Numbness in hands and left foot
Hi all, I have been experiencing random numbnees in my hands and left foot. I have been through four rounds of Chemo and 22 of 35 Rad sessions. Has anyone else out there had this side effect?
Just a general question regarding taste....... I have no sense of sweet three weeks after radiation and a month since last chemo. Did anyone else share this same experience? And when did sweet return, if at all, following treatment. I bought a dozen donuts today just because......but cant eat them because I am sure they…
pain during swallowing almost 1 year post treatment
Hello, it's now been over 1 year since my mom's first surgury on 11/15/10 for tonsil cancer and radiation which was completed on 2/17/11, second surgury for small tongue cancer was on 10/6/11. Yesterday we went to her ENT and we spoke about my mom's problem. She is having slight pain during swallowing in the same spot as…
New HPV Info
http://vitals.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/01/26/10243115-more-men-than-women-have-oral-cancer-virus You will probably need to copy and past to your browser to get to the article or I guess you could type in the entire line. John
Phlegm management
If the updside down picture didn't tip you off already, I'm new to the site. I'm HPV+ SCCHN IVA, t1,n2,m0 and started concurrent chemo (cis-platin) and radiation (IMRT, twice daily) on 1/3/12, so I'm a day short of 3 weeks of treament in a 6 week regimine, and crossing off the days one at a time! I've gotten meds to the…
Good news
Hello everyone, Just wanted to say that Carmen received her results after her partial glossectomy. She is cancer free. No need of radiation. what a relief. Pathology said displasia (not sure of spelling) pre-cancerous cells in what they removed on the 10th of jan 2012. They are almost sure they got all the precancerous…
The Work Dilemma
I had one of those revelatory moments at work. I was completing my self-assessment for the past year and came face-to-face with the fact that my cancer really has had an impact at work. But how do you acknowledge that in a self-evaluation? Because I am very familiar with employment law and HR, I tried desperately to find…
Does prognosis change??
Hello all, my girlfriend, Natalie was diagnosed with stage 4b NPC last July. Docs told us her 5 year survival is around 35%. She done with her treatment last November and was declared NED on her first post treatment PET scan. Based on her NED result, does that change her prognosis? She has always been healthy and I was…
Fibrosis on togue
Hello, I´m 51 days past my partial glossectomy surgery. Still feeling fibrosis and hard areas in the tongue. I was T1N0M0. Has anyone on something like that? Can u share experiences? thanks
Seond neck dissection
Good news today. The biopsies were negative and the drain tubes are out. My doc did not close it up though, I have to keep it packed with gauze and replace it daily....I can definitely tell you guys where the nerves in my neck are as I seem to hit them everyday in my attempt to keep the packing in. My wife and I simply…
I have read over the past couple of years on this board and others the problem a lot of people have with sleeping. At my last check up with the team we talked about about sleep and a successful recovery and a healthy life after treatment, the chemo doc and the rad onc told me that, second only to lifestyle, sleep was…
Chemo brain
Do you know that appliances work a lot better whenever they are plugged in? Glad I was home alone. Denny
What do you think??? Should I be worried???
My husband is 8 months out from chemo and radiation. I have brought this subject up once before, but I am a little more worried. Last night my husband tripped over his ugg boots in the dark and fell while getting up tp let the dogs out. This morning, while I was at work he turned around and tripped over the dog and fell…
Second neck dissection, of sorts.....
I am a week post surgery now to remedy the post treatment infection that I developed in my neck. After three weeks on antibiotics, my Dr had a CT done and saw that there was a rather large "sterile abcess" in my neck. He performed pre-surgical biopsies of the area and they came back NED, thank God. I am now recovering from…
Those of you who have had radiation-how long does the radiation continue to work after completion? How long to shrink a tumor? How long did it take to get your strength and appetite back?
My feet are killing me
I've now been on erbitux for about 10 weeks. It has been a struggle for me. My face finally settled down, but that required lots of TLC, steroids, and time. Now my finger tips and heels are fissuring badly. The finger tips I can handle by wearing occlusive gloves at night and slathering them with vaseline, but the feet are…
NED but.....
Hi everyone. So I just hand my first PET and MRI since completing treatment in early november for NPC and it came back NED but the scans showed calcification on the left side of my thyroid. Now we are going to do an ultrasound and biopsy to determine if I need to worry about my thyroid having cancer. Has any one gone…
Good and Bad News today
Hubby received the results from his 2nd post treatment PET scan today. His initial scan was in June before treatment, he had one 2 months out and now 5 months out. Due to kidney issues he cannot have the contrast anymore. Anyway.. the good news is that the tumor area is totally clear but they want him to go in for a…
Tonsil Ca
I was diagnosed in late Oct 2011 with Left tonsil ca. I had a neck resection with one positive node in left neck which was encapsulated. I then underwent a radical tonsillectomy using the Davinci robot all margins were clear. Because of the robotic surgery I was told I would not need chemo and the radiation therapy would…
My son
Hi guys, I apologize for not checking in once in a while but my son has gotten worse. We're in the hospital now, he was ambulanced in Tuesday evening after 7 hours of chemo up here. The infusion department of the hospital closes at 7:30pm and everyone but one nurse had left and then my son became dizzy, nauseous and…
prayers for Jim update
Thanks for all the prayers and offers for help with my Ambien. I have recieved some money to help with that. Jim's surgery was a success, Thank you Lord! He is home and only has a little pain in his stomach, although still sleeping alot. He has not needed pain meds since leaving the hospital. Doctor said he would regain…
Not Head and Neck cancer releated but its part of cancer but Joe Paterno Dies from lung cancer
I just wanted to pass long if nobody as heard but Joe Paterno Dies form lung cancer last night. Joe my good friend you will be truly missed.
First post treatment CT scan
I have been reading posts in this forum since my diagnosis of HPV positive left tonsil (primary) and left lymph node cancer in Oct. Of 2011. This forum has been very helpful post diagnosis, during, and after treatment. I have not posted, but am grateful to know that there are others who share this journey with me. The…
Treatment choice.
Hi Everybody, I am new to this place it seems like there is a lot of caring people out there, with a lot of information. Well here's my dilemma almost a month ago I got diagnosed with SCC of the left Tonsil it is stage 2 3.7 cm. My ENT Oncologist said after blood work and CT scans and a PET scan that I have 2 choices for…
I love NED! This was my second PET scan. Went for scan at 10 and was done at 11:30. Got to my fave doc's at 11:40 and by 11:50 he had looked at the scan and was pleased. I felt like I could breathe again. Went to see the 2nd doc at 2 and he said the scan looked fabulous or words such as that. My first doc, Dr. Siddiqui was…
Lip and mouth sores
Hi everyone, My dad has 17 imrt radiation treatments done and carbo/5th Chemo for tonsil lymph node cancer. Right now his lips are cracked and have a blood blister on them and sores on the inside. Dr said try aquaphor and a&d ointment but it does not help. Does anyone know any treatment to help this? Also anyone heard of…
T1N0M0 Tongue Survivor, is there any?
Hi, I´ve been looking around this forum to someone T1N0M0 tongue cancer survivor. Didn´t find anything on the archives... Is there any? Since I´m 46 days of my surgery I´d like to head some stories by someone with similar situation. Thanks a lot again!
will be starting carbo/taxol next week. i have read a lot about this drugs and found out about its effects as well as its side effects. anybody got this cocktail before? what to expect...
Atrophy of the neck area
Looking to see if anyone else is experiencing issues with Low Blood Pressures (Orthostatic Hypotension - Low Blood Pressure dropping when changing positions from Sitting to standing within 3 minutes of more than 20mmHG). I am starting to associate this issues with the Atrophy of my neck due from the complications from…
EBV iga positive (NPC)
Hi I just went to a health screening and my result show that my EBV iga is 139 >120 positive Does that means that I have contacted NPC , cause this is what the doc told me I will be going to a hospital for check up next week Thanks alot for reading