Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
Hi, Is There somebody who suffer/ed, from ACC of salivary gland. Can you please tell me, how long it take to be diagnosed With this rare type of cancer, and when it was diagnosed if you had have any distant metastasis already there, without any symptoms. Thanks I have to wait long time for biopsy, cause I am pregnant at…
Don's AMAZING Chicken Broth Recipe
Don's AMAZING Chicken Broth Recipe. After my TORS surgery I could not eat - and am just now able to swallow soft foods like pudding. This broth provided TASTE and very healthy nutrients. I look forward to when I can enjoy the veggies and meat that are byproducts of making it. Soon, I hope! I hope you will find this taste…
Side Effects
There are some little known, not so rare side effects that they don't tell you about. First is fairly well known - Thyroid, you have just deep fried your thyroid, its NOT happy, the Thyroid numbers going up, are not good. Second - Baroreceptor - Didn't know you had that did you? We all have Baroreceptors, on our carotids,…
tonsil cancer
I am 48 and had night sweats for the last year and back in June had a lymph node swell up in the right side of my neck so my primary Dr. sent me to a surgeon and he did surgical biopsy of the lymph node and I was told it was cancer then refered to a nose, Ear, throat specialist who scoped the area and seen the tumor on the…
How Are Your Teeth?
Took my last (lower dose) 25th radiation treatment on April 5th, 2012. Because of a gum disease problem in the early '90's I've gotten into the habit of flossing my teeth and doing everything the dentist tells me to do. I was told back then that all my teeth would be gone by age 50 if I didnt' get gum surgery. (I didn't)…
Hello All
...and good luck to all of you. First, my breif history. Had a swelling in the gland / lymph area in left neck (no pain). Fortunately I didn't wait on it too long and after about 4 weeks went to see my regular doc. within 3 weeks of seeing him, I'd had a CAT scan (inconclusive) , seen a head and neck specialist for a…
Important new discovery
Seems some clever people have found two new salivary glands we didn't know we had. This would seem very relevent if you're just getting ready to start radiation. Make sure your doc is aware. How weird this happens right after my initial rad consult and right before I start. You can read the clever people stuff here:…
6 week follow up after rad and chemo treatment
I finished up Proton radiation and chemo at MD Anderson on Oct 16 2020 for HPV T2 N1 M0 left side tonsel , back of tongue , and lymph node cancer. Yesterday I went to have my 6 weeks after CT scan done and the results did not come back as I expected. It showed that the left lymph node started out at 3.3 cm in diameter and…
My brother just finished treatment
Hello everyone, I'm new to this group, but have been part of the Colorectal group for many years when my husband had colon cancer. My very healthy and active brother who is 62 years old just finished treatment for tongue cancer, HPV. I don't know the exact details of his diagnosis since he lives in another state and I ahve…
Tooth Care Reminder
An 11 year and 4 month Nasopharyngeal Survivor, unknown Primary, the costliest post-tx expense has shown up in my Dentist's bank account. Over $12-K out of pocket in the first 8 years, which included 2 root canals and 3 Crowns, the tops of 12 teeth rebuilt (front ones more than once). Anyway, tonight I had nothing in my…
Recent Scan
I had a scan this week on Thursday it was a CT scan with dye of the neck, chest, and belly areas. Originally I thought it was just going to be a 6-month chest scan but while they are giving me the dye I am glad they scanned more areas to be sure. A Nurse called yesterday, Friday and it was great news. No cancer indications…
2 1/2 year checkup done...
...and all is good - chest x-ray, bloodwork scope and physical examinations. The only comment of any concern was from the hematology oncologist who said that my neck was a little tight and to keep after the daily stretching because "You don't want to let that slip away". No scar tissue anywhere, inside or out, and…
Getting a little ahead of myself here but interested to know; Has anyone with a similar diagnosis to mine, ie: a tonsil yanked and a swollen lymph cut out (awaiting whatever chemo and radiation is forthcoming) ....anyways, Has anyone had any treatment / experience with immunotherapy either during, before or after the…
Pain after Core Biopsy
I had a core Biopsy done Tuesday on a periaruricular lesion abutting the underlying lymph node. It took well the doctors over an hour but he got a few core biopsy samples and sent it out for flow cytometry. It was a solid lesion, not a cyst as he first thought. I forgot to ask him about paim as it was numbed for the…
Difficult to Diagnose? Anyone have this issue?
I am not sure I belong here or where I belong. I seem to be getting nowhere with diagnosis of the problem and feel worse everyday. Recap- since February a Chronic everyday sore throat (back of mouth all the way down to my pharyngeal area (doesn't respond to antibiotics, allergy meds, etc), I've lost 27 lbs now with no…
HBOT & Extraction
Hello, all I just wanted to share with you all that several months ago I had a tooth (Molar right side second from the back) get sore and my jaw swelled up a bit. The dentist referred me to an oral surgeon due to my cancer treatment for extraction. Upon seeing him he recommended HBOT therapy of 30 treatments before…
Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving
To all here on the forum. May your blessings be many. I know they are you just have to count them. Feel free to add to this to send thanksgiving well wishes to all our members-Take, Care-God Bless-Russ Live in the present You may always be looking ahead to the next exciting thing. But when you do that, you can miss out on…
Never trouble trouble...
..till trouble, troubles you. Thats what they say, right? So, the right side of my throat, under my chin, about an inch down, is really hurting when I swallow.. anything. I am exhausted ALL the time - I can sleep 24 hours a day, no problem, and still be exhausted. Other little things, like food catching, coughing for no…
Ultrasound Tomorrow
It all started 5 months ago. Symptoms of having a raw throat, whitening of my pharynx behind my jaw line, increased anxiety, an ulcer that hasn't gone away located behind my left bottom wisdom tooth, right ear pain, pain surrounding my larynx and in the bottom of my jaw, all leading up to having a hardened buldge on the…
Hello, and wondering about laryngopharyngectomy and non-curative treatment
Hi everyone, I'm new here. My husband was diagnosed in February 2020 with hypopharyngeal cancer, stage IV. He's been through chemo and radiation with Erbitux, which has shrunken his tumors but according to the 3 month post-treatment PET scan we just had, not enough to get rid of all the cancer. We've been told that his…
Rads' Gys confusion/discrepancy?
An 11 year and 7 month Nasopharyngeal Survivor, unknown Primary, I have the final report from the Rad Dr. and her IMRT facts. 56 Gys from the chin up 60 Gys to top half of throat 68 Gys to bottome of throat So, how does this relate to the number of places that get "zapped" with Rads/session? I had a co-worker get zapped…
Left Tonsil and Lymph Node Stg3 Recent Diagnosis
Glad I found this site. Seems to be THE place to go. I have already read dozens of stories and threads. As each of you have already experienced, I have a lot of questions... to be more clear, I am SURE that I have questions, but most of them have not yet appeared in my mental inbox as I really do not even know what to ask…
Throat Cancer Blog
Hello. My name is Drew. I was recently pronounced cancer free after being diagnosed with tongue and throat cancer late last year. It has been a hell of a roller coaster ride, but I am happy to be on the other side of this finally and looking forward to the days ahead. I built a blog some time at the end of January to…
Oropharyngeal tumor
Hello im new on here and im Having a biopsy sept 9 to have part of my tumor in my throat to be tested for cancer and it’s a oropharyngeal tumor left side of my throat growing inside of my throat and appeared 41 days after having a full tonsillectomy and adenoids removed cause I had stones on my tonsils that never went away…
Has anyone tried Healios Or manuka honey? I have read some very very positive reviews on both with almost everyone that have used them. TIA
HBOT Complication Has Anyone Ever Experienced This?
I have been taking HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment) in preparation for having a tooth pulled to avoid complications and the possibility of osteoradionecrosis (ORN) since I had 2 previous radiations in the H & N area. HBOT treatment started on Sept. 14 and I was to receive 30 treatments and then have the tooth extracted,…
Not able to eat regular food
My husband was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer in late May. He went through radiation and chemo treatments through the end of July. Now he has one more post chemo treatment (out of three). The additional treatment was delayed for about one month due to weight loss plus his inability to eat solids. Actually, he stopped…
Starting radiation soon seeking advice
My fiancé was diagnosed with stage 2 tongue cancer she has a pre existing conditio, fanconi anemia that puts her more at risk of infection and cancers she is currently 24 and has had a 3/4 of her tongue removed her surgery was rough on her because her tongue began to clot so she had to go into surgery 3 times she is now…
Post 3 month PET Scan
nerve damage (formerly titled: 'paraneoplastic syndrome?')
My sweet 50yr old husband (Nelson)has had more than his share of difficulties during and following treatment. The last two months have seen him in the hospital 4 times with presumed medication reactions, uncontrolled coughing, and then a blood clot with a side of cellulitis from a peripheral IV. Thankfully, the clot is…