Awaiting biopsy and scared
Good morning,
I came across this website while looking for information. I figured that this would be a good place to get some answers baised on people's personal experience.
Here is my story in a nutshell: In May of this year I discovered a hard pea sized lump near my collar bone. My primary examined me and based on my labs decieded we should play the wait it out game. Then in August at my follow up he reffered me to an ENT as I started experiencing fatigue. The ENT then again said to wait and suggested that I do daily exams of my neck. Not a week later I found a second lump about the same size. He then ordered an ultrasound which showed I had a total of 6 lymph nodes that were swollen, but appeared to be benign. Now I am still suffering from fatigue, loss of appetite, headaches and tenderness in my neck. And then Sunday I noticed a new lump. The ENT reluctantly scheduled a biopsy and second ultrasound. He doesn't seem to think it is cancer. And I know that there can be many reasons for swollen lymph nodes. But given my other symptoms and family history of cancer I feel like I should be taken more seriously than I am. I feel like because I don't have the text book symptoms my doctors are writting me off.
So, my question is did you or your loved one experience all the "typical" symptoms? How long did it take for you to recieve a diagnosis? What did you tell your doctor to get them to give you the attention needed? Did you have an ultrasound that suggested all was fine and turn out that it wasn't? I am so confused and scared as I am a young mother of two under 5 and have a lot to live for!
Hello !
First off take a breath ! You deserve the doctors to take your concerns seriously ! With the ultra-sound (I'm assumming that the biospy will happen in unison with this) they will get a better idea of what's going on with these lumps. My first biopsy on my gland in the neck was done like this. It took about 5 days to get the results. We have a saying on site isn't cancer until they prove it to be ! Once all of this is will have your answers. We are here always if it turns out to be cancer (BUT HOPING AND PRAYING IT ISN'T). My best to you ! And stay positive attitude is very important ! Katie
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Thank you!katenorwood said:Hello !
First off take a breath ! You deserve the doctors to take your concerns seriously ! With the ultra-sound (I'm assumming that the biospy will happen in unison with this) they will get a better idea of what's going on with these lumps. My first biopsy on my gland in the neck was done like this. It took about 5 days to get the results. We have a saying on site isn't cancer until they prove it to be ! Once all of this is will have your answers. We are here always if it turns out to be cancer (BUT HOPING AND PRAYING IT ISN'T). My best to you ! And stay positive attitude is very important ! Katie
I have been telling my family and friends that we can't worry until we have to. But I feel like my concerns are falling upon deaf ears! I too am hoping it's all done at once and pray that it's not cancer. I am just wondering what symptoms others had and if you all had the textbook symptoms or if you were like me and had some and not others? Hopefully, I will have answers in a week or so?
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Confused and scared...
I'm sorry you had to find yourself searching for such answers...but, this site is wonderful. It is full of very knowledgable people and of course you will be getting first hand experience.
I am a caregiver to a loved one that was dx Aug 2012 with SCC of the Base of Tongue. His first symptom/sign that something was wrong was from a swollen lymph node on his neck. He acted very quickly and didn't let too much time go before heading to his MD. The doctor first tried him on a round of antibiotics thinking it was some kind of infection. However, there was no change after 10-14 days. We then pushed the doctor to get him an MRI at least...this showed some kind of mass near the neck, but was uncertain. He then referred him to an ENT and they did a needle biopsy to the neck and that was found to be cancer (took about a 4 days for results). They then schedule a biopsy of the tongue as they were certain the tongue or tonsils were his primary, since he had his tonsils out as a child, the tongue was their starting point. Sure enough that biopsy came back cancer (probably about a 4-6 days for results).There were no other lymph nodes involved....just two on the same side. After this within 20-30 days he was scheduled for treatment.
I know you're anxious to find out the results...and soon you will have them. It doesn't take that long really, but waiting feels like an eternity. As many have said on this forum before, that it isn't cancer unless they say it is. At this point your ENT is not thinking it's cancer. So go with that right now.
I know our experience is not exactly the same, but wanted to share our experience and let you know you are not alone with this. I hope they get to the bottom of this very quickly so that you can move forward.
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Calming Fearscureitall66 said:Confused and scared...
I'm sorry you had to find yourself searching for such answers...but, this site is wonderful. It is full of very knowledgable people and of course you will be getting first hand experience.
I am a caregiver to a loved one that was dx Aug 2012 with SCC of the Base of Tongue. His first symptom/sign that something was wrong was from a swollen lymph node on his neck. He acted very quickly and didn't let too much time go before heading to his MD. The doctor first tried him on a round of antibiotics thinking it was some kind of infection. However, there was no change after 10-14 days. We then pushed the doctor to get him an MRI at least...this showed some kind of mass near the neck, but was uncertain. He then referred him to an ENT and they did a needle biopsy to the neck and that was found to be cancer (took about a 4 days for results). They then schedule a biopsy of the tongue as they were certain the tongue or tonsils were his primary, since he had his tonsils out as a child, the tongue was their starting point. Sure enough that biopsy came back cancer (probably about a 4-6 days for results).There were no other lymph nodes involved....just two on the same side. After this within 20-30 days he was scheduled for treatment.
I know you're anxious to find out the results...and soon you will have them. It doesn't take that long really, but waiting feels like an eternity. As many have said on this forum before, that it isn't cancer unless they say it is. At this point your ENT is not thinking it's cancer. So go with that right now.
I know our experience is not exactly the same, but wanted to share our experience and let you know you are not alone with this. I hope they get to the bottom of this very quickly so that you can move forward.
I want to thank everyone who has responded. I guess my fear at this point is more that I could be getting ignored, or I could be over-reacting. I do have a small fear that cancer could be the final diagnosis but, I know there are so many treatments out there and it's not always a death sentence now a days. And if or when I come to that bridge I will cross it. But just hearing from others that they had similar experiences, whatever the outcome, makes me feel like I am not going crazy in feeling that something is being missed here. So, Thank you everyone!
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find out
Welcome to the H&N forum, so sorry you find yourself here.
For me, it was a lump (no pain , no nothing else), my MD said see and ENT, my ENT did a FNA and scoped my throat and found an ulcer on my tongue. Bam, pow, slice and dice, I am here today writing to you.
You need to be taken seriously and find out what you are dealing with. If it is nothing, all the better.
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First welcome....
If you are not getting the treatment or diagnosis that you feel yuo should..., get other opinions from other MD's... Faiht and confidense is huge, if you don't have it, find it.
I would at least ask about a FNA (fine-needle aspiration)..., I'd presume at minimal they could tell if any of the lumps you feel are cancerous, or warranty further investigation.
Obviously at least to me, if you started out feeling one lump, and now it's six or seven, I'd be concerned as I would presume my MD to be also...
As for "classical symptoms", what do you presume those to be.... Everything you describe could be a ton of things other than cancer...
For me STGIII Tonsil Cancer and a lymphnode... I just had a very mild sore spot or irritation in my throat, never got worse, just didn't get better.
I don't really think most of those symptoms you describe would be present, unless something were pretty advanced and affecting other things..., I don't think that's your case. But either way..., push for the answers you are looking for one way or another.
It's easy to look at symptoms of something and see those in the things you are going through or feeling... Don't put yourself in a place that you probably aren't...
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i don't blame u 4 be'nmommymass said:Calming Fears
I want to thank everyone who has responded. I guess my fear at this point is more that I could be getting ignored, or I could be over-reacting. I do have a small fear that cancer could be the final diagnosis but, I know there are so many treatments out there and it's not always a death sentence now a days. And if or when I come to that bridge I will cross it. But just hearing from others that they had similar experiences, whatever the outcome, makes me feel like I am not going crazy in feeling that something is being missed here. So, Thank you everyone!
i don't blame u 4 be'n scared. i'd be scared too and i'm praying that its nothing. i'm glad your fears are calming down but like John always says its better to be proactive than reactive. having it checked out is best. please let us know either way what the outcome it. if you need it, you will find/get lots of 1st hand expereinced knowledge on this site. good luck.
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Well, you're on track now....
with a biopsy in the works. I'm sorry your ENT seems to be so reluctant, but at least he DID schedule a biopsy and ultrasound. Very few of us didn't have to do wait and see's in order to get diagnosed.....I started going to the Dr. the first week of January, 2012....and FINALLY got a referral to an ENT that took another month to get in....
As for typical symptoms....I don't think there are any symptoms for throat cancer that can't be symptoms for so many other things...I only had one symptom that I could show anybody....that was the lymph node in my neck.....tho I'd had a gut feeling something was going on with me for 2 or 3 months before the node ever made an appearance. Gut feelings don't go far in the Dr.'s office, tho.
Sending huge positive thoughts that this is something other than cancer. You keep on being your own advocate....when "no" isn't what you think you should be sound like a girl who will be a quick study on standing your ground.
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You are not doing anything wrongphrannie51 said:Well, you're on track now....
with a biopsy in the works. I'm sorry your ENT seems to be so reluctant, but at least he DID schedule a biopsy and ultrasound. Very few of us didn't have to do wait and see's in order to get diagnosed.....I started going to the Dr. the first week of January, 2012....and FINALLY got a referral to an ENT that took another month to get in....
As for typical symptoms....I don't think there are any symptoms for throat cancer that can't be symptoms for so many other things...I only had one symptom that I could show anybody....that was the lymph node in my neck.....tho I'd had a gut feeling something was going on with me for 2 or 3 months before the node ever made an appearance. Gut feelings don't go far in the Dr.'s office, tho.
Sending huge positive thoughts that this is something other than cancer. You keep on being your own advocate....when "no" isn't what you think you should be sound like a girl who will be a quick study on standing your ground.
I had zero symptoms. My doctor found it at a routine office visit, one I will never forget. For what it's worth, this guy told me it was cancer the day he found it. I think it's in your favor your doctors are not that concerned. That said you have to folllow this thru to its's final outcome, it's tough to wait, we know. Welcome and best wishes.
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What's Typical?
There are no "typical" symptoms per se'. Most had a painless swollen lymph node as did I. After two rounds of antibiotics and no resolution I went to an ENT. He scoped me and said "This is cancer. I don't know what kind but I've seen enough of it to know". A FNAB verified Squamous Cell Carcinoma. The only other symptom I had was some fatigue and a fullness in my neck (but no pain) as the tumors had grown quite a bit, but that was 8 months after I discovered the gland and just before my surgery to remove the cancer from my neck.
The fact your doc isn't terribly concerned is a good thing. As many have said "It's not cancer until they say it's cancer"
Good luck, positive thoughts and prayers.
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Hey Mommy, totally
Hey Mommy, totally understand your anxiety. Not only as a mom but the unknown can fog us with wo many fears. As others have said, though not always easy, of you look back over your life and know that in those other times of worry and doubt it accomplishes nothing. i will pray you can conserve that energy being spent on the fear be redirected to living in the moment, taking it day by day and lovin on those babies! Take comfort in knowing you are now getting some things done to get some peace and answers. Many blessings and positive thoughts....will be claiming a clean report!
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Biopsy done
Well, they completed my ultrasound on Sunday and found a "suspicious" lymph node under my jaw on my left side. This is a new lump since my last ultrasound back in August. So they did a biopsy of that one and one of a lymph node that was tender and very swollen and not responding to antibiotics on my right side. Biopsy was done on Monday and I am still a bit tender and swollen from it. But was told I should have some answers today or tomorrow. My 32nd birthday is on Friday so I am hoping for good news. I appreciate every one of you who have given me words of encouragement and support. I am doing my best to "not worry until I have a reason to worry!" And all of you and my support system at home are making that possible. I have a lot of life left to live with my husband of 9 years, and my 5 year old and 3 year old daughters. I just wanted to update you all and thank you so much for your kind words. Words could never express how amazing you all are and how much you have helped me.
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Sending good mojo, and positivemommymass said:Biopsy done
Well, they completed my ultrasound on Sunday and found a "suspicious" lymph node under my jaw on my left side. This is a new lump since my last ultrasound back in August. So they did a biopsy of that one and one of a lymph node that was tender and very swollen and not responding to antibiotics on my right side. Biopsy was done on Monday and I am still a bit tender and swollen from it. But was told I should have some answers today or tomorrow. My 32nd birthday is on Friday so I am hoping for good news. I appreciate every one of you who have given me words of encouragement and support. I am doing my best to "not worry until I have a reason to worry!" And all of you and my support system at home are making that possible. I have a lot of life left to live with my husband of 9 years, and my 5 year old and 3 year old daughters. I just wanted to update you all and thank you so much for your kind words. Words could never express how amazing you all are and how much you have helped me.
thoughts, Jess....for extra measure I'll be tucking you into my pocket (excuse the lint
). I know you're probably sitting on edge....but truly the chances are it isn't cancer. I'm SO glad tho, that you're staying on top of this.
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Hoping for great results!
I hope you have great results from your biopsy. I always get nervous for folks when they have the swollen lymph nodes.
I had one swollen lymph node after being sick. Had a CT scan and the radiologist said it was troublesome. Saw a surgeon, and he wanted it removed. I had never had surgery like that before, so we settled on a needle biopsy. He took 3 samples - all came back negative. Well, guess it missed the "bad" spots, because 4 month later, I had it finally removed and had SCC (tonsils).
My co-worker's son had the same thing happen - getting sick - swollen lymph node that didn't go down with anitbiotics. Had it removed and biopsied - Staph infection.
Another friend - it turned out to be nothing - Let's root for this one!
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jessica, i'm praying for goodmommymass said:Biopsy done
Well, they completed my ultrasound on Sunday and found a "suspicious" lymph node under my jaw on my left side. This is a new lump since my last ultrasound back in August. So they did a biopsy of that one and one of a lymph node that was tender and very swollen and not responding to antibiotics on my right side. Biopsy was done on Monday and I am still a bit tender and swollen from it. But was told I should have some answers today or tomorrow. My 32nd birthday is on Friday so I am hoping for good news. I appreciate every one of you who have given me words of encouragement and support. I am doing my best to "not worry until I have a reason to worry!" And all of you and my support system at home are making that possible. I have a lot of life left to live with my husband of 9 years, and my 5 year old and 3 year old daughters. I just wanted to update you all and thank you so much for your kind words. Words could never express how amazing you all are and how much you have helped me.
jessica, i'm praying for good news on the biopsy. i hope ur nerves don't get too out of shape. i know the waiting is hard! know that we are all praying 4 u!! we will b waiting 2 hear good news
God bless,
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