New THRUSH Question
repost for new member, but 2 year survivor nabbias01 I have resitant thrush & no saliva. 2 yrs post rad. Hello, This is my first post to this message board. I finished radiation 2 yrs ago for tongue cancer and cancer on the inside of my cheek. I have been treated on and off with Nystatin and fluconazole for 2 years. Now I…
why are my little evnelopes always gray?
I noticed whenever I post my little envelope turns gray. Anyone know why?
New to this
Just found out Friday 10/18/2013 my biopsy came back as positive for Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma - I go to the Dr. for th first time on the 22nd - I am afraid, I have been reading the posts on this site, I want to beat this, I am going to continue to write on here about what happens, is that alright, just writing this…
Oral thrush is adding insult to injury for my husband. He finished chemoradiation in February and has suffered with some degree or another of it ever since. He has been on increasing doses of Diflucan combined with Nystatin swish and swallow and we do not seem to be making any headway. He refused a PEG tube and has been…
Starting Radiation Tuesday
Hello, I have been reading the discussion boards for a couple months now but haven't posted anything. I can tell from the posts that is a very informative and welcoming community. My husband was diagnosed with HPV Positive throat cancer to the left and ride side of his tongue at the base and lymph node involvement on both…
falling apart, stage 4/ aggressive treatment radiation and chemo for 6 weeks
Hello, we went to our first appointment yesterday at the cancer center. The cancer started in his tonsil, than spread to his throat, tongue, and a lymp knod, He has been seeing his primary doctor off and on with complaints of sore throat and ear pain, between dr. Cancelling his appointments, seeing different ones in his…
Going into Chemotherapy with a cold?
Advice and suggestion? I think I am coming up with a cold. Feeling tired and a headache. The weather recently changed. It rained yesterday and temperature dropped to 60 degrees. Tomorrow is my second round of chemotherapy. I will bring this up with the doctor tomorrow. But in the meantime, does anyone have any knowledge on…
Donating your radiation mask for cancer patients
Hi y'all...yes I'm from the South! I wanted to share a website with those of you that have had radiation or may be in the midst of it. Some may be aware but I wanted to make this information available for those of you that may not be aware. I find it an awesome opportunity to pay it forward. I am sure as I you were ready…
Still clean
5 months out. Officially NED. Next PET Dec 16. Off all meds and back to work full time. Life is good Sandy
Chief Daddy Mike doing OK now
I got to talk to Mike, he was in the hospital with broken ribs and some smashed toes. He was working in a builder removing a metal door when the cement blocks above the door frame gave way and fell on him. The guy that was helping him was able to keep the door from falling on him but the bricks hit him on the way down. He…
Medicaid/Payments/Cancer Coverage Question
I'm trying to figure this out and thought maybe some of you could help me. I was diagnosed this past February with MEC and had applied for Medicaid in January since we already knew there was a tumor there and the doctors "had a strong feeling" it was cancer. I fought and applied and provided paperwork from January to June…
SCC of left tonsil, three lymph nodes stage 3. It has been awhile since I have posted but do view the board every couple of weeks. It has helped over the last 4 years (I finished treatment 4 years ago end of August). I would like to share this good news. Today is my first day of retirement! I was fortunate to have a job…
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, grade II
My 12 year old sister was diagnosed with this last Friday. As you can imagine, we're all adjusting to the news. We are scheduled for an appointment later this with the cancer center and I want to know what should I be expecting. We are all freaking out and want to see what everyone's experience was. Any advice is helpful.…
PET for back tingling and leg/hip pain
We went to the oncologist for a check up today. The oncologist wanted to do a PET to see if Jim's hip and leg pain, and the tingling in his upper arms and back needs rads to keep it from disabling him. Jim however has refused. The oncologist explained that if it goes to far it will be hard to take care of or relieve the…
long time posting
Hey all... My husband is now 2 years out from treatment and he had a scope the other day.. Still clean!!! I do have a question regarding neuropathy. He has neuropthy in his legs and just a few days ago he started with some new problems. His leg is really hurting now and he has tingling and numbness that just started. He…
Arm pain after neck dissection
I've been feeling so great lately, had a negative scan a few weeks ago so I'm not worrying about C reappearing, but lately I've noticed problems with my left arm. I've had two neck dissections, one in October of 12 to remove nodes and tissues that lit up on the scan, they tested positive for weak, minor inactive disease,…
hello everyone - I have a question. Has anyone here had mucositis? Has anyone had it almost a year out of treatment? I have been diagnosed with Trush a few times since treatment was over. but now I don't think I have thrush I think I have mucositis. I have been reading about all the symptoms and I have them all except it…
It has been awhile since I have posted but do view the board every couple of weeks. It has helped over the last 4 years (I finished treatment 4 years ago end of August). I would like to share this good news. Today is my first day of retirement! I was fortunate to have a job where early retirement can happen. My spouse and…
Question about mouth guards for IMRT and Radiation only Treatment
Hello survivors, I have been quietly screwing around interviewing oncologists and fighting with Cigna and now have a plan of attack. Going for TOMO/IMRT mask (just in time for Halloween) fitting and simulation tomorrow. Read the posts about some kind of mouth guard that can protect the mouth from scatter radiation. Asked…
Daily Calorie intake
Hi All: This is more or less an update to the Mouth Sores topic. I imagine that all of the various products take some time to work, however at this point, my mom can't swallow anything. She is actively using her PEG tube, but I am worried that she is not inputing enough calories. She is only putting about 3 boosts in there…
Acupuncture for Saliva, Pain and Nausea
Greetings, My husband is now getting acupuncture two days a week to help with pain, nausea, and to improve the chances of the return of saliva production. I'm new to this site so not sure if anyone else has written about this - so far, the treatments have been a bright spot in his day. He has completed 12 of 35 rad…
Swallowing Test
Well yesterday I did the swallowing test again but this time is did show a little improvement. While I still can swallow or eat like a normal person I am able to sip and swallow very small amounts of water. What the test showed is that the back of the tongue is no longer moving to close off the air way into the lungs.…
dont know
Hello I just discovered this site today,,and so far it has been the most helpful and uplifting so far,, Its actually not me that has cancer My wife was receiving treatment for a toe (bone) infection through strong antibiotics twice a day intravenously at home (pic line) she began to complain of a sore throat about 7-8…
Blood clot in urinary bladder
I just got ouf the ER. I was unable to urinate and when really push, only blood came out. Went to hospital and irrigated my bladder for 24 hours. Lots of blood and purple clots came out. Ultrasound showed a large blood clot inside the bladder. They finally cleared it with catheter. I had one round Cisplatin about 2 weeks…
Learning to Live In Between Scans
Friends, Just passed the six month mark after treatment and am learning to live during the "in between" time. Continuing to take each day as it comes and be thankful for each gift and blessing that comes my way. Still at times is stressful and need to take time just to get my head around what is going on. Trying not to go…
Monday should be interesting!
Monday, 10/21, is my 4 month cancer free date. It's also my next big dental appointment where I get my crown, final fitting (and hopefully get to keep) my partial, and schedule my cavities to be filled. Then the dental work is over...hopefullly by the end of 2013 :) Basically...I may have my TEETH Monday! I'm so excited!!…
NPC treatment inquiry
Hello Everyone. I am new to this website and forum. I am 39 years old asian male and have been diagnosed with NPC in the "early" stage. My treatment plan is 3 bouts of chemo (one every 3 weeks) and a daily dosage of radiation for 33 bouts. I just finished the first week of treatment and recently got thrush in the back of…
long time posting
Hey all... My husband is now 2 years out from treatment and he had a scope the other day.. Still clean!!! I do have a question regarding neuropathy. He has neuropthy in his legs and just a few days ago he started with some new problems. His leg is really hurting now and he has tingling and numbness that just started. He…
Should I do radiation?
Hello and thank you all for sharing your experiences. 20 years ago I had chemo & radiation for Hodgkins lymphoma. Had limited mantle radiation up to and including my neck. Last year I was diagnosed with SCC of tonsils and had bilateral modified neck dissection levels 1-5 ( cut ear to ear). Permanent side effects include…
Inspirational Quote of the day
I just wanted to share today's inspirational quote of the day- I think it is appropriate for this forum: We're here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark.