thanks again every one for the thoughts and prayers!
Been at the hospitol all day, husbands brother and sister-in-law were there when I came home, so was his daughter. I had a very hard day! Husbands cancer doctor said there is nothing more to do nothing else can be done. He has blood clots in both of his veins on each side of his neck. And he face is all swollen up. They…
DelNative please check-in
Just wondering how your doing. Has anyone heard from him? Ed
Jim's new buddy
This is Jim's new buddy. They have the same hobby, naps. He has been great for Jim's outlook on life. We adopted the dog from a rescue place. He is 10 years old, same as Jim in people years. I haven't seen Jim smile or laugh so much in over a year. Having a dog is definately good medicine. Debbie
It has been 1 year and 1 month since I completed radiation~~still can't eat or drink~~still coughing
My radiation treatments were completed on Nov. 5th, 2010. On the 7th on Nov. , 2010 my trach was removed. In December 2010, I started pt with a speech pathologist for 8 weeks.She tested me and the drink still trickled down into the windpipe. Well, a year has passed and I still have the same problem with what they called a…
5 weeks out of rads and chemo for NPC
I find myself close to soon getting enough food thru my mouth...just eggs and similar simple bland foods but its going down regular.Any other NPCs out there that got back a real appetite and taste buds? When is ir reasonable to ask for the tube to be taken out? I can tell I am healing but get burned out so quick...i am…
Nasopharyngeal 4B NED
Hello All, my girlfriend completed her rad treatment in late September for nasopharyngeal carcinoma stage 4B and she completed her last chemo about 4 weeks ago. She had her PET scan last week and today we got her result...it's NED! This was her first post treatment PET scan. Doctor said she is all clear from her PET scan…
Post chemorads, will I need a neck dissection, when would they do it?
I finished treatment almost 2 weeks ago and still have a hard palpable 1/3-1/2 lengthwise peanut sized node deep in the corner under my left jaw beside my carotid. Of course with all the possible side effects, and due to it's challenging location, I rather not need any sort of dissection. Can I still expect it to dissolve?…
Low voice
It seems now that I am almost at the end of my rad treatments...my voice has gotten lower, sometimes to the point of not being understood. It seems to come and go fade in and out, my throat doesn't hurt. I'm drinking loads of water to keep everthing lubricated...is this something that is common with the rad treatments?…
new mass found anterior to thyroid lateral to clavicle
hello everyone i am new to the csn website. last tuesday i went to the dr b/c i have been having ear pain for 3 months. I did have pneumonia in september, followed by ear infection in october sinus infection in november. i figured that i just had another ear infection or either the first ear infection had not cleared up. i…
TO Radiate or NOT Radiate... That is the ?????
Okay... Here are the facts... My Dad, 64, got his Squamous Cell Carcinoma Primary Unknown Diagnosis back on November 28th (the first day he started his up-front Chemo). We knew it was Cancer in late SCC Cancer in late October but it took us 6 weeks to get a "unknown primary" diagnosis because of weather issues that closed…
Heck maybe I should be on the caregiver site instead of the head and neck cancer site, heck, oh cares you can read it if you want to don;t caire anymore sorry bit just have to get some sleep good night everyone and for give me if I posted it on the wrong site@ Sue
please advise....help!
Folks, I am new here....need help,, Had a swollen lymph node left side of neck.... After antibiotic treatment for possible infection, no change.... Had chest xray for possible other swollen nodes....no others.. Had swollen node removed....Squamous cell detected.... went for PET scan....found location in left…
thanks again every one for the thoughts and prayers!
Been at the hospitol all day, husbands brother and sister-in-law were there when I came home, so was his daughter. I had a very hard day! Husbands cancer doctor said there is nothing more to do nothing else can be done. He has blood clots in both of his veins on each side of his neck. And he face is all swollen up. They…
Back in the Hospital... Weak & Distended Abdomen....
Hello all... I am new at the board (wrote my first post the other day). I am the "online" voice for my Dad who has SCCHN with an unknown Primary. He was just admitted into the hospital again (first time was for strep two weeks ago). He just received his second round of up front Chemo a week ago today. Like the first time,…
Something maybe going on
last couple of weeks have had a sore inside of mouth and earache of and on on the left side, made an appointment to see the ENT at Hershey next Monday.
SCC found in Small Intestine
The results of the tumor removed from my small intestine came back positive for Squamous CC. My doctor said he has never seen SCC to metriculate from throat to bowel? Has anyone heard of SCC in intestines? Next phase is to have a comparative PET/CT done this Friday, last one was 9/1/11 for reference. Will be traveling to…
Radiation Question????
Merry Christmas to all!!! I am writing on behalf of my Dad, mostly because I can type a lot faster than him... and he would rather be watching the Jets/Giants Game. My Dad was diagnosed with SCC in late October of this year with the primary tumor unknown. He started his two rounds of up-front Chemo right after…
Merry Christmas from oz
Hi all you fellow diagnosed. Just wanted to wish you all a fabulous Christmas and for only wonderful things in 2012. This is my third Christmas since diagnosis and I'm loving life xxxxx
Merry Christmas to All
Just wanted to wish all of you wonderful people on the forum (as well as all the caregivers) a Merry Christmas and a healthier New Year. Buzz and I are so grateful to have him alive and feeling good nearly one year after treatment ended. There were times when I didn't think we would get through the rough times. This forum…
Merry Christmas to all
To a very special group of people I would like to send a warm wish for a very merry Christmas and a very happy and healthy new year. Many sleepless nights I turned to all of you for support and received it generously. I could not end my night without wishing you all my best regards. Hope alls well Michelle
STGIII HPV+ SCC: anyone had only radiation?
i'm a 59-yo woman who found a lump in her throat 2 weeks ago, w/associated node. biopsies, scans, presentation to tumor board all done, and now i must decide whether to accept the whole recommended hog -- radiation, chemo, and then possible resection -- or to decline chemo. i'm reasonably savvy about medical matters. it…
Happy chanukkah
Just in case there are members of the Jewish faith here, as well! We are a mixed marriage and celebrate life in a spiritual way that is not exactly affiliated with an organized religion. Maybe there are others battling cancer here that relate to a less structured religion? Anyhow, however you embrace the universe....happy…
husband is in hospital;
Hi everyone this Christmas Eve, Just wanted to say my husband is back in hospitol has been for 2 days now, doctor wants to do a ct scan of his lower right jaw because he has a lot of swelling and he said he didn't look good. They took X-rays of his stomach and his lower lungs, He said that is stomach tools ok but has…
New Squamous Cell Carcinoma Diagnosis
Hello, My name is Clinton, I am newly diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma(11/28/11 was the day I found out) and am still in the process of trying to find the primary tumor. My cancer was found because I noticed swelling in the right side of my neck below my jaw. Ct scan showed 3 lymph nodes involved and biopsy's…
Another Merry Christmas and a big Thank You
Hi All, Just wanted to add my wishes for a Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays to all of you. Thank you so much for all you have done for me. You have helped me through the most difficult time of my life, and gave me the support and knowledge to be the best caregiver I could be to my husband. Each and every one of you…
Your post to Mike regarding B.O.T. reaccurance percentages left me with a another question At the age of 78 and Diag. with the above plus lung and treatment of 36 rads neck & 36 to lung plus chemo of 8 all in a two month period.--left a little messed up. As I understand chemo has little value in B.O.T. I have a date with…
I was just wondering if anyone has flown since neck dissection and radiation or has anyone been advised against it? I just found out my sister is moving to washington and being in alabama, I think ill be flying more than i intended. Thanks Angel
White pinhead nodule on left tonsil bed?
I had a diagnostic left tonsillectomy to confirm primary back in late September, it healed and before rads started in October, I noticed this white tiny nodule on the bed. It's always been there, I looked today and it either hasn't changed or looks a little smaller. 3 weeks ago, I mentioned it to my RO and he said it's…
Tonsil Cancer Survivor
I'm new so hello everyone. In Feb of this year (2011) I woke up with a swelling on the right side of my neck. One Dr led to another Dr and I was diagnosed with tonsil cancer by my ENT. I was 56 years old. Before I had time to blink I had my right tonsil out and found myself admitted to a cancer ward for chemo - 100 hours…
Study for SCC to test Chemo with Cetuximab
They want me to participate in a study the has standard Chemo treatment, but adds Cetuximab, which was developed by MD Anderson. They believe it will increase my chances of not getting cancer again in the future and are hoping this study will prove that. I just want to hurry up and get started. This kind of scares me, but…