VA Won't Pay f

ljsunflower Member Posts: 10 Member


  • ljsunflower
    ljsunflower Member Posts: 10 Member
    edited January 2021 #2
    VA won't pay for treatments

    I added the whole subject here.

    My brother has been recently diagnosed with tongue and thyroid cancer. The recommendation is radiation and chemo at the same time. He has been notified that the VA won't pay for the treatments.

    Is there anything that can be done? Is there another way to get these treatments paid for? He is in Alabama.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    How Old

    Is your brother is he on medicare? Just a question. Hard to believe they won't cover this for one of our vets. Can you appeal it quickly to a higher office in the VA as time is of the esscense when dealing with cancer. Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • FOMC
    FOMC Member Posts: 25 Member
    edited January 2021 #4


    There has to be a number of reasons why the VA is saying they will not cover the treatments?  Just a few come to mind since I am a Retired Marine that spent 20yrs on Active Duty. What kind of discharge did he receive; is he even enrolled with the VA; was he diagnosed and treated initially through the VA?  Someone is not telling you the whole story here. Prayers for you and your brother and hope you find a solution.

  • The Cincinnati Kid
    The Cincinnati Kid Member Posts: 63 Member
    Can you be a little more

    Can you be a little more specific as to why the VA wont pay? I ask for a good reason. I may have an avenue for you but I need more facts.

  • ljsunflower
    ljsunflower Member Posts: 10 Member

    Can you be a little more

    Can you be a little more specific as to why the VA wont pay? I ask for a good reason. I may have an avenue for you but I need more facts.

    VA offices closed, phone wait time is more than 2 hours

    Because of the Rona, offices are closed. Phone wait times have been 2 hours+ and still 24 people ahead of him.

    He was honorably discharged, they have paid for the doctors, biopsy and oncologist first visits. Now these docs are telling him that the VA won't pay for chemo and radiation treatments. I don't know why nor does he because he can't speak to or see anyone in authority at the VA.

    He got in touch with a patient advocate group but they have been unable to get through to the VA also.

    He was diagnosed back in June and because of a multitude of reasons - mainly the covid - he has been unable to get in for treatment. Now this setback. He is very discouraged and starting to say he is going to just give up.

    I don't know anything about the VA at all nor how to approach them on his behalf. His daughter is trying to help too, but neither one of us live in his state. I am about 4 1/2 hours from him and she is about 10 hours away.

    Thanks for any help or info you may have.

  • The Cincinnati Kid
    The Cincinnati Kid Member Posts: 63 Member
    edited January 2021 #7

    VA offices closed, phone wait time is more than 2 hours

    Because of the Rona, offices are closed. Phone wait times have been 2 hours+ and still 24 people ahead of him.

    He was honorably discharged, they have paid for the doctors, biopsy and oncologist first visits. Now these docs are telling him that the VA won't pay for chemo and radiation treatments. I don't know why nor does he because he can't speak to or see anyone in authority at the VA.

    He got in touch with a patient advocate group but they have been unable to get through to the VA also.

    He was diagnosed back in June and because of a multitude of reasons - mainly the covid - he has been unable to get in for treatment. Now this setback. He is very discouraged and starting to say he is going to just give up.

    I don't know anything about the VA at all nor how to approach them on his behalf. His daughter is trying to help too, but neither one of us live in his state. I am about 4 1/2 hours from him and she is about 10 hours away.

    Thanks for any help or info you may have.

    I set you a private message

    I set you a private message with some contact info. Let me know you got it OK. 

  • ljsunflower
    ljsunflower Member Posts: 10 Member

    I set you a private message

    I set you a private message with some contact info. Let me know you got it OK. 

    I Did!

    I did get it and sent one back to you.


  • ljsunflower
    ljsunflower Member Posts: 10 Member
    edited January 2021 #9

    I heard from my niece about my brother.

    He drove from Alabama to Biloxi MS and spoke to someone there. He was told that they would handle everything for him. They called the Birmingham VA center and have got the ball rolling again.

    I thank each of you who has reached out with suggestions and info. I truly appreciate it.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member

    Great news. Looks like he went to the right place and talked to the right person. And the results were good. I don't think this all is by chance I see God's hand in these things your brother is truly blessed and truly blessed to have you-Best wishes to your family and please give us an update now and then-Take Care-God Bless-Russ