Need you guys thoughts about a issue that I am having

Hi Guys
Currently me and my wife is having a issue about affording doctors future doctors apt's so my question is should I call up all my doctors and tell them we need to cancel all doctors apt's because we cant afford them anymore or what should I do? We do have insurance but it seems like my wife insurance isnt paying all the medical bills. I am on disability and really cant work and she is only one working and having problems paying the medical bills way it is and dont know what to do. So what should I do?


  • CaKat
    CaKat Member Posts: 28
    Is the insurance via your wife's job? If so, many companies have reps in benefits (usally part of Human Resources) who can help with the insurance company. I would try there first.
    Second, so you know why the bills aren't getting paid? Is it an issue with the docs submitting them late. Step 2 might be to find out who in the insurance company handles you and ask...
    If the docs get worried, you can let them know that you're working on payments.

    In some states, docs will re-bill insurance and even work on getting their bills paid
    with the insurance company.

    Good luck!
  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    CaKat raises a good point
    You should have a group rep. You need to involve this person in the situation. You should also talk to the billing dept at the physician office and make them aware of your financial hardship, and elicit their support in dealing with your insurance company.

    If these are all deductibles and co-pays you are having trouble keeping up with, most physician offices are not Machiavellian in their collection policies, so long as they are aware there is a financial hardship.

    It is unfortunate that we have these problems on top of the already overwhelming situation created by our health problems. But you need the healthcare.

    Best to you.
  • Hal61
    Hal61 Member Posts: 655
    Local ACS can also be a resource
    You might also give a call to your local American Cancer Society--or the national number--and see if they any advice for you. Your situation has come up on the board many times, and local ACS can often find local or state support or relief possibilities based on your wife's condition.

    best, Hal
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Doc's Office May Help
    Centers will probably have a social worker who can help. If you tell the doc's billing dept what's up, they may have a person in the dept in charge of helping folks find ways to pay. There are various funds set up to help cancer patients - you may be eligible for a grant. Good luck.
  • soccerfreaks
    soccerfreaks Member Posts: 2,788 Member
    Hal61 said:

    Local ACS can also be a resource
    You might also give a call to your local American Cancer Society--or the national number--and see if they any advice for you. Your situation has come up on the board many times, and local ACS can often find local or state support or relief possibilities based on your wife's condition.

    best, Hal

    Some other ideas
    Hal is spot on with his reference to ACS. You might also look into some of these for some financial assistance:

    This site is put up by the National Institute of Health or some such, and is government-supported.

    Cancer Care, a non-profit org., offers free support and counseling for cancer patients by oncology social workers. They have face-to-face counseling and counceling on the phone. Support groups on the phone are available too and are moderated by an oncology social worker. Call 800-813-HOPE. They can also give you info about financial resources. Check their website:

    Gilda's Club - - they offer free social and emotional support. Not sure if they may have financial information but check it out just in case.

    Live Strong - - offers one-on-one support.

    Whoever said you shouldn't have to worry about finances at a time like this was spot on. I wish you both the best.

    Take care,

  • Pumakitty
    Pumakitty Member Posts: 652
    Another Idea
    With my dad we talked to the office where he gets his chemo and they have several grant programs the he was able to use to help with the cost of dr. visits and his chemo. Hope this may help.

  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    You definitely need to keep
    You definitely need to keep up with your care. Talk to your doctors office, most are willing to work with you. Some will do payment plans, some will write off the amount you owe, some hospitals, like mine, have financial assistance you can apply for. Most if the time, people are willing to work with you.
  • denistd
    denistd Member Posts: 597

    You definitely need to keep
    You definitely need to keep up with your care. Talk to your doctors office, most are willing to work with you. Some will do payment plans, some will write off the amount you owe, some hospitals, like mine, have financial assistance you can apply for. Most if the time, people are willing to work with you.

    Cost of treatment
    You must keep up your treatments and appointments, my situation over the past 4 years has been a financial as well as health problems nightmare. I am a retired HR Manager and well versed in health insurance. All states have other health coverage as well as medicaid, you just have to dig deep to find it. There are also many charitable organisations that can help. You say that Medicaid is saying that you earn too much money, are they basing that solely on your gross earnings, they should be looking at your costs as well. also look at something called care credit, it's a credit card for health use and if you pay it back in a certain time frame there is no interest. As for the cost of health care overall your right on the money, we are at a crossroads in this area as a nation, Obamacare will make a bad situation into an untenable disaster with no compassion, there will be death issues looked at by bureaucrats and decisions made. I do fear for the availability of health care for victims of life threatening diseases,especially older folk, but hopefully more sensible avenues will be looked at after November, providing a change of leadership emerges.
  • Bigfuzzydoug
    Bigfuzzydoug Member Posts: 154
    Here's what you should do...
    Cancel all of your doctor's appointments and eat the following Chinese herbs...

    No. Seriously. Your doctor's appts MUST BE A PRIORITY! Cancer of any kind is not something to be taken lightly. Options for how to handle the co-pays and medical bills...

    * What about help from your church/synagogue/religious congregation? Probably the fastest and easiet way to go.

    * A bar-b-que fundraiser. My nephew, Max, 8 yrs old, has Leukemia. His parents put on a bar-b-que fundraiser to collect money for just this - his mother Stephanie (recently divorced) to pay for bills. While they have insurance through his Dad, a Durham fire Captain, they still didn't have enough to get by. Through school, Facebook, friends and relatives, the word got out. On the night of the event it seemed like hundreds of cars were making drive-thru pick-ups and the VFW hall was packed! The fire department was there with trucks and lights as they directed traffic. Music and friends/family volunteering to serve. Huge portable Bar-b-que cookers going like crazy. In the end, Steph pulled in about $8,000. Enought to get them through the entire year's worth of treatments.

    * A LiveStrong Advocate. While I never used mine, they called me about 6 times just to stay in touch and make sure I was doing OK. LS can be a great resource!

    * Contact your insurance company and ask about making a deferred payment plan. While this is the least likely to get you anywhere, you may be surprised at how they might be able to work with you.

    Good luck! But please don't sacrifice healthcare due to money. And remember - this ISN'T charity. It's assiistance to get you through a temporary rough period. When your wife is all better and in remission and you have the time/energy, you'll give back. In terms of time, service or financially. Karma comes around and goes around and a little help for you now means a little help for others later on.
  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Sorry to hear your added burden. We too our experiencing the same problem. Have you applied for medicaid? Since you are disabled you should qualify. As for tests and doctors appointments, keep going. When we go for a test or doctor's visit and they ask for money I just say we do not have it. I have never had them say, "Sorry we can't test you or see you." It is harder to say that to a cancer patients face. They may still send you a bill or call on the phone but I just do not answer the phone. Caller ID is wonderful. I ftile the bills and hope I can pay them or get help with them in the future. I have found that most cancer doctors are understanding and try to help once you start treatemnt. It is the people who do not have insurance when diagnosed who can't get treatment.

    Please don't worry about the bills and concentrate on getting well. I know that is easy to say but hard to do but try to let it go. Praying for a solution to your problem.