How Did Everyone's Employer's handle your Cancer Situation?

Mine works with me
Mine works with me, and no matter what comes up we find a way to work around it. Seems like some bosses are better than others. I know i get away with a lot of things he wouldnt let others do, but getting rid of me was never in his mind. Sorry your employer isnt as loyal, and hope you get the job tomorrow. Your not useless unless you let yourself think that. Personally i think your one of the tough ones you made it through this, so if they want to force you out thats their loss. Don0 -
How Did Everyone's Employer's handle your Cancer Situation?don62 said:Mine works with me
Mine works with me, and no matter what comes up we find a way to work around it. Seems like some bosses are better than others. I know i get away with a lot of things he wouldnt let others do, but getting rid of me was never in his mind. Sorry your employer isnt as loyal, and hope you get the job tomorrow. Your not useless unless you let yourself think that. Personally i think your one of the tough ones you made it through this, so if they want to force you out thats their loss. Don
Well, I don't think mine was understanding or worked with me at all. When I found my swollen lymph node, I didn't say anything right away to my District Manager. I waited until it was pretty big, and found out I had to have tests. . In retrospect I should have taken off a day of sick time, which they don't allow unless you are sick, can't take off to go to doctor. I should have just lied and not waited until I had a day off. Anyway, he happened to come in and I told him I had to go and have it checked out. He was pretty dismissive and told me I would be fine. Alrighty then, glad you must moonlight as a doc on the side. Flash forward, and my tumor and lymph node were now the size of a lemon, but I kept working my 48 hour minimum, and kept up on my job duties, despite the pain, my @ss dragging and now my neck having mobility issues turning and looking up due to the tumor. I had to stand on a step ladder to run walls to reach the top shelf. Anyway, my boss was coming again and I was having some trouble keeping up with my work load. I let him know it was getting hard for me, and that it was pretty swollen now and they were going to do the fine needle biopsy. He tried to get me to post pone it. Uhm no. Too bad if it's a Friday someone needs to cover for me. When he got to my store he looked at my neck that now had gone from just a little swollen lymph node to a lump the size of a large lemon in two months. Then he said to me, "oh, that's not so bad, I thought it would be worse." pi@@ed me off. I wanted to say, if that was on your wife's neck, would you think it was bad????
So obviously my fine needle biopsy showed SCC. Now they need to find primary. Had my PET found nothing. Meanwhile I am still working my 48 or more in pain. They scheduled exploratory biopsies to look around to still try and find something for a primary. WorkEd right up until that day. They didn't find anything and that night they sprung it on me that I would have my neck dissection the next day. I scrambled for coverage for my schedule and fought for two hospital days.they finally said yes. I was in 4-5 days though.
I asked for FMLA leave. After my neck dissection my left arm wasn't very good. No way I could lift boxes and do such a physical job. They asked me if I was coming back and working thru rads, but would not reduce my hours from min 48 and told me I still had to work every mon, sat and Friday at least 8 hours. Since I still wasn't too good mobily and had to have rads thank God I had purchased long term disability insurance and that kicked in. I thought I would be ok to work after rads before I started them. But then all he'll broke loose and I went down to 87 lbs. They would not let me ease back in to work, and really right now I still couldn't handle my old job. Too physical, too many hours and I'm still in a lot of daily pain, and have swallowing issues yet. So there it is. I am sad that they wouldn't really work with me. And sad I'm not what I used to be, but there it is.
I am trying to work on gaining weight, building muscle back, and stamina. Maybe I will get back to work sometime, but I am afraid it will probably be part time if I finally get there.0 -
Thankssweetblood22 said:How Did Everyone's Employer's handle your Cancer Situation?
Well, I don't think mine was understanding or worked with me at all. When I found my swollen lymph node, I didn't say anything right away to my District Manager. I waited until it was pretty big, and found out I had to have tests. . In retrospect I should have taken off a day of sick time, which they don't allow unless you are sick, can't take off to go to doctor. I should have just lied and not waited until I had a day off. Anyway, he happened to come in and I told him I had to go and have it checked out. He was pretty dismissive and told me I would be fine. Alrighty then, glad you must moonlight as a doc on the side. Flash forward, and my tumor and lymph node were now the size of a lemon, but I kept working my 48 hour minimum, and kept up on my job duties, despite the pain, my @ss dragging and now my neck having mobility issues turning and looking up due to the tumor. I had to stand on a step ladder to run walls to reach the top shelf. Anyway, my boss was coming again and I was having some trouble keeping up with my work load. I let him know it was getting hard for me, and that it was pretty swollen now and they were going to do the fine needle biopsy. He tried to get me to post pone it. Uhm no. Too bad if it's a Friday someone needs to cover for me. When he got to my store he looked at my neck that now had gone from just a little swollen lymph node to a lump the size of a large lemon in two months. Then he said to me, "oh, that's not so bad, I thought it would be worse." pi@@ed me off. I wanted to say, if that was on your wife's neck, would you think it was bad????
So obviously my fine needle biopsy showed SCC. Now they need to find primary. Had my PET found nothing. Meanwhile I am still working my 48 or more in pain. They scheduled exploratory biopsies to look around to still try and find something for a primary. WorkEd right up until that day. They didn't find anything and that night they sprung it on me that I would have my neck dissection the next day. I scrambled for coverage for my schedule and fought for two hospital days.they finally said yes. I was in 4-5 days though.
I asked for FMLA leave. After my neck dissection my left arm wasn't very good. No way I could lift boxes and do such a physical job. They asked me if I was coming back and working thru rads, but would not reduce my hours from min 48 and told me I still had to work every mon, sat and Friday at least 8 hours. Since I still wasn't too good mobily and had to have rads thank God I had purchased long term disability insurance and that kicked in. I thought I would be ok to work after rads before I started them. But then all he'll broke loose and I went down to 87 lbs. They would not let me ease back in to work, and really right now I still couldn't handle my old job. Too physical, too many hours and I'm still in a lot of daily pain, and have swallowing issues yet. So there it is. I am sad that they wouldn't really work with me. And sad I'm not what I used to be, but there it is.
I am trying to work on gaining weight, building muscle back, and stamina. Maybe I will get back to work sometime, but I am afraid it will probably be part time if I finally get there.
For trying to get better and beat this, The best medicine they told me by the docs was to look for another job, which I did, the sly negative comments take there tolls and I'm countingt I hope the days to walk out of my present job, and leave this person alone, i worked threw my chemo and rads laying on the rest room floor puking to keep my job...and her business going..Dennis0 -
Dennis, dude, I give youdennis318 said:Thanks
For trying to get better and beat this, The best medicine they told me by the docs was to look for another job, which I did, the sly negative comments take there tolls and I'm countingt I hope the days to walk out of my present job, and leave this person alone, i worked threw my chemo and rads laying on the rest room floor puking to keep my job...and her business going..Dennis
Dennis, dude, I give you serious props. You did waaay more than I ever would have.
Although I don't know how I would have handled it if I was with my idiot ex. My parents were supportive, and he never was. They have not charged me a dime in the last three years. I only have me and a dog to worry about, not a spouse and kids besides. I doubt whatever happens that my parents would let me starve or throw me out.
My ex would let me quit my job when I was mentally and physically drained when I was working at the job I had before this last one. I was working 65 hrs a week. I literally had a breakdown, and he didn't care. Thank God I had left him and was here when I got sick, I really doubt I would have pulled out of this if I was still with him.0 -
Bosssweetblood22 said:Dennis, dude, I give you
Dennis, dude, I give you serious props. You did waaay more than I ever would have.
Although I don't know how I would have handled it if I was with my idiot ex. My parents were supportive, and he never was. They have not charged me a dime in the last three years. I only have me and a dog to worry about, not a spouse and kids besides. I doubt whatever happens that my parents would let me starve or throw me out.
My ex would let me quit my job when I was mentally and physically drained when I was working at the job I had before this last one. I was working 65 hrs a week. I literally had a breakdown, and he didn't care. Thank God I had left him and was here when I got sick, I really doubt I would have pulled out of this if I was still with him.
Hey Dennis,
My boss has been great--, but his wife had cancer and beat it. So he has been quite understanding. I tried to go back to work in July and it was just too hot and he suggested I wait until October, which turned out to be the best for both of us.
Hang in there and I pray everything turns out well for you.
Steve0 -
GREAT for a while
My employers were magic - they were very kind, and let me work way reduced hours when treatment started (while they paid me full time - I told them I didn't want to be paid fulll time, but they insisted - I worked plenty of unpaid overtime until treatment). Three weeks before treatment was over, they let me know that they were eliminating my position, having the DOO take over part of my job, and changing their protocol to make the other part of my job lower level (translation: dumb down reporting to clients, and have an entry level person do the work) - the company was cutting costs - I was the highest paid admin - they got rid of the second highest paid a couple of weeks before me. Yeah, it stung that they dumped me. My severance packet was not impressive at all, but they did pay me full time for working part time for three months. They're now probably saving ten thousand a year (difference in salary between me and the new admin there), but are having to do some work themselves. Hope you get good news on the job front. I'm sending out cold contact letters with resumes (half-heartedly). Just last Friday, I let some old contacts know I'm on the market - hope I hear something.0 -
I work at North Valleysweetblood22 said:Dennis, dude, I give you
Dennis, dude, I give you serious props. You did waaay more than I ever would have.
Although I don't know how I would have handled it if I was with my idiot ex. My parents were supportive, and he never was. They have not charged me a dime in the last three years. I only have me and a dog to worry about, not a spouse and kids besides. I doubt whatever happens that my parents would let me starve or throw me out.
My ex would let me quit my job when I was mentally and physically drained when I was working at the job I had before this last one. I was working 65 hrs a week. I literally had a breakdown, and he didn't care. Thank God I had left him and was here when I got sick, I really doubt I would have pulled out of this if I was still with him.
I work at North Valley Hospital, a place I cannot say enough good things about.
Our hospital follows the Planetree philosophy of patient centered care, where you look beyond the medical condition and at the patient as a whole and delivering the care around the needs of the patient versus the staff. Not to sound like an advertisement, I was very well taken care of. I was in the midst of some restructuring when the diagnosis came down and the timing was awful. I was allowed to come in 2 hours late every day for 7 weeks, as the daily amifostine infusion and radiation took about 2 hours. I was also told, not to worry about anything other than healing. It was amazing how the burden was lifted. I only took off 1 week and it could have been due to not having the additional stress of worrying about my job. Co workers donated hours to my earned leave bank. Our hospital negotiated massage therapy into our insurance without a deductible and offer acupuncture as well.
I am so grateful to them for the wonderful way I was treated. I wish it was universal.
You can check out our hospital more at or our facebook page (I do most of the facebook poats)or check out planetree at
Stacey0 -
Very Lucky
I consider myself blessed to have the employer that I do. I put in about 10 hours per paycheck, working from home, that that continues to pay my portion of medical insurance premiums. Other than that, I've been told to take as long as I need to heal & my job will be waiting for me when I get back. I'm hoping to be able to show my face at work, at least part-time, by Jan 1.0 -
Mine was fantastic
I just got the job in October. Got Diagnosed in March. I didn't handle chemo very well and did not work after the treatment started. They helped me get on disabilty. I had worked for another district for years and qualified for it. They showered me with gifts, cards,gifts and food when I was home. Then they told me that the job was mine this year if I wanted it. When I have to leave early for doctor appts - they doctor my timecard so it isn't counted as sick days. To save them if I really need to take an entire day off. I couldn't support myself on what I make - but I really enjoy it.0 -
Employer Response
Hey Dennis,
I'm sorry that your boss is such an anal cavity! Hopefully in time, you'll find a better position, you never know. I was unbelievably fortunate, in that my bosses, from top to bottom, were totally supportive from start to finish. I was even allowed to bring my saliva sucking machine to work, and use it whenever I needed to; I was truely blessed. That may be due to me not being the first person in my company who was attacked by cancer; one of my bosses also had a cancer war and won. I'm here wishing you the best of outcomes for your job interview; break a leg, as they say!
Good/Bad Employers
Yes some employers are certainly better than others. The owners I work for told me I should take as much time off as needed to lick this thing and my job would be waiting when I returned. They kept paying my full salary even though I was out of the country getting treatment in Bangkok, Thailand for 2 months. Good luck with your interview Dennis. Cheers
Jimbo0 -
DennisJimbo55 said:Good/Bad Employers
Yes some employers are certainly better than others. The owners I work for told me I should take as much time off as needed to lick this thing and my job would be waiting when I returned. They kept paying my full salary even though I was out of the country getting treatment in Bangkok, Thailand for 2 months. Good luck with your interview Dennis. Cheers
Good luck on your job interview! I have been very lucky & have not had to deal with what you are going through! This upset's me to hear how you are being treated & I am so sorry you have to go through all of this. I do know your boss will one day have to look in the mirror & will not like what she is seeing! Believe me life is funny that way. I wish you my best & will keep you in my prayer's.
God Bless
Roz0 -
I work for a major railroad in the transportation industry and they were fantastic throughout the entire process. They gave me all the time I needed for the surgery and treatments.
We have an excellent short term disability plan that allowed me to never miss a beat while I was off for four months. I went to work for them nearly 33 years ago when I was 19 years old. I've never regretted that decision.
Rush0 -
I was very fortunate to haverush1958 said:Employer
I work for a major railroad in the transportation industry and they were fantastic throughout the entire process. They gave me all the time I needed for the surgery and treatments.
We have an excellent short term disability plan that allowed me to never miss a beat while I was off for four months. I went to work for them nearly 33 years ago when I was 19 years old. I've never regretted that decision.
I was very fortunate to have been working for the postal service. I seldom took sick leave and had many sick leave hours accumulated with a great boss and friends. At that time, there were no radiation facilities on our island and had to daily travel to Honolulu except on weekends.
I shipped my wife’s car and my boss arranged to have it parked at the controlled postal parking lot less than 200 yards from the Honolulu terminal. That allowed me to fly in the morning, get my car and drive to the hospital (they also had a controlled parking lot), park my car overnight at the postal facility and fly back home.
After four weeks, I became weaker and the Cancer Society arranged for me to rent a hotel room with cooking facilities at reduced rates. There was a grocery store next door. I slowly lost my appetite and this reminded me. I became nauseated when food was being cooked.
My friends offered me leave time under the federal employees leave sharing program. I had enough sick and regular leave accumulated so it was not necessary to take them.
I returned to work for half a day for a month and then went back to the full eight hours. My boss told me not to rush it and take more time if needed.
This reminded me of an amusing event upon my return. I had lost a lot of weight and at the postal window, a customer asked what happened to that nice man who used to work here. I laughed and told her that was me. She took another look and we both laughed.0 -
Its nice that some of you had good expirences with your employers. Feels good to read that. Especially nice that fellow coworkers would donate their sick time, and that some companies would allow that.HAWVET said:I was very fortunate to have
I was very fortunate to have been working for the postal service. I seldom took sick leave and had many sick leave hours accumulated with a great boss and friends. At that time, there were no radiation facilities on our island and had to daily travel to Honolulu except on weekends.
I shipped my wife’s car and my boss arranged to have it parked at the controlled postal parking lot less than 200 yards from the Honolulu terminal. That allowed me to fly in the morning, get my car and drive to the hospital (they also had a controlled parking lot), park my car overnight at the postal facility and fly back home.
After four weeks, I became weaker and the Cancer Society arranged for me to rent a hotel room with cooking facilities at reduced rates. There was a grocery store next door. I slowly lost my appetite and this reminded me. I became nauseated when food was being cooked.
My friends offered me leave time under the federal employees leave sharing program. I had enough sick and regular leave accumulated so it was not necessary to take them.
I returned to work for half a day for a month and then went back to the full eight hours. My boss told me not to rush it and take more time if needed.
This reminded me of an amusing event upon my return. I had lost a lot of weight and at the postal window, a customer asked what happened to that nice man who used to work here. I laughed and told her that was me. She took another look and we both laughed.0 -
We do a lot of donating ofsweetblood22 said:Its nice that some of you had good expirences with your employers. Feels good to read that. Especially nice that fellow coworkers would donate their sick time, and that some companies would allow that.
We do a lot of donating of earned leave which can be used for any sort of time off, vacation or sick. I have given mine to a friend as a gift. It is a great benefit.
Stacey0 -
Isn't that the truthsweetblood22 said:Its nice that some of you had good expirences with your employers. Feels good to read that. Especially nice that fellow coworkers would donate their sick time, and that some companies would allow that.
I am too amazed, you people where blessed, to have such great employeers. Mine love the abuse she enflicted on me...You guys where lucky, thanks for the positive side. Dennis0 -
about my employerdennis318 said:Isn't that the truth
I am too amazed, you people where blessed, to have such great employeers. Mine love the abuse she enflicted on me...You guys where lucky, thanks for the positive side. Dennis
My employer as been really good about my whole cancer treatments. They allowed me to work from home and plus my job is part time (during chemo treatments but during radiation treatments I could not work)and I was able to get FMLA-unpaid. But I do work for a local ISP as a tech support and I just went back to work on monday and I have about 4 months of training to catch up lol. So me and my employer have came a agreement I can work 2 days instead of 4 days due to still healing from all treatments and I also got SSI/disability which I applied for back last month and I was approved for both. So I get keep my full disability while returning to work part time.0 -
Luckytimreichhart said:about my employer
My employer as been really good about my whole cancer treatments. They allowed me to work from home and plus my job is part time (during chemo treatments but during radiation treatments I could not work)and I was able to get FMLA-unpaid. But I do work for a local ISP as a tech support and I just went back to work on monday and I have about 4 months of training to catch up lol. So me and my employer have came a agreement I can work 2 days instead of 4 days due to still healing from all treatments and I also got SSI/disability which I applied for back last month and I was approved for both. So I get keep my full disability while returning to work part time.
I was very fortunate and my company did not falter. I was off 6 months and had a slow restart for 2-3 months. I vuluntarily asked them to reduce my pay to 50% for about 4 months while in treatment. I was very lucky indeed.
Scam0 -
The Job that I leftstaceya said:We do a lot of donating of
We do a lot of donating of earned leave which can be used for any sort of time off, vacation or sick. I have given mine to a friend as a gift. It is a great benefit.
I had almost 3 months of sick days there, which I left. Since I had not been here a year I was not eligable for any donated days. I am still amazed that they offered me my job back this year.0
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