I tried wine a little while back and it was a definite no no! It was like drinking rubbing alcohol and burnt the hell out of my mouth. Today was one of those beautiful summer days that begs for a beer so I picked up some when I did the shopping. I figured worst case Marcia will drink it and use it for cooking. I'm a huge…
carotid arteries
Met with my cardio doctor today, back in 2008 I had a minor stroke that was attributed to a blocked left side carotid artery. Underwent an endarterectomy to have it cleaned it. Then I underwent radiation to the neck and I was moved from yearly check ups (ultrasound) of the carotids to six months, 2011 went back to yearly.…
so sad
It grieves me to, open this site, and, see so many new names that are just beginning either their or a loved ones journey. Just want to say, you're amongst the most caring,kind,loving,knowledgeable people you could even imagine..the treatment is brutal, the recovery is hard, the finish is wonderful..you'll get there. A…
Chemo with radiation/ Did your hair fall out?
I'm just getting ready to begin treatment and I know it sounds vain (in the oveall picture) but did most of you lose your hair? I never read about that in the side effects for HNC treatment.
HPV Origin Throat Cancer stage4
My husband has HPV Origin Throat Cancer stage4 and he is only 36 year old. This came suddenly so fast in our life unexpected!! and we started his treatment last week. His protocol is 36 radiations and 3 chemo treatment. He has surgery for port and g-tube before we started this therapy. He is also starting acupuncture once…
Can use some advise Tongue & Neck Cancer IVa
My husband has a tumor at the base of his tongue & 4 tumors in his neck (left side). He started Chemo & Rad 2 weeks ago. I am doing my best to keep his spirits up but this is a difficult task. This morning he woke with a very sore mouth. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. He has tried the special toothpaste…
Risk taking?
Hi all! I've recently been diagnosed with adenocystic carcinoma. I found what I thought was a swollen gland on my neck and after a couple of months went to the doctor. After trying some things like an antibiotic and pilocarpine over several months, I finally talked my doctor into removing it. That's when he discovered it…
nasopharyngeal carcinoma stage 4 - making life easier
Hi All, This forum is a light in a dark tunnel. I'm so grateful to everyone who takes the time to post and share information on their experiences to help others. My mom just got diagnosed with Stage 4 nasopharyngeal carcinoma. We are all very worried about her and want to make sure that we can give her the best care…
Mask has been made
Number 4! Cyberknife will be Wednesday, Thursday and maybe Friday. I feel very good about this treatment. Doctor was very encouraging. I will leave Wed. morning and stay at my sister's again. It is great to have so much support. Also, pain med was upped, I was on a 'whimpy' dose! I would rather sleep than be in pain. 'C'…
Devastated by my scan
Prayers please as I am still trying to pull together my thoughts. Cancer has returned wrapped around my carotid artery and jugular vein. Surgery is not an option as too tight an area with too many critical parts. Dr said it a rare place to metastize. I will have a PET Tuesday to determine if in bones or liver. Lungs are…
Chat to specialist
I had a good chat with my 'Wednesday' specialist at the Churchill hospital yesterday. I feel a lot better about the rad /mask. I have the usual neck cancer SCC. They will give me strong rad on the right side of my neck and tongue and lighter strength the left side. I had 3 Cancerous nodes removed along with 29 other down…
treatment begins
After months of waiting and worrying, my first chemo is today. Doctor decided to use erbitux. Sounded like a good choice (less side effects) until I read about it on the internet. I will be having it together with radiation which begins next week. Does anyone have experience with erbitux? Dr said no hair loss or nausea. I…
Husband getting trachea Help
My husband is getting ready to have a trachea put in next Thursday, September 20th. He was diagnosed with squamous cell carncinoma which had metasize after 6 months of chemotherapy and 38 radation treatments.. he is no longer able to breath due to damage to his windpipe can anyone out there talk to me about this or does…
Special Prayers for Special Lady
As many of you know, my sister Colleen is losing her battle with cancer.. She's pretty much in a sleep state for these last few days, and they don't expect her to survive more than a few more. Please keep Colleen in your prayers, and for a peaceful passing... She's a loving person, and it has been such an honor to share…
Super blessed! A true feel good story :) UPDATE
As many of you know I've run up about $225K in medical bills without any insurance. Well, Medicaid has decided to help, but to give me a $20k deductible. I am VERY pleased with that. Yes, it's a lot of money but I am beyond thankful for the assistance. Well, I now have about $1500 out of pocket in dental procedures to have…
Another Step Forward
Just had to share; when I lived on the in PA I was an ATA (amateur trap association) memeber, I shot trap/clay targets competively all over the east coast and at the Grand American in Ohio several times. Since moving to AZ not so much, then my dance with the Big C kinda put a hault to such things. Well since getting ,my…
prognosis stage IV
Did anyone get a prognosis for stage IV cancer, I think thats what my stage may be. I didn't get any info on the stages or the prognosis. Reading the forums it seems to me about 2/3 of cancers come back again. Thats worrying although many of you came through a second cancer . I read that once the cancer reaches the lymph…
I'm new here, Hello everyone
Hi, My name is Janice. I was told last May 2012, I had mucoepidermoid carcinoma primary sight unknown. Well, this May they found the primary sight, the base of my tongue. I'm told this is a rare cancer and having it in the tongue area is almost unheard of. I went to the tumor board last Friday to discuss my case. According…
Ran across this
I don't know if this has been posted before but I thought it was interesting. http://www.npr.org/search/index.php?searchinput=HPV I am think my immune system is not the best. I rarely get sick but I am on my 3rd cancer, melanoma 40 years ago, prostate 12 years ago and now scchn. Although the melanoma which was a mole on…
Never Forget ~ 911
In Honor...
Root canal.....DONE!
The root canal is DONE! It was really nothing. No pain, just a little uncomfortable. Expensive as heck...but that's about it! Now to eat soft foods for a couple of days and then an extraction next week. Soft foods after that and then 4 cavities filled and a crown put on. Getting a little sick of doctors/dentists/etc…
Favor to ask - clinical trials
Hey Kids, Got a favor to ask for those more internet savy (or with a better memory). A while back someone on this site posted some links that gave a pretty comprehensive list of clincial trials or some sites to check for them. I've searched for it, to no avail. I also did a general search on the web and found some info,…
Would you do it again?
My husband, who is due to start radiation soon after having tongue tumor removed is seriously considering not doing this therapy. He is considering the quality vs quantity issue. The liklihood of return of the cancer is a factor in this consideration. So often we have read of the return regardless of chemo or radiation. We…
what is Varian6
I have received my list of rad appts 18th Sep--29 Oct and it just states the dates followed by the word Varian6 is this a name for a certain radiation treatment. I don't get much info on my treatment, I will see my head of the team tomorrow to ask questions but usually I dont understand the answers unless I looked up on…
up-date~~Live Strong
Had my evaluation yesterday for the new group at the Y, I did fairly well, have been having trouble with my lower legs while walking, so the 6 minute walking test didn't go too good, HOWEVER, I pressed 100 lbs with my legs, 75lbs arms, balanced on each foot singlely for 4 minutes...the classes start 9/23, I'm excited to go…
After a visit to our oncologist, my husband decided to go on Hospice. He is doing so-so but the doctor explained to us that Hospice isn't only for end of life. My husband chose quality over quantity when his 2nd cancer recurred in January and spread to his lung. Hospice has been in and explained a lot of things to us.…
Baby steps!
As you may know, I've been so overwhelmed lately with everything! Each day after work and school ive been trying to help with getting last minute things ready and prepared for my parents so move soon. They hope in a few weeks! I can't wait. As I wrote previously, dad tried jello and pudding but he couldn't really eat it…
4th Recurrence
Well, I don't seem to be able to beat this thing. I was just diagnosed with another tumor on my base of tongue. This is my 4th reucrrence since my original diagnosis 5 years ago. Because I've had prior tongue base resections, the only surgical option at this point is a total glossectomy with a free flap from my rectis…
Worried, dad still not eating
Hey everyone, Sorry to see some of you have been dealing with bad news while I was absent. I read a few posts that sounded very positive as well. I'm wiring tonite bc I can't get over worrying about my dad. He's still using peg tube, he's only tried a few diff foods, pudding and jello, but complains that it burns then…
Almost Exactly One Year
I found this site almost exactly one year ago and I can't really put into words how thankful I am. You folks have seen me though the panic and the pain with your insightful, often humorous (yes Matt, I'm talking about you) advice and support. Most of the remedies that actually made treatment bearable didn't come from from…