the check up with the chemo doctor yesterday
Well I got good news from yesterdays chemo doctor visit and he is happy that I did gained 2lbs since I seen him six weeks ago. So no feeding tube needed and I asked the chemo doctor if the NPC would come back and he didn't have a clear answer on that but he did tell me that I would have to have PET scans every 6-8 months…
New problem
David has several pretty good size "looks like blisters" on the very back of his tongue. Very painful and burns him to even drink room temp water. his progress with eating has stopped. It is on the opposite side of the throat where the tumor was... Could this be the worst and be c back? or could it still be the radiation…
PET... NED... EEE... TYJ!!!!!
And Thank You ALL! Just wanted to thank you all for your positive posts, good wishes, and the many prayers. Mt Sinai declared me NED! Tah Dah! I am so glad to add my name to the list of posts this month who have had clean scans. My prayers are with all of you, especially the friends who are having scans in the next couple…
Dad biopsies in August good, biopsies taken last tuesday bad.. confused, angry.. pls help
hi my father was diagnosed in february with stage 4 tongue cancer, which we were told was agressive.. we opted for option b which was radition and chemo, 2 rounds of induction chemo..finished treatments in june, biopsies in august clean! instead of the surgery which we were told he would lose all of his tongue, jaw and…
always tired
im 42yrs old and i was just diagnosed with hnc on june 4th ,mostly my limp nodes ,have had 1 biopsy and having another aug 6th , my question is im always tired now and was never that way b4 , is it normal cause of the cancer or what? im a new to the site but have learned so much through other posts and members ,any info…
Update from Marc in Washington DC 4 1/2 weeks after last radiation treatment for Stage 4 SCC in Tons
Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving to all. I had my 34th and last radiation treatment on October 22, and today is November 22. My treatment began June-August with four treatments of Cisplatin, Taxitir and (for 72 hours via infusion pump) 5FU, 3 weeks apart, over 12 weeks, followed by 34 radiation treatments between early…
This year I will be thankful for the progress all of us here have made in our journey with the fight of our lives. I am thankful for all the doctors and the treatments that have been discovered to fight this terrible c we have all had to battle. I am thankful for each and every person here that has givien their advice,…
News - Good and Bad?
Hi Everybody, First of all, let me tell you how amazing you have all been, and how wonderful it is to hear all of the recent good news on your scans, and also for those of you who just finished with treatment. I have never "met" such an amazing group of people! So, A quick update on me. I have Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of…
Turkey Neck?
Hey everyone, I have a new question. My boyfriend lost 60 lbs in all after his 6 weeks of chemo/rads last Oct, and no surgery needed. He is 21 weeks out of treatment now. My question is this. Obviously with fat and muscle loss, you get sagging skin, and sometimes a turkey neck. But when he asks about it, the dr tells him…
Mayo Clinic
I have been living in some very bad pain for the passed 5 months now and my local doctors don’t know why. I did an MRI and the Doc here in Lafayette told me my cancer is back and pushing on my brain giving me all the pain. We went for a second opinion at MD Anderson; they did a PET and said I am cancer free, who do we…
Removal of Jaw and portion of tongue, anyone?
any information would be greatly apprciated
Blood Transfusions
My mother was diagnosed a few months ago with Stage IVa throat cancer. Since then she has undergone 33 rad treatments and only 3 cisplastin instead of 6 due to her blood levels dropping. She was admittfed on wednesday for the 3rd time due to dehydration. Her body is rejecting any form of nourishment regardless of what…
I have a quick questions for those of you that had dentures prior to treatment or need to get them after completion. My dad has had dentures since he was in his thrities due to a car accident. He had to stop wearing them prior to treatment because of pain from the cancer. He know is wondering when he should get new ones.…
Back again
Two hour drive to the hospital for a check up. Probably nose scope. Then two minute chat. Then two hour drive back home xxxo
Up date on Me
Just came back from Doc, everything is the unchanged, I found out today, that the First Doctor and Nose and Throat specialist, who did the implant last September of 2009, trimmed my l/s Larnyx, which my voice is now crippled, I asked the Doc today why my tumor wasn't noted after the 5 tests he did, before he carved into…
Hi All, My wife went today for needle biopsy on her thyroid. She has 2.7 x 1.5 tumor. I hope it is nothing and we should know the results by Wednesday. Please keep her in your prayers. I have a scan on the 7th, but I don't think there will be any sign of the c. I just don't know if I can take care of her as well as she did…
I just got the results of my Saturday scan, which was my first PET/CT after surgery and rads and I am NED!!!!!!!!!. Am I typing OK? It is hard to type when you are laughing and crying at the same time and jumping up and down and dancing. This feels so good I can't even describe it. I hope and pray that everybody else gets…
Wah - No Donut for Pam
Well, I WANTED to be in the club of cool kids getting PET and CT scans in November. Doc's office called Friday, and told me that my insurance company will not OK a PET for tomorrow, just a CT. I'm bumming. It's my understanding that a PET will show cancer too small to show up on a CT. I was really hoping for the more…
2 year checkup
Im leaving early in the morning to MD Anderson for my 2 year check up. Still going every 6 months for check up, so Im hoping I have graduated to once a year. Say a prayer for a clean checkup. Sirena
Good News From ENT
So i went for my check up today and the doctor told me that it looks normal and that i am healing fast. So i asked does that mean the cancer is gone and he says to me and my wife, " you are cancer free!!!!. " Which made me ask if i still needed to go for my PET scan tomorrow and he said not right now. You seem do be doing…
I went to my ENT doctor today
Well today I went to get my post check up with the ENT and I also had my hearing test done. Lets say I pretty much failed the hearing test with the low and high pitches I cant really hear so my ENT doctor wants me to get hearing aids due the mount of damage was done with chemo and radiation and ENT doctor said the hearing…
Good luck to Hondo...
As a new timer as of today on this Board i am an old timer for my cancer (at the base of my tongue}.. almost seven years ago and feel so at home reading all the problems we have and are going through..The radiation killed my cancer but at about five years out i found that it killed the lower left jaw bone so i had to have…
Prayers for Hondo
Prayers for you, Hondo, as you make your trip to Mayo tomorrow. May they find the source of the pain and fix it. Good luck and please keep us posted when you can. Myka
Micheal Douglas
I was trying to find that post about Micheal Douglas but I cant find it but anyways I just got back from dollar general picking up a few things and I was waiting in line to get checked out and I seen a newspaper saying Micheal Douglas only have 3 months to live and he at 139 lbs. Let me tell you he doesn't look the same…
Hello and hope everyone is well today. I met with my medical team today and looks like my healing / recovery will take longer than I thought. My ENT scoped me and is very pleased with all of the surgical sites and did not see anything of concern. He also looked at my vocal chords as he was surprised I still have no voice.…
Neck pain and tightness after dissection
Hi, I'm pretty new to these boards. I was recently diagnosed with mucoepidermoid carcinoma and had the left floor of my mouth removed and grafted and a neck dissection on the left side of my neck on 10/13. I was wondering how it was for everyone else their pain and tightness in the neck area. I have alot of nerve pain and…
pet results
I am happy for all that had good pets this month, and through this fight. I just got mine back and, well somone had to have a bad one and i guess it was my turn. At least my drs held something in reserve so we still have something to fight this with, like my kids say (wonder where they got this from) nothing in life ever…
Basketcase checking in!
Hi all: Thought I'd better check in since I haven't for awhile. I'm leaving Wed. to go back to NC to Charlie's folks. I promised my mother-in-law I'd come back and get her Christmas decorations out and up for her. I've already put up my tree as we did this early since this time of year was so hectic for Charlie. I managed…
What happens now?
Hello Everyone, It has been a long time since I have posted because quite frankly it has just been too hard to read all the blogs of where we were and where we are now. My husband was diagnosed on 6/1/2009 with tonsil SCC stage IV. He has been in treatment ever since and it just keeps spreading. Now it is in the liver,…
Beware or be aware
Everyone should know during rad and chemo treatments, and even after you are subject to get thrush and hairy tongue. Doctors did not tell us to be on the look out for either and David has a case of both at 4 weeks post treatment. The signs are wite to yellow build up on tongue and soar throat. Very dry mouth also. When you…