So, went to the doctor who never seems to give me good news--my ENT. Latest surgery appears to be successful. Clean margins everywhere. The bad news is that there appears to have been more than one area of cancer in the area they removed. This is after a surgery 8 months ago that took out the primary tumor. He's talked to…
Need some prayers
Dad will get the results of his first CT scan since starting chemo up again for a reoccurance of tongue cancer. His docotor is pretty sure it will show the chemo has really worked well. Dad is feeling better and acting more like his old self. Just wanted to have a few extra paryers. Kathy
ENT Monday for ear and mouth problem
As I posted a while ago, am having trouble with ear pain and a sore inside of mouth, it comes and goes and has only been there since I had my teeth removed and dentures made. Go to the Ent on Monday so he can take a look.
pain meds
Can someone tell me what they think of this? I have started to get off my fentanyl patches and just got down to 25 a few days ago...and am feeling achy all over, nauseous, my skin on my upper body seems to be on fire, and i wake up at night with immediate thoughts of anxiety and dispair even though I was just NED'ed by the…
Post-surgery, radiation Lymphedema
Has anyone had success with "draining" the lymphedema in your neck after dissection and radiation? Trying to get an appointment with a PT who specializes in lymphedema therapy, but I'm curious whether anyone has had success getting rid of that neck "waddle" after lymph removal and radiation. As my face becomes thinner due…
Bigfuzzydoug aw come on talk to me
Hi there obviously you are big into cycling. Have not read your story so excuse my ignorance. I am not long out of Radiation just ride for the freedom as i used to run bought knees got so bad had to be replaced last christmas was told I could not ride the bike again (not enough bend) huh March I did the 60KM Just over 37…
29 y.o. girl tongue cancer
Hello to all. I was really in doubt before joining - and also afraid. Last october i had a surprise with the possibility for having cancer. None of my family had this. Cancer ghost was not over my family. But now it is. I had a tongue (right side) biopsy on Oct 28, 2011. Result came as low displasia. The doctor said it…
Surgery only?
I'm new to the boards, but just from reading the posts it's easy to see what a great group this is! My Dad had a neck dissection with a free flap in early October for a T3N0M0 SCC of the hypopharynx. He's doing great and the docs call him their "rock star" patient. His surgeons are nationally rated, and we're very pleased…
I am going to Colorado in March. I am doing well physically and will be 7 months out from treatment when this trip occurs. I was wondering if anyone has taken a trip after treatment to a higher altitude and did it cause any problems? Thanks just want to know what to look out for.
Just When I thought
Just when I thought ok, chemo over, rads over, follow-up PET scheduled for end of March, I can concentrate on getting on with my life one day at a time...I had an appointment today with my internist for a non-cancer issue, I wake up this morning with red blister blotches on my left side going around to almost the middle of…
Neck abcess post radiation, chemo and neck dissection
Hello everyone, I finished treatment (chemo/rads/neck dissection) on August 2 2011. Life has slowly gotten back to a new normal for my wife and I. I have been exercising again and then BAM! .......in a matter of a few days I ways in the hospital in critical care. I was out of town for the New Year's holidays and got sick,…
Any experience with Oil Pulling Therapy?
I'm going to start radiation therapy soon. Just wonder if anyone has experience with OPT to ease any dry mouth issues. Thanks, olivia
Chef Daddy Mike Son
I just got off the phone with Mike and his Son is not doing so well, he is having problems with enlarged heart and swelling. Please keep him in your prayers. Hondo
Need you guys thoughts about a issue that I am having
Hi Guys Currently me and my wife is having a issue about affording doctors future doctors apt's so my question is should I call up all my doctors and tell them we need to cancel all doctors apt's because we cant afford them anymore or what should I do? We do have insurance but it seems like my wife insurance isnt paying…
Lonley and Scared
Hi everyone I am so sorry about us all being here on this site however happy for having found it, I too need friends and am new to this site
on a serious note tongue is still easily split and is very sesitive
Had tongue op 08June 11 finished Radiation 27Oct 11 (wow that's not so long ago)Ok am puzzled am still on pain med more so for side effects of rad so I can sleep , But side if tongue and gums ( had wisdom teeth removed ) are still sensitive and easily hurt E.G. brushing teeth, and the throat opening is weird I can eat what…
Hi did you get my Message earlier about our sojourn down your way in March
Massive tongue swelling just when all was feeling better
Hi all, I finished tomotherapy for my late stage 3 tongue cancer on 11/11/2011, and my last erbitux infusion 11/30/2011. I missed out on thanksgiving of course, but had started eating small portions of solid food just before Christmas. I was determined to have some Chinese food Christmas eve, and I was actually able to…
post rad dental care
Does anyone go to dentist for professional flouride treatment? My girlfriend who is 3 months out of radiation therapy. She has been using flouride tray daily but I've read it is also recommended to do professional flouride treatment at the dental office 2 to 4 times a year. The problem is her dentist doesnt believe she…
roll call
How do you post to roll call--maybe I've had to much Chemo--can't think to well
Tongue ulcer from rad?
Did anyone develop ulcers on the side of the tongue where the radiation (primary tonsil) was aimed? I am 2 weeks done treatment, and I mostly escaped mouth sores but I have what looks like an ulcer on the side of my tongue at the back.
On The Road Again
Hi all: In just a few hours I'll be on the road again. Headed to G'burg with friends for a week! I have to leave my babies here though and I hate that! Hope everyone's first week of new year has been good. Have a prayer request. My sister's best friends are two people she went to high school with and she's known Martha…
Funny what you forget between surgeries
This is my third surgery on my tongue. Two last May and another last week. What surprises me is how much I've forgotten since the last surgeries. My tongue is swollen from the surgery and it's harder to swallow and my speech seems more messed up. But I could be all wrong. It's only be a week. I've started eating soft food…
SSD and unemployment
Anyone here collect both SSD and UE? If we can't collect both then why SSD since there is more money from UE?
don't know if this is the right place
First I have to tell you that my husband is stage 1v breast cancer, however he has mets to all the bones. Back in 2009 he had mets at the base of the skull, had radiation etc. I am posting here because we recently discovered a tumor or knot the size of a quarter in his neck area...kind of close to the base of neck, but not…
Hi everyone I have been here for a pretty long time posting but feel now it is time to leave. God has really blessed me in taking care of me while dealing with this NPC cancer all three times. As many of you know the last time my C came back all the doctors could offer me was just more Chemo and only gave me less then a 5%…
January 2, 2009
Well this last three years has been an adventure to say the least. I was Dx on Janaury 2, 2009....the first time that I heard the words, "you have throat cancer".... Happy to say that I'm still here and doing well. I have developed many great friendships while on this forum. It has given me a lot, and hopefully I have…
ACS Facebook users, old friends finding you?
I have some old friends from high school who I haven't spoken to for ages and finding me on facebook recently, requesting confirmation. I do not know whether to initiate contact. I believe most of my fb friends now are aware of what I'm going through and I am not sure whether I want to spread the news to old friends I do…
I am still having problems with no saliva not able to eat very much I am 13 mounts after treatment. I have got very weak and tired I have a bad sinus head congestion my Doctor gave me 2 rounds of antibioses which has caused yeast infection in my throat. I had blood work last week and the Doctor said my red blood cells were…
Thank you
Thank you everyone for your kind words. Sharon, I think my depression (and only admit it here) came from the fact that I was the center of attention. Then suddenly it stops. I don't exactly mean that how it sounds. All of you can relate that once they say you are cancer free it does not really end physically or…