What I am doing
Howdy fellow H&N members, This is CivilMatt with a brief update on my corner of the H&N forum. I am currently working over the ROLL CALL 2021 (per a request from the CSN staff) to bring the format of the RC into compliance with the rules we all use to post information on the H&N forum. The current RC is over 80 pages and…
update from CM
Howdy fellow H&N members, This is CivilMatt with a brief update on my corner of the H&N forum. I am currently working over the ROLL CALL 2021 (per a request from the CSN staff) to bring the format of the RC into compliance with the rules we all use to post information on the H&N forum. The current RC is over 80 pages and…
Lhermitte's Symptom or Sign
Hi All, We have discovered a common symptom among a few of us here (D'Ware Jim, Skiffin John & I) called 'Lhermitte's Symptom'. Please read below to see if you think you get this sensation and can anyone who has, please post a brief note re: when it started, where you get it and if you have had any medical opinion etc.…
tube feed formulas
Hello. I have been diagnosed with cancer in my neck. I haven't started treatments yet, probably 1 more week. Chemo and Radiation. I will be needing to use a PEG tube. I am interested in finding out if any one else is/has made their own food mixture. I am going to be mixing my own food and looking to get some input. Thanks.
Anyone else permanently lose taste?
I had a rare type of sinus cancer back in '17 (all cleared up now) and because of the kind i had and where my tumors were at i had to have my olfactory nerve removed, which is the nerve that gives you the ability to smell. Was bad enough losing that but i soon found out too that i would lose my ability to taste because of…
Gift Idea for spouse ?
I am fighting my way through recovery and feel like I am tending positive now (I still have a ways to go Understandably), but my wife has been a dream. She has taken care of our home, 3 kids (running them to activities and keeing them out of Dad's hair when I'm irritable) and I'd like to do something for her. Have any of…
Starting week 4 of 7 chemo and radiation treatments update
Finished week 3... I've been tolerating things well. I started this out in great shape , started swallowing exercises 2 week prior to treatments as well as getting acupuncture twice a week since treatments started. I've try to get some fitness in with some weight training as well. I do have the metal taste and a sore…
L-Glutamine during radiation treatment?
Anyone use glutamine during treatments? Did it help any? RodgerM.
how long before get taste back
I am just starting to be able to eat soft stuff not much flavor in any foods was wondering how long before getting some taste back thanks and Happy New Year
Spindle Cell Neoplasm?
The preliminary biopsy results of the core biopsy done last week popped up on my portal as "Spindle cell neoplasm" and that it was being sent to a dermopathologist for a consult and results would be updated. I'm guessing I'll hear from doctor in the coming days. Everything I read is just confusing because it doesn't seem…
Delays in CT scan wait time
Hi everyone, Hope all is well. So my dad had his routine (annual) CT scans for chest and head/neck last Friday. His appointment was on Monday to go over the results. But something weird happened. The results for the chest scans were there, but the neck CT hasn't arrived yet. The oncologist said the head/neck CT is reviewed…
Swallowing and gagging years after radiation?
Has anyone experienced subtle swallowing diffculties... or more like chocking on food/gagging while eating years after finishing treatment? It especially happens when I talk or laugh while chewing. I finished high dose radiation and chemo for head and neck 3 years ago. I had different types of swallowing problems…
Lymphedema and Trach
Hi there, I am wondering if anyone has experienced lymphedema in your neck and face after having a trach placed? My dad had one placed about 1 week ago and has constant humidity running through and a few days ago began noticing facial and neck swelling (mostly after falling asleep). CT scan came back clear to rule out any…
Eating during radiation treatment
Hello everybody. I'm not from the US but I've been lurking here for a while now, searching for answers and information and I found this forum to be quite a useful place, so I hope you don't mind if a stranger joins this board. I have a few, quite urgent questions about nutrition. I've had neck dissection in mid-september,…
Clear Blisters on Roof of mouth
I don't think I've posted my story on here , but have posted some on other threads. I was diagnosed with SCC of the left tonsil, with local metastasis to a lymph node. I just finished 6 Cisplatin and 33 rads. I just finished my last Radiation this past Wednesday. I used Helios, and did the rest of what the Drs suggested…
Tongueometer after radiation?
Hi, Did anyone buy / use a tongueometer to rehab their tongue / swallowing post treatment? The swallow / speech therapist recommended I get one. I'm 3 months post-radiation for NPC. They are expensive, so wondering if you had luck with them. Thank you! Tracy
Eating after throat cancer radiation treatments and use of pain meds.
While I was recovering from throat, tongue and lymph node radiation and chemo treatments, I was seeking information as to how long I will need to use my peg tube and be on pain medication. I was not able to find any good answers to help my sitution so I thought that I would post my personal experience for others. I was…
Wishing All A Great And Blessed new Year-Add Your Wishes & Comments
Hello and God Bless. Wishing everyone a wonderful new year and hoping and praying for everyone on the forum who is in treatment or had recent treatments to be able to have great outcomes from their treatments and good recoveries and few complications and leftover symptoms. And for those who are out of treatments may you be…
Introduction - Starting Chemo and Radiation
Recently found this site after searching endlessly for blogs and personal testimonials. I wish I would have discovers this earlier. I was diagnosed with SCC HPV16+ in October. On November 18th, I had surgery where they removed my right tonsil, a sliver of my tongue, part of my soft palate and did a reconstruction along…
Better already
I thought this might give a bit of hope: I had my last radiation session on Monday. 60 gy between my left tonsil and left ear, 51 gy to my neck and left jaw. Felt sick for the last two days, worst being yesterday, which really felt like a bad hangover. I felt sick, dizzy, weak and very sensitive to light and noise. Today,…
Checking In
Hi everyone, Haven't been on here in awhile. Had near death experience last May. Had mucus plug come up my throat and I couldn't breathe. Rushed to ER and they put permanent trach. I also have permanent FT. I had BOT and left tonsil cancer. Went through rads and chemo treatment. Radiation damaged my throat. Have alot of…
Teeth care vs gag reflex
I have another very important question that worries me a lot. I'm finishing my radiation treatment, and I'm very worried about teeth care. Had my teeth professionally cleaned and fixed before radiation. None extracted. Got some tray made, which I used until a week ago. Then, my neck started swelling on one side, to a point…
Clinical Trial
Back again, Had been taking Keytruda treatments since November 2018, all was well till February 2020, and started getting a sore throat again,had a CT scan done and found the tumor had started growing, sent back to MD Anderson, was told i need to have it taken care of had to make a decision on wheteher to get robotic…
Wishing All A Merry & Blessed Christmas
Here on the Forum. Wishing you great healing and whatever your needs are and everyone feel free to post Christmas wishes or comments. If anyone wants to watch a Live Streamed Christmas Eve Service here is the link below and it starts at 9:00 pm Eastern-- https://beverlyheights.org/live/ Merry Christmas Everyone-Take…
Just diagnosed with mucoepidermoid on the upper left palate
Hello: I was diagnosed on Tuesday with mucoepidermoid carcinoma on the left palate, Grade II, by an oral surgeon. I have a follow-up appointment with an ENT next week. I am full of questions. Is an ENT the most likely doctor to treat the cancer? I read some of the previous posts and see that it is rare to be in the minor…
Help. My dad has been dx. with stage 3 metastatic squamous cell carcinoma
He will start chemo and radiation next week along with a feeding tube. Any advise would be very appreciated and helpful. What do I and my sisters need to do for him and my mom to ease the pain, fright and what lies ahead. Would love to hear from survivors and what you or they went through, experienced and what helped you…
Newly diagnosed with HPV neck and throat cancer
Hi, Early December I was diagnosed with HPV neck cancer with a primary in the back of the tongue. After several weeks of scans and consults I start 35 days of radiation and 7 (weekly) treatments of low dose chemo on Monday 12/21. This is the current plan with no surgery and no feeding tube, and a curable prognosis. Not…
Post Treatment Question
I have, of course, been reading til my eyes are bloodshot about all this and what to expect, etc. So please be patient with me if I ask something that I could have easily found otherwise. I'll never know all my questions ahead of time, so I wil just have to go one by one as they come to me. I understand that during tx and…
Low Dose v. Regular Dose Radiation
Other than the obvious, what does this mean? I had my PET scan earlier this week and was very pleased when the doctor said that I was an ideal candidate for the TORS due to various factors (Caught early, only 1 lymph affected, etc). He said that it may just eliminate the need for radiation and almost certainly for chemo.…
G Tube Questions/seepage
I hope someone here can help mewith some issues I am having with my G tube. Had mine inserted just 8 days ago. Have been in contact with the surgeon. I have enclosed a picture to show you what type mine is. My issue is concerning "seepage". Doc said seepage is fairly normal and I can expect that for the life of the…