So anyone out there who has had Larynax cancer and radiation treatment....My voice still struggles with hoarseness ...is this something that gets better or will it come and go from now on....i know I am only five weeks out of treatment but I was hoping it would start to get more consistant...... Thanks, Benjamin
New Insurance
I am tying to figure this new insurance out,I am six months and a few days post,Still having little or no saliva,taste comes and goes,Found out the reason why my Doctors are not giving me anymore pet scans is because my insurance will only pay for 3 of them in my lifetime.Am looking at this new insurance and am wondering…
Getting back to my pre-cancer life.
October 9th I got the offical N.E.D from my doctors. I have had thrush a couple of times, and I have to take Synthroid now, still have a slight phlegm situation and can only taste Teriakyi chicken all the way through a meal, but compared to the alternative, life is great! Will be competing in my first bicycle race in a…
plan moving forward
As many of you have coached me, my plan is moving forward - had a salivary gland moved on Halloween and the port put in, saw the dentist yesterday - have to get root canal on one upper only - was due for this anyway - and had fluorine molds made - any of you doing fluorine on a daily basis for the rest of your life? Also…
Hi, I have written once before concerning my mother. I do research through this wonderful supporitve board frequently, and would like to ask advice from you all again. My mother is 82 years old, she completed 35 rounds of radiation follwoing a debulking of hypopharyngeal(very close to voice box) cancer tumor in January…
Baking soda/salt...
Hi everyone! Today, and for the past few days, Pat is starting to deal with the 'thick' saliva. I know I read somewhere the combination of baking soda and salt solution...BUT, can't find the 'recipe' anywhere. I checked the Superthread, and it doesn't seem to want to load for me...Would someone be so kind as to tell me the…
Medicaid Update. Good news!!
After fighting for months...Medicaid in NC has decided that H&N Cancer is a "serious" cancer and has granted me my one year of coverage. They immediatley grant one year for those with lung, breast, brain or lymphoma (they call those the 'serious' cancers). I've made/received over 30 phone calls, provided more paperwork…
coughing more...especially at night
I am 5 weeks after treatment and I have started coughing more especially at night when i am laying down...is this "normal" or have some or most of you experienced something similar? As i wait to go back to my first post pet....all and any new changes are making me anxious, Thanks, B
Hearing problems?
So, I had a question. As some of you know, others do not... my dad had 35 radiation treatments from sinus area to throat due to sinus cancer/one lymph node affected. While watching a movie with him the other night, he had the tv turned up quite loud...there were times I would have to tell him what ppl said in the movie. I…
Dad is 100% cancer free
We got the results of my dad's petscan last week, he is 100% cancer free! I'm so glad to announce that! Thanks to the James Center at OSU he received some of the best treatment and thanks to docs for catching it early enough that it could be treated. He still has his peg tube, but is eating much more each day! Had dinner…
Has anyone heard from Candi?
I was reading through some recent posts and haven;t seen anything recent from Candi. Does anyone know how she is doing? Thanks! Thinking of you all!
Hello everyone, Just wanted to alert everyone on this site that scammers are creating profiles and sending private messages to members. They first talk about how their spouse and children died and how they were recently diagnosed with cancer and only has two weeks to live and has millions of dollars in a bank in West…
Finished rads
I have now finished my rads. I,m Ok not too much damaged, I have no ulcers so far but some burns on my neck. I,m having a lot of wrenching and heartburn. The doc has given me new tablets for acid but it was even worse tonight I was very sick tonight. does anyone else suffer with acid reflux
Replacing peg tube
So my fiance has been using a peg tube for three months and we discovered a leak today (not from the peg tube site, but a little down from the top of the peg tube opening)...it is not leaking to create a mess but we are worried that this may lead to complications. His doctor will be looking at it on Monday and possibly…
A strange question regarding food...
My 17 year old LOVES peanut butter sandwiches. He eats at least 1-2 a day. He hates the crust so he cuts it off and gives it to our dog (who is very happy about it!) Yesterday, I grabbed one of the crusts to nibble on as he made another sandwich and about 2 minutes after I ate it, the inside of my mouth started swelling.…
Hey everyone, Well I'm up and running with my old cancer center. Not much has changed with tx's or plan of attack on anything. Which in itself has given me a break on thinking or reacting to any negativity. (more scans and tests in Nov) I do sleep more now than before. And the pain in the lungs is increasing. But I have…
Needing Prayers, Pockets, & Good Vibes
My friends, Just wanted to give you an update on my daughter, Johnnybegood(Colon Forum). She had her long awaited CT & the results were as we feared. Since being off chemo for 2 mo. to promote healing of her Hand & Foot Syndorme, her largest lung mets have all grown. So she will be restarting the dreaded Irinotecan. It is…
Mouth feels burn and throat feels constricted
I just finished my 3rd week of radiation and 2 chemos. Now I experience a burning pain in my mouth like a pulsation. Lips feel puffy. When I swallow, it seems the esophagus has constricted or narrowed. Thick mucous come out of mouth and stuck in back of throat. Making it hard to swallow. Is this gonig to get worse for the…
Two and a half weeks in to radiation therepy...
And...he's still yelling at the TV when his football team messes up On a serious note though, I did notice that he was noticably more tired toward the end of this week, appetite has definitely taken a nose dive, and throat is starting to get a slight 'raw' feeling...No radiation burn yet, or really even much, if any,…
Prayers Needed fo a friend. Tonsil Cancer
A family friends mother was diagnosed with tonsil cancer. She is being treated at MD Anderson. Please pray for her.
Facebook Friends?
I notice many of you are on FB. If you want to send me a friend request I'm Tracy Lynn Spivey Lankford. Post yours if you want people to add you :)
A little update on my pops
Hey everyone! I've been thinking of you all and wondering how everyone is doing. Unfortunately I've been soooo busy so I wanted to check in and see how everything is going and give you all an update (I know that was a run-on lol). As some of you know, Dad finished treatment the day before his bday on July 25th. He had…
Husband went to his GP - not neuropathy
Well we finally went to see our GP for my husbands low back pain, leg tingling & numbness. The doc took an xray of my husbands back and he has significant Degeneratiion on his L3, L4 & L5 lumbar along wuth significant compression. So, it all boils dow to degenerative disc disease and spinal stenosis. We have a MRI and…
soreness in my neck...need some insight please
A cpl of questions that someone may be able to help me out on...first it is 5 weeks since my radiation and chemo treatment has been done for my larnyx cancer...and I have started to feel a little mucsle ache or soreness on the side of my neck area that I had my treatment....and I am sure like most of us I am paranoid of…
Just joined the Head & Neck Club with SCC/HPV pos in the tonsil
I had posted this in the previous thread and it was suggested I start a new one. Thank you's to John, Matt and Phrannie for the welcome and the suggestions. " I hate to say it but we've just joined this club too. We are at the beginning and I am on the internet just trying to find out alittle and get famliar with terms and…
Just checking in to say....
Hey guys. :) Not sure if anybody remembers me from earlier in the year? I had pre-cancerous Leukoplakia of the oral tongue, which was eventually excised. I'm doing great with my mouth now, but I'm going through ANOTHER cancer scare, LOL! This time it's not H&N related, but as I posted quite a bit here earlier in the year…
Hair regrowth
Hi Friends: Well, I spoke with my mom and the mouth sores are still the same (hurting like hell with no relief). Also, she lost her hair, so she is shaving it off. How long does it take to grow back? I am visiting her this weekend, I am hoping that I don't freak out and go nuts seeing my mom so sick. Thanks. -Robin
Prayers for Jim
Please pray for Jim's comfort. His pain is increasing but he refuses to take the pain meds until bedtime. His stamina is decreasing daily. However he still continues to fish every morning. He says that he will have to go to live bait where he can sit in a chair as the walking the bank and casting is wearing him out. Only a…
salivary gland movement
So, going in today for salivary gland movement on good side (tonsil cancer with enlarged lymph node) and having a medi port put in - but delaying the PEG input for about 2 weeks - reason is I am gong to a family wedding and have been delaying telling sibling and dad so as not to add to stress over the weekend - did not…
Prayers for Pumakitty Mother
Hi everyone I got a massage from Kathy that her Mom was told she has lung cancer and is only been giving a few months. If you remember her Dad passed away back in May of this year and it was just her and her mother now. Please keep her and her Mother in prayers Hondo