First day of radiation tomorrow...
Hi all, Mixed emotions on the eve of Pat's first radiaition treatment. We are feeling prepared for what is to come, but still a bit daunted about what he will be going through...Feeling scared, while at the same time feeling excited (excited?!?!? this feels so wrong to say, but I think you all understand what I mean) to…
First Scan Post Treatment
Hi all - have my first scan post treatment tomorrow morning. Will then receive the results Thursday. I have been getting checked every four weeks but tomorrow will be exactly six months post treament and the first scan since the fun began. I thought I had been doing ok in the lead up but today (Sunday) the 'fear' as I call…
6 Years Out and Just Now Getting a PEG tube
I had tonsil cancer in 2007, and had the neck disection, chemo, and radiation. I'm now 51 (yay - I made it!) Cancer free still! However, last summer I started having a sore throat and difficulty swallowing. Finally started throat dilations in April. Today was my ninth one. The last was 7 weeks ago, and I have since lost…
L-Glutamine Question
Hello all, I was going to go ahead and try the L-Glutamine for my husbands very dry mouth and very thick secresions(they are actually choking him) can anyone give me specific directions on how to use how often etc...? Thanks Christy
SweetBlood @ Disney...
I finally got to meet my old time friend on here, Dawn ~ sweetblood22. Shelley and I drove over to have lunch and meet Dawn today... It was such a pleasure..., we've talked on here, created the SuperThread, and been friends on FaceBook for nearly four years now.., along with a few phone calls and FaceTime. We met up at the…
Good news today
Just found out last Fridays CT Scan shows continued shrinkage of the tumors in my Lung and Mediastynum. Who says Friday the 13th is bad luck. I am also finished with my clinical trial, but will continue taking the Taxotere for as long as it works. Best Mike
Awaiting biopsy and scared
Good morning, I came across this website while looking for information. I figured that this would be a good place to get some answers baised on people's personal experience. Here is my story in a nutshell: In May of this year I discovered a hard pea sized lump near my collar bone. My primary examined me and based on my…
Saliva Hope
Hey all, Dx June 2009, SCC right lymph node, primary unknown, neck dissection, feeding tube, radiation, chemo. I haven't visited for a long time. I really wanted to add my support here, but found that reliving the agony was not helping my emotional recovery. Sorry for that. My health is excellent. I'm posting now to let…
I little humor
Four surgeons are comparing the type of patients they consider the easiest to operate on. The first surgeon says, "I like to operate on electricians, because when you open them up everything is color coded." The second surgeon says, "I prefer to operate on accountants, because when you open them up everything is numbered."…
Going the wrong way
These last few months ,it seems things are going the wrong direction for me with the long term dealing with my cancer . Ended treatment for BOT SCC in April ,2010. I am happy to announce that all my scans are cancer free and my doctors say I am doing great . But because of a dentist , I have developed ORN and am going thru…
Great Family Outing
friends, could not really even imagine the day I had with my wife and kids when I started this crazy journey in Jan of this year! Spending the entire day at the State Fair of Texas was such a blessing! Pig races, carnival rides, parades and fireworks! Not to mention fried everything!!! So thankful for such a day (and many…
Hey friends made it: 13 YEARS
Hi everyone, i known I havent checked in for sometime been hectic summer ending and Faith going back to school(which as it turns out will be last year at this school). Chris and I have decided to move in together and are buying his Grandfathers home near Allentown, hopefully my SSI comes at least to hearing before than!!!…
I would like to thank
everyone who replied to my MOAN. I'm trying out the tips with mouth rinses. Sat was a dreadful day for me mentally, I was ready to give up. Sunday I wasn't as bad and after an early evening shampoo and shower and curled up in my jimjam I felt life wasn't so bad after all. Got through today at rads no probs, tomorrow is day…
this is for a friend at the H&N clinic
my friend is having rad for a cancer thats touching her windpipe and cant have an op. Shes been having rad just a bit longer than me and when I saw her this morning she has itchy rashes in patches on her arms, face and legs. They look angry but the skin beneath is still white, does this go with radiation, I know a lot of…
Bit off subject
Hey everyone, My Father is in the hospital again with heart issues. He has black outs his drs. call sudden death syndrom. (meaning his heart stops...and of coarse he blacks out for several minutes) and then the heart restarts itself. He also has diabetes type2 and the middle stage parkinsons. He is a patient with the V.A.…
Getting back to "normal" after treatment
Hi Hubby finished his radiation treatments almost 3 weeks ago had a rough go of it towards the end and after not eating for almost 2 weeks went ahead and had his peg tube inserted with a week and a half left of treatment , a few days after the peg was placed he ended up with a massive blood clot in his lungs (1 giant clot…
Chief Daddy Mike
Mike is in the hospital again with internal bleeding and some broke ribs. His blood pressure is running 176 \ 109. The Hospital did some testing and told him that his cancer was back then a few day’ later they said oh we made a mistake your cancer is not back. He is down, depressed and angry because he can’t talk or get a…
Hi Everyone I haven't been here for awhile, but thought I would write an update on Jeff. He is 8 months out of treatment and is doing pretty well. He has had a battle with thrush, which I don't think is completely gone. We see the ENT on Monday and will find out. He is even more froggy and hoarse. His taste was coming…
'Muco-epidermoid carcinoma'
I carried a tongue cyst for about 18 months after being told by doctors as a infectedd salivary gland which when finally removed turned out to be very slow growing 'Muco-epidermoid carcinoma - low grade'. The histopathology report states one of the peripheral margin is close, 0.1 cm clear. The MRI that was done after 7…
Is it normal...
Hi all. Just have to ask this question...Is it normal for some cancer patients to take absolutely no interest in their treatment, and what is to be expected during and after treatment? As I have mentioned before, I am the caregiver of Pat who is about ready to start radiation treatments next week. Mask fitting takes place…
Has this happened to anyone
I had a fever yesterday and left work early. I noticed my neck was all red and hot exactly where the treatment area was mapped out.last night the fever broke and i am feeling better todday. my neck and partial chest is still red and very sore, much similar to when you over work a group of muscles and feel it the next…
throat cancer
I just found this site and really need any experienced info anyone can give...I have just finished my rad treatments 35 of them and have my 3rd and last cisplatin hopefully tomorrow ....it has been delayed because of low white count...I have throat cancer am 50 yrs old and never smoked but it is the HPV type...can anyone…
Needing your thoughts and prayers
hugs and pockets ! I am traveling to MD Anderson tomorrow for another PET scan. I am feeling pretty good about it but you all know how it is the night before so I would appreciate your thoughts prayers etc. Thanks guys I don't know what I would do without ya ! :/ / Peggy
Been thinking about you and saying prayers...how was your scan?
PET Results--What do you read?
No one has said NED but all said looks good, scan again in Dec which will be 3 months. RO appt in Jan. Sandy FINDINGS: Overall PET and CT image quality and inter-modality registration are satisfactory. The aortic arch intravascular SUVavg is 1.9. The hepatic SUVavg is 2.4. Head and Neck: Interval decrease in size and…
Lump under side of jaw
Hi All, Firstly I am not a cancer survivior, but I thought if anyone would know if I am being paroniod it would be people on this site. Over the last, about 6 months, I have noticed that on the right hand side of my jaw, pretty much right in the middle from your chin to when your jaw kinda joins your neck, I have a lump.…
Nikgogol Story
Hello all, I have been a silent lurker on these boards for a bit over a month. Your questions and sharing of your experiences have aided me greatly as I found myself diagnosed with head and neck cancer. One of the most helpful and soothing functions of these boards has been the ability to search through threads, identify…
I'm on chemo for life. Right now I have been on Taxotere for the last 19 weeks. For the first 17 weeks or so, just about all of my hair fell out. I have not shaved for a week and noticed my facial hair has really started to come back. Another week and I'll be a 70's pornstar. My question is, has anyone else who lost hair…
Low white blood cell count - no second round of chemo?
Hi All - My mom is currently in Week 4 of 7 for treatment of her stage 4 NPC Cancer. So far, she has all the side effects that everyone has spoken about in this forum. Her pain level is not very high yet and she got her PEG tube in last week. She can still eat very small amounts of liquid through her mouth, but takes the…
My husband was diagnosed 6 months ago recurrent Nasoparengyl Carinoma. He finished Gamma Knife and Chemo a couple of weeks ago. He has been out of work for 6 months now and does not want to go back he is so sure that he will get SSDI. His last paycheck is going to be Nov 22, and he will lose his health insurance on Dec 22.…