitive reasons only. She is 84…
Has anyone heard from ratface ?
I haven't been on as much as I would like, but has anyone heard from ratface? I haven't gone thru all the threads, but was just wondering. Dave
The one best thing.
Many of you have read my intermittent Polly-Anna posts on here, chirping about survival and gratitude and being able to choke down sourdough bread. Well, here is another one. I had a revelation last night about "living in the moment." I can do it now. I am doing it. I've been doing it for some time now, probably since…
Delayed reaction to Giants winning the World Series
We won!! Ironically I was in Texas at MD Anderson when they won and flying back to SF the same day they were. Needless to say I'm very proud of my team. It's been very inspirational watching them work so hard to accomplish something they never have. I had to change my tickets up to stay a day longer at the hospital and US…
An AWESOME experience!
Warning: Long post (as usual for me) Two weekends ago I was privileged to be invited to go to the Wind River Cancer Wellness Retreat out in the foothills of NC. In a single hyphenated word... life-changing! You could also use words like 'amazing' and 'relaxing' and 'therapeutic' and 'needed' if you would like as well. What…
NPC cancer recur
Hi, I finished my NPC (T3n0m0) treatment on August 2009. On 26th October 2010, my x-ray deteched the cancer cell in my lung. Further ct-can show metastases lump nodes in both lungs.The biggest one is 3cm. Need another 6 round of chemo. 1 round of chemo in every 3 weeks. Doc said treament is to control it and it may recur…
Oct 30 makes a year
Hello everyone, I havent been on is quite a while. It got to be too much for me. No suggestions were working for my boyfriend in his recovery as far as food. He still does not eat solid foods. Oct 30 made 1 year that he finished his treatment. has had 3 or 4 follow ups, where the dr has poked, prodded, stuck things in and…
facial hair
My radiologist told me that I will permanently lose my facial hair. I would like to know if this is true or not. I've always had a goatee or beard.
Yes!!!! add 1 more to the NED list
3 months out now and had my 1st CT scan today and it's clean...NED It's always been a nagging thought in the further reaches of my mind that things have been too easy for me through this whole process and some bad news awaits around the next corner. But a big sigh of relief today. My recovery from treatment has been a…
Delnative knew
Jim, I made the long-overdue trip to the University of Iowa hospital today to visit a Dental Specialist. He's just down the hall from the Otolaryngology center, and one floor right below the H&N Cancer Center, there. According to this Dr.- I shoulda been on the flouride trays right from the get-go, and that includes even…
Two primary tumors
Has anybody on this board been diagnose with two primary site in the throat?