Lump under side of jaw

Hi All,

Firstly I am not a cancer survivior, but I thought if anyone would know if I am being paroniod it would be people on this site.

Over the last, about 6 months, I have noticed that on the right hand side of my jaw, pretty much right in the middle from your chin to when your jaw kinda joins your neck, I have a lump.  It started out about the size of a rice grain and now I would say its around the size of a large pea.  It is not painful (unless I poke at it a bit) but it is always there.  It hasn't gone away and then come back etc.  It feels hard to touch and doesn't really move too much when you prod it.

Some information about myself, I am a 37 year old male, that is overweight (I have just started exercising again and changed my eating habits and hope to lose the weight).  I was diagnosed at 2 with infantile migraine syndrome and I have been on multiple tablets my whole life to try and prevent the migraines.  I am also a smoker (depending on the day a 1/2 a pack a day to a full pack a day), I know this is bad for me, but no matter how hard I try I can't give up.  My grandfather, on my mother's side, died from prostate cancer at the age of 69 he also had complications with lung cancer.  My grandfather on my father's side died from lung cancer at age 69 as well.

So do you think I have something to be worried about? Of course I will seek medical advice as well, but I don't want to go to the doctor unless I really have an issue!

Thanks all in advance!


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    check it out


    Welcome to the H&N forum, sorry you find yourself here and any lump can be a reason to worry.

    A non-painful lump on my neck was my ticket to this place, but it wasn’t until my ENT did a biopsy did it confirm cancer.  Many people have actually come here with problems which turn out benign.   As we say here “it is not cancer till they say it is cancer”.

    Once you seek out medical advice, you will know whether to be concerned or not.  I am hoping you have nothing wrong.

    Best always,


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    Not to scare you...

    but I'd go ahead and get that checked out.  I had a lump in my jaw bone area and the dentist thought it was an abscess tooth.  I went to get the darn thing pulled and it was a 4cm cancerous tumor.  Talk about being shocked!!  I'm totally fine now and there could be absolutely nothing to worry about, but just go see what's up.  I put it off and put it off, so don't make that mistake.  No reason to have discomfort if you don't have to :)  I was a smoker, too, but it wasn't a cancer usually associated with that.  

    My mom had a lump in her jaw area as well.  She freaked out, but went to the doctor to see what was up.  It was just fluid and some TMJ issues.  She took some antibiotics, a few warm compresses and it went away.  Hopefully that will be all it is for you.   

    That is great that you're working on your eating habits and exercising!!  Keep it up!  Don't stress over the "what if's" when you can go get a panoramic xray (for starters) to see what's causing the lump.  Wishing you the best and that it's just an easy dental fix!

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Get thee to a Dr.....

    A painless lump on the right side of my neck that grew to the size of a pea was my ticket into this club, also.  The fact that most of these lumps aren't cancer will probably earn you a dose of antibiotics at first.  If it goes away then phew....if it doesn't go away you'll be referred to an ENT.  There is no reason to delay....if it's nothing you will get relief knowing that....if it is something, you will be catching things early....


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Six Months and Growing...

    Same advice as others....

    With it going on for six months, and still growing, I'd go to see the MD...

    If he gives you meds and they work..., great. If he doesn't have a clue, or you get no resolve within a month or so, if he doesn't refer you to an ENT, make the appointment yourself...

    We always say a few things here...

    It's not cancer until they tell you...

    It's always better to be pro-active, than re-active.....


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    rmp, get to a doctor!  if its

    rmp, get to a doctor!  if its nothing, fantastic!  if its somrthing, then the earlier u catch it, the better.  i too was a smoker, 2 pks a day.  it was extremely hard for me too quit.  i was diagnosed in aug. 09.  had 35b rad trmnts.  quit smoking for 7 months.  had a death in the family and started smoking again.  feb. 2012, recurrence of the cancer.  had a total laryngectomy.  i quit smoking for good w/recurrence.  i will always wonder if that would have happened f i had quit smoking for good in aug. 09.  i will b praying that it is nothing and for u 2 have the strength to quit smoking.  if it is cancer, quitting is very important.  wishing u the best.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member

    rmp, get to a doctor!  if its

    rmp, get to a doctor!  if its nothing, fantastic!  if its somrthing, then the earlier u catch it, the better.  i too was a smoker, 2 pks a day.  it was extremely hard for me too quit.  i was diagnosed in aug. 09.  had 35b rad trmnts.  quit smoking for 7 months.  had a death in the family and started smoking again.  feb. 2012, recurrence of the cancer.  had a total laryngectomy.  i quit smoking for good w/recurrence.  i will always wonder if that would have happened f i had quit smoking for good in aug. 09.  i will b praying that it is nothing and for u 2 have the strength to quit smoking.  if it is cancer, quitting is very important.  wishing u the best.


    "if it is cancer, quitting is very important"

    Regardless, quitting tobacco lessens the chance for cancer, heart disease and a host of other health ailments. As one who smoked for 35 years, two heart attacks and cancer gives me the accreditation to make that statement!

    I went to the e-cig and tapered down to 0mg. Even my docs agreed it's way better than the 4000+ chemicals in tobacco. 

    Good Luck!

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Yes get it checked out !

    My suggestion is very similar to the above.  I had a lump (starting out as a swollen gland) for over 15 yrs.  My primarys weren't concerned with it.  I should have been pro-active with it and followed through with a specialist, but life was all about working and taking care of everyone else.  I say to everyone now....if you have concerns ALWAYS go forward with  your gut instincts on it !  I pray that this isn't a cancer dx, but if it is you have connected with a wonderful site here full of knowledge and great people !  Best of luck !  Katie

  • Roar
    Roar Member Posts: 269 Member
    Familiar subject

    Last year around this time everyone on my job site was sick- I thought what I had was a swollen gland. I went to my primary after a few months when everyone was better and my " gland was still swollen". Primary referred me to ENT and after biopsy the journey began. I thought I needed antibiotics and I had cancer. Like many here will tell you , it's not cancer until they say it's cancer. In my case everyone was surprised I noticed the lump so early- so don't delay - get it checked out