Mouth ulcer WHICH not going away
After my husband’s neck dissection he discover mouth ulcer in is right side of tonsil area where cancer was originate in (END OF July). He was telling his all doctors including oncologist, ENT and they all said it’s just side effect of radiation. My husband has his ENT appointment last week and now ENT want to do biopsy in…
PET Results....
A scare and anxiety for a few hours, but ended well.... Got my report, and the MD writing the report didn't give me an all clear... He actually wrote; IMPRESSION There is a new small area of hypermetabolic activity within the infratonsillar region of the pharynx as described (another area of the report). This has an…
Lingual Tonsillectomy/Biospy What was everyone's pain/recovery?
I'm scheduled for a lingual tonsillectomy/biopsy in which they will take the entire lingual tonsil. What was everyone's recovery for this procedure and any complications?
Another has anyone had this happen???
My fiance has been fighting this dreaded cancer for almost two years now. Had Stage IV BOT with lymph node involvement. Went thru radiation and chemo which did not work, went on to have a partial glossectomy and all lymph nodes removed on both sides of his neck and he is currently still on a feeding tube. His surgery was…
F-C-R a real disorder
Hello everyone, I was reading an article about this in the Cure magazine (Fall issue 2013 pg. 59. ) We call it scanxiety and realize it is a part of the process. Learning to have a cancer survivorship care plan in place is a really good idea. I wasn't given a specific one to follow...kinda fell through the cracks so to…
My cancer docs keep leaving! 3 now!
Quick background: initial cancer care in Fargo, ND with Dr. V. Spread, spread, spread after 3 surgeries, 2 chemos and radiation. He referred me to Dr. Kim in St. Paul, MN for CyberKnife. That took care of the last spread but Dr. Kim retired. Now 2 suspicious spots on lungs one year later. Met her replacement, he's okay and…
Radiation DONE!
Hi all, I haven't been on in a few weeks. Finsished radiation two weeks ago and took a little sabbatical. I made it through!!! Overall I believe I beat the odds. I have to send out a huge thank you to Sandy, Rob's wife And to phrannie51. Phrannie had recommendEd Mugard and Sandy was extremely generous in helping me out…
Tips for getting through radiation...
Hi everyone. My name is Jamie, and I am the caregiver of Pat, my husband of twenty years Pat was diagnosed with tonsil cancer in late August 2013. He had a complete tonsilectomy, removal of 29 lymph nodes, and a bit of muscle behind the tonsil area on August 6th. He has healed from the surgery for the most part, but we are…
TPF protocol
Hello, I am new to this site and I am glad to have found all of you. My son was diagnosed with PSCC of the tonsil T4N2bM0, and is having induction chemo using TPF. I am so concerned about his dosage because it is less than what i have researched. I am worried about the cancer cells coming back ,Plus the doc is unsure of…
Hey Fellow Survivors! Hope everyone is well, and just checking in with the old timers. I read the old posts on rashes, but my rash has occurred 3 times on my neck where the radiation occured, and quickly spreads across, and down past the collar bone, feeling hot, very red and swollen. I had cisplatin in 2009. I read your…
I'm just so mad!! And sad.
I'm feeling a variety of emotions tonight. TWO ladies that I know were diagnosed with breast cancer this week. TWO in one week! Plus another friends' father in law was given 6 weeks to live with lung cancer (stage IV and has spread pretty much everywhere). Every single time I hear of someone I know getting that diagnosis…
Dreaded Erbitux
We hv not posted since our first chemo. Just so much coping going on. I will try to make a long story short. Chemo has been ok Except the evil rash coming from Erbitux ,has turned into a grade 4 . T. Has been on antibiotic for over 2 weeks. Also neupogen shots for series total of 14 shots N/V not bad,fatigue difficult at…
Impatient and scared.
hello. I'm 36 yrs old and I was diagnosed in June with stage 4 head and neck cancer. I finished up all the treatment last week but.... I'm either in the ER or back at the Dana-Farber for IV. The pain in my throat is ridiculous. Nausea is all the time. I cannot even swallow my own spit. Way too much phlem. Why??? Does…
No PET scan?
Hi All, I think this has come up bedfore but it's so darned hard to search this site. My husband finished his treatment (with flying colors, perhaps I will post an update) at the end of May. Since then he had an MRI which looked fine and was scheduled to have a PET at 4 months post-treatment. Like everyone else here, we…
Hello Everyone, Wanted to check in and give you an update on Kreg. He is coming up quickly to his 1 year anniversary (when tx ended) in November. Hard to believe that it was a year ago in August that we got that dreadful news. But, life has been going well for him. He has been back to all his normal pleasures in…
Scan tomorrow...
and you would think that with no problems encountered with the last three doctor's visits that I'd be a bit less anxious about the results. My last scan was in March and I was supremely confident that it would be clear, quite shocked to hear bad news from the RO and the subsequent referral to a specialist and a 2nd…
Dropping a doctor
I've been seeing three doctors since my journey started in March of 2012 and wonder when or if I can drop one. I see an ENT (who originally discovered, biopsied and confirmed the diagnosis) a medical oncologist who oversaw the chemo portion of my treatments and a radiation oncologist who sent me through the 'toaster' so…
White foam
I am almost 3 months out from treatment and suffering from dry mouth. However, in the last week I have noticed the production of small amounts of thick, white foam. I happens spontaneously when I haven't had anything to eat or drink for a while (unstimulated). I think this is the "ropey" stuff that people complain about.…
Radiation or not?
Hello, everyone. I am a new member of this group. In July I was diagnosed with tongue cancer. I had surgery (partial glossectomy) to have the tumor removed. I then had a functional neck dissection a month later. Cancer was found in one lymph node. According to the doctors, my margins were clear and the lymph node was not…
I am getting more fatigued with each treatment. My weightlifting has gone to hell in a handbag. Has anyone been prescribed anything to fend of chronic fatigue? I'm livin on 5 hour energy. Hope all my CSN buds are having a good Monday. Mike
9 Months After Treatment for Stage 3 Left Side Tonsil Cancer with Lymphnode Involvement on Same Side
Hi Friends, I always like to post my progression so those currently in treatment will have hope of a positive outcome. I appear to still be a friend of NED! I just had a 9 month CT scan done as part of my follow up after treatment and doctor did another scope of the throat area. Doctor said that CT report shows that all is…
A Side Effect?
Hi Everyone. My brother made a trip "home" this past weekend. It was great seeing him. He looked so much better than when I visited him a few weeks back. The whole family came over to visit with him. We also celebrated his daughter's 21st birthday. It was a great weekend; we all had a wonderful time. That's the good news.…
Mango Snapper ~ Dinner for Two
Ahhh, the joys of Upper Tampa Bay... Fresh Mango Snapper, a generous portion of Cheese Grits, and a few cold beers; Get'em while you can... Dodged several rain cells Sunday morning, but mostly just a light drizzle off and on... Definitely worth it for a Mango Dinner... All of you suffering one way or another..., hang…
Awaiting meeting with medical and radiation oncologists
T1N1 tongue base SCC stage III. HPV16+. S/P neck dissection and TORS base of tongue resection. 3 weeks ago. Rad/chemo recommended due to extracapsular involvement of the one lymph node. Finally got records sent to radiation oncologist in Myrtle Beach and medical oncologist in same area. Will meet with both by next Monday…
Not Eating
I'm new here so I'm not at all sure I've placed this in the correct forum, so please forgive me. A life long friend is a throat cancer survivor now for about 6 months. She still has the feeding tube which the doctors wanted to pull 3 months ago, but because she is not eating, relying solely on 3 Ensures daily through her…
diets and Jack
Hey everyone, I have so many concerns for people on so many levels with this one. I have been reading more and more about using alkaline diets and their proported wonders. When asked how they are gauging their PH levels they respond with (the over the counter urine sticks). Oh my ! I kind of thought this one went out with…
Just curious-What was everyone's initial PET UPTAKE VALUE's?
I'm just curious to know what everyone's initial (beginning) PET SCAN uptake SUV values where? High-Low?
Side affects
Side affects already 4th rad. My skin is sloughing off my tongue and inside cheeks, my neck looks like a chipmunk one side and my teeth feel coated. the mask had to be loosened a bit this morning to allow for the swelling. Tomorrow I have the op for PEG, and dental assessment, and rad. I can't eat or drink for 6 hours…
Anyone with P-16 know their EGFR and type of SCC?
I have read my biopsy pathology report and the tumor excision and neck dissection pathology reports and cannot find any notation about the EGFR. Have read the ratio of High P16 and low EGFR is a good indicator. Also have seen nothing about the type of SCC classification basil, adeno, VCC, etc. I do not know if this is…
Base of Tongue Symptoms
Hello, What was everyone's symptoms as far as your BOT cancer was concerned? Did anyone have tongue pain or any kind of pain with this or was it just noticed by a swollen lymph node? Any long time survivors on here? If so, which treatments did you choose? Thank you