Did anyone have a really strong 'metallic' taste only 7 days in to radiation???
Hi again everyone...I don't mean to be the squeeky wheel on the forum, BUT you all are a World of knowledge, and I continually learn good tips and tricks from you all!!! For the past day or two, Pat has been nauseaus, complaining of a very strong 'metallic' taste constantly leaching into his mouth. His salivary glands are…
Thanks to everyone.
I've been lurking on this site for more than a year now. So I feel it's time to give back. Around July of 2012 I was dx with SCC primary in the right tonsil, spreading to both sides of my neck. It was determined that since I was HPV positive and had some extra weight to my frame, that I could handle an aggressive…
Clinical Trial Update
Here is a picture of my chemo pills. wicked cool huh? They are actually pretty big and I have to keep them cold. I take 4 a day. Ya’ know compared to my last chemo pills, every time I took them I felt like I was poisoning myself. With these I feel like I’m kicking some cancer butt! So I’m on day 9 of my clinical trial. I…
Shortness of breath and labor breathing
I have NPC and the one symptom that make me so tire and weak is the breathing issue. It seems my breathing is shallow and not filling of the lungs. Sometimes this will cause me to breathe through the mouth as well which cause me mouth dryness and a dry throat. I have lost alot of weight and very thin now. Is it the cancer…
Tingley tongue and turned white
I am now over a year out of radition. For the last six months I have episodes of where my tongue wil start tingling , even starts to go numb. It also turns a creamy white. This lasts anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes, then the tingling goes away and my tongue turns back pink. I forget to tell my Doctor about it. Is anyone else…
It's about time
H&N members, caregivers, pop-ins & Lurkers, For the past 13 days (and more if you count scanxiety) I waited through exam and CT scan to await the “all is clear” otherwise known to my friends as NED. So I am happy to say at 18 months, 24 days and a couple of hours (post) I am NED! I am forever grateful to all who have…
urologist appt today
Today was my 3-4 month check up with my urologist for the prostate cancer. My PSA went down, that is good. He said there has been no progression of the cancer and I am better than he had expected. I got the good old finger test, no lumps or bumps, still good and soft, He checked for any testicular lomps, all good. Been a…
8 more rads
Just a wee update on my rads. taking all your advice I am now feeling a lot better. I have 8 rads to go. I didn't,t think in the beginning I,d ever get to single figures. I have one tomorrow then a weekend break then five days next week and two days the following week. The docs at hospital have pulled out all the stops for…
Yep, it happened! 3 clean PET/CT scans in a row! It's another new record. When something doesn't feel right I'm gonna have to start thinking it's something other than cancer. I haven't been on here for awhile but I never forget how much support I received when I needed it most. Thanks H&N gang! Peace and healing to you…
tongue ang throat cancer
im finishing uo my radiation next week finished my chemo last week caqn anyone tell me where it goes from here? ii was diagnosed with squamish cell melinoma of the tounge and throat.
Mugard - help...
Hi everyone. Pat finished day three of his radiation treatment today. He was well enough to drive himself to the treatment center, so I stayed at home to work on getting to the bottom of why we haven't been able to get the Mugard prescription. I know this is something that should have been started by now, but I have had a…
Mouth sores / Thrush
Hi All: I found out that my mom has a yeast infection in her mouth and is taking antibiotics. Is this the same thing as Thrush? I know that someone had asked if she had this in the original mouth sores thread. Does this make the mouth sores worse or more difficult to heal? This could be why nothing has been working for…
ringing in ear
ringing in ear from rad. chemo any remedy out there
My dad is about to start radiation/chemo for base tongue cancer....
Hello! My dad was diagnosed for the second time with tongue cancer, the first time was stage I and removed without further treatment, now it's stage III inoperable due to the location and moving forward with radiation/chemo treatment. We just had a pretty disturbing appointment with the oncologist who started to explain…
Prayers Needed today for Skiffin (John's) Dad
My fellow warriors, Please add prayers today for John's father, Don. He is in the ICU in Florida. John and Shelley are headed there now. I don't have many details except that John's Mom found Don collapsed on the floor this morning. Prayers needed. Will keep you updated. Thanks in advance.
October Change-Up ~ Couples
Thought I'd throw out a change up.... Couples photo..., hubby, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, significant other.... The one that got you through it, and makes it all worth while. Shelley, my beautiful wife, caregiver, best friend, and significant other...., and her man (which happens to be me... :) ) This photo was from Ohio…
Can someone tell me how to post a picture here ...not a new proflie pic...but one in the body of a post. thanks
Not Important in the Scheme of Things
Hi All, My brother lost a band of about 1 1/2 inches of hair along the bottom of his hairline. Of all things, my sister-in-law says that this is bothering him (he has a beautiful head of hair). Can anyone share with me if this will ever grow back? We met a survivor who had the same diagnosis as my brother and is a year out…
Whoa! Before and after cancer.
The top xray is from 12/18/12 and it's when the oral surgeon said "Girl...you have a pretty big tumor in your jaw", and that was the first I knew of it... The bottom is from this morning right before he pulled the broken top molar 9/18/13 with my metal plate. Today was the first day I saw how it looks in there. Amazing!
a bit of funny !
I was watching a show about mummies....real ones, not the monster movies. And they had put the mummy in a CT machine. All of the sudden the machine said breathe in, hold your breath, now breathe. After as many machines that I have been put in and scanned with.....I laughed til I teared up. Not one of these scientists even…
Spot-Light on Ingrid ~ Happy Birthday
And just whose day is it...... Ingrid's.... Happy Birthday lovely lady and friend.... Always, John
I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma under front of my tonque last May, 2012. Had radial free flap and right neck dissection in June, 2012. 8 weeks of radiation with 3 sessions of chemo (cisplatin) and finshed in mid September, 2012. My latest visit in mid July was okay. About 2 weeks ago I started having pain in…
Nasopharyngeal cancer
I notice that some people posted fairly recently who have had - or have - cancer of the nasopharynx, and thought I would share my experience so far. My wife was diagnosed with Stage IVb Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) around a month ago, and is being treated in Taiwan, where the disease is much more common than in Western…
Mouth sores
Hi All: Well, my mom has entered into her third week of a six week chemo and radiation treatment schedule. She managed to get the Mugard (during the second week of treatment). I am worried that the damage had already been done. She has had to start using the PEG tube, because her mouth hurts so badly. She is currently…
stricture biopsy
Hi My husband had neck dissection in April this year and finished 6 weeks of radio therapy in June. He has been in and out of hospital with an infection and weight loss. Last time in July he had a nasal gastro tube inserted. He was discharged and felt ok for a few weeks apart from tiring easily and unable to eat much. Then…
Speckled Perch, Crappie, Sac-A-Lait
What ever you call them where you are located.... I found a few of them today...; My hopes, thoughts and prayers for those going through treatment, and especially those that have gone through and now either recovering, or surviving.... Get out, do the things you love, and live life... John ~JG
understanding pet ct scan
Just received scan and need to understand prognosis. Doctor is missing and will be able to see one on tuesday. The impression ; Hypermetabolism within the right submandibular space. There is a corresponding soft tissue nodule on the localizing ct scan. The calculated suv is 9.9 The uptake is consistent with malignancy…
New Clinical trial for metastasis called Rigosertib
Hey guys, I wanted to let you know I started this phase 2 trial today. my latest scans showed that the tumors in my lungs had doubled in size in the last 3 months. Rigosertib works by blocking cell division in cancer cells and causing them to die. So here is what I read "Six head and neck cancer patients included in this…
New PEG tube for life
Thank you guys so much for sharing your knowledge on the workings of this site and your experiences with the PEG. I have another question about what you all use and 2 Cal. Has anyone tried 2 Cal and it didn't agree with them? We tried it because we needed more calories (my husband continues to lose weight). However, he…
13 rads and not doing well
I,ve done 13 rads so far on both sides of my throat and base of tongue. I feel dreadful, I,m queezy with the mucus. I have a lump either on thr base of my tongue or throat which acts when I swallow like a finger down my throat and I wretch. my swallowing is going again and I choke. my mucus if I was slug would stretch to…