Tongue ulcer from rad?

Did anyone develop ulcers on the side of the tongue where the radiation (primary tonsil) was aimed?

I am 2 weeks done treatment, and I mostly escaped mouth sores but I have what looks like an ulcer on the side of my tongue at the back.


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Sore on tongue
    Oh Roger, each day is bringing you a new present. I had a sore on my tongue when I was leaving the hospital after neck dissection. My husband picked up something at the drugstore that was 'painted' on, it helped with the pain. (I will see if I still have it and write the name on another post). I ended up with thrush by the time I got home 2 days later. I tend to get thrush when my body is under stress, I am also Type 2 diabetic. I do believe that the Superthread has a topic for mouth washes, people used some different things, peroxide, baking soda. . . You might give that a check first. You will heal, it just takes time. I remember picking strawberry seeds out of my mouth (my husband makes a great smoothie for me) when I had sores the first time around, we switched to peach smoothies! Dawn (Sweetblood) would also mention L-glutemine, I just had to run to the bathroom when I used it my gut is really sensitive. Go easy on yourself, it really hasn't been very long since you finished treatment. I can eat, no spicy food though. I did have to leave the table a few times during our holiday meals to cough and gag on a few dry things that I tried, need to make more gravy! Health new year to you and your family. Hopefully your daughters are able to keep you distracted with their stories and play, my grandsons are 3 1/2 and they keep us laughing.
  • RogerRN43
    RogerRN43 Member Posts: 185
    KTeacher said:

    Sore on tongue
    Oh Roger, each day is bringing you a new present. I had a sore on my tongue when I was leaving the hospital after neck dissection. My husband picked up something at the drugstore that was 'painted' on, it helped with the pain. (I will see if I still have it and write the name on another post). I ended up with thrush by the time I got home 2 days later. I tend to get thrush when my body is under stress, I am also Type 2 diabetic. I do believe that the Superthread has a topic for mouth washes, people used some different things, peroxide, baking soda. . . You might give that a check first. You will heal, it just takes time. I remember picking strawberry seeds out of my mouth (my husband makes a great smoothie for me) when I had sores the first time around, we switched to peach smoothies! Dawn (Sweetblood) would also mention L-glutemine, I just had to run to the bathroom when I used it my gut is really sensitive. Go easy on yourself, it really hasn't been very long since you finished treatment. I can eat, no spicy food though. I did have to leave the table a few times during our holiday meals to cough and gag on a few dry things that I tried, need to make more gravy! Health new year to you and your family. Hopefully your daughters are able to keep you distracted with their stories and play, my grandsons are 3 1/2 and they keep us laughing.

    Thanks KTeacher, the area was sore after my tonsillectomy back in late September but there was no ulcer back then.
    My dentist used a special light and said the area was a concern since it showed a dark spot, however, when I spoke to my onc, she said those lights always show something on the tongue post-tonsillectomy.
    If I remember right, it was a spot that was pink but a different colour from my tongue.
    Although the primary was buried in the left tonsil, I'm just worried that it was also in the tongue at that spot and was missed. It now looks yellowish pink, it's sensitive but not really sore.
  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    RogerRN43 said:

    Thanks KTeacher, the area was sore after my tonsillectomy back in late September but there was no ulcer back then.
    My dentist used a special light and said the area was a concern since it showed a dark spot, however, when I spoke to my onc, she said those lights always show something on the tongue post-tonsillectomy.
    If I remember right, it was a spot that was pink but a different colour from my tongue.
    Although the primary was buried in the left tonsil, I'm just worried that it was also in the tongue at that spot and was missed. It now looks yellowish pink, it's sensitive but not really sore.

    Don't mean to be gross, but I do hang around with 5 and 6 year olds! The best way I can put it is I kept peeling layers of skin, it happened more than once, sometimes I gagged on the tissue and couldn't lay down flat for the gagging (I do have a good gag reflex, so fun when they want to scope me!). When do you see the doctor again? You might want to see if you can get in soon for peace of mind.
  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    I had them.
    I had them on the sides of my tongue. A lot of them. There was some kind of paste that helped a little, you mixed it with water, and put it on the sores. I wish I could remember the name of that stuff. I've been trying to remember and I just cannot.

    Also, have you had any tomato, pineapple, papaya, kiwi, or any acidic fruit? That will give you an ulcer on your tongue.

    I still have scars on the sides of my tongue from how bad the sores were. :(
  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    yep, Jim had one
    He used majic mouth wash a couple of tomes but the taste gagged him, he then used the baking soda and salt rinse which helped some. His mouth also peeled. It went away in about two weeks. The Rad doctor said it was normal side effects. Call your doctor if you are worried. I asked about everything and still do. He and nurses always understood our concern.

  • CaKat
    CaKat Member Posts: 28
    Go for Peace of mind
    Unfortunately, my cancer came back less than a month after completing radiation. From the other posts, sounds like you're experiencing normal "after rad." stuff, but I like the idea to get it checked.
  • jtl
    jtl Member Posts: 456
    All kinds of things are going on and I for one would not worry about anything at this point. You are being checked on a regular basis so hopefully they will spot any abnormalities. We have all found out how rads and chemo can mess with us and yes I did have mouth sores although I think they were from the Erbitux and only lasted a short time.
  • jtl
    jtl Member Posts: 456
    Double Post
  • joannaw81
    joannaw81 Member Posts: 185 Member
    jtl said:

    Double Post

    my mom developed ucler on the side of her tongue on the same side as her tonsil cancer. it developed about 3 months ater completing radiaiton, it turned out to be cancer. had it removed, thankfully it was really small and all margins were negative. have the doctor check it out right away, it took my mom's doctor 3 months to finally to a biopsy becasue he kept saying that it was radiation issue.
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    RogerRN43, I resemble that remark...
    I very quickly developed burns, and then sores on both sides of my tongue, during my radiation treatments. I figured, and my dentist confirmed, that it was due to "radiation scatter" from my dental work - fillings and metal crowns on my back molars.

    It got pretty bad by the end of treatment. The sores lasted for weeks after I completed radiation, and now I have visible scarring on the sides of my tongue - 20 months after end of treatment. I also notice that my tongue still gets sore easily, when I am eating foods with difficult textures, like most meats. I occasionally still notice small ulcers on the sides of my tongue. I've kind of assumed this is just going to be a new normal for me. My dentist watches it closely. My radiation was aimed at the base of my tongue.
