PEG replaced
last night my PEG tube sprang a leak at the end towards the tummy. I managed to clip it off with the clip and phoned the nurse the next day, she looked at it and said she couldn't repair it and called the hospital. I have the PEG that has a washer type thingy inside the stomach and a triangle fastener on the outside. I…
HAd a PET CT after 12 days of radiation.
Hi All, My father had a PET CT yesterday after 13 days of completion of radiation.What my onocologist told id ,the primary tumor has almost shrinked (with SUV-3.2 from 10.6)and size almpst gone.But the size of lymph nodes has not shrinked.and one important point is 2 lymph nodes from left side has slightly increased in…
CT Scan of lungs results
below are the results from a ct i had done last friday, 8/29. i hoping someone can tell me what they mean. i have to say i'm just a little worried about a couple things. one being the mention of the coronary arteries. Pat, if you read this, I would greatly appreciate your expertise. i don't know if my doc will call me…
Happy Day
Just saying, it's the weekend and it's Sunday. Some people are at home having nice little family days, some will be going to church, or for a walk, and some (like me) are at work (I've snuck off to the back office on the work computer HA)... In America it's very early in the morning, but it's 08:45 here :) Just wanted to…
Skiffin Update..
I got the PICC line out about a week ago... Started eating and drinking again, what I can. But at least I'm maintaining my weight.. The eating was rough at first, stomach aches and pains and progressive nausea..., but that has decreased. I figure maybe it was just the four months of not eating and drinking that I had to…
Itch, scratch and blood drops
This might help some who don't know this trick. I learned it after my younger brother's accident. Hydrogen peroxide will dissolve blood on clothing, bedding.. etc. Really does work. Kritter
Cancer stinks!
We usually say cancer sucks but it can stink, literally. Not many use a foul smell as the symtom to get to the doctor but might help someone someday. Before I was diagnosed, a number of months went by where my family constantly complained about my bad breath. I tried every possible remedy to no avail. When finally seeing…
Today my husband and I celebrate 52 years of marriage (we have been together since I was a junior in high school -- he is older than me and mother tried to talk me out of marrying him straight out of high school. But you know back then that is what we did) and during this time we have been thru many trying times. But by…
Treatment options... Ideas??
Hi guys so I'm in New Zealand and feel that we have limited treatment options here... I have just had 5 days of radiation to the brain and that's all the docs want to do. The two tumours are inoperable and they are just hoping to slow growth with the radiation. gamma knife has come to my attention which I am going to look…
MRI Results in
Will my doctor filially got back from Vacation and called with the results of the MRI. And it is showing nothing that we did not know already, she is even more confused now then she was before. She is trying to get me to see another H&N doctor in New Orleans who deals with the wearied oh like me. In the mean time the…
healthcare issues/red tape
I know I've seen many issues posted here about insurance issues (red tape) and cost of medical care. I was on the accoi.org site (which is for ACC) and was given this information to share with other survivors of any type dx. The web site is Patient Avocate Foundation Welcomes You ! - PAF And their phone # is 1-800-532-5274…
Saw the Oncologist today for
my periodic checkup....hadn't been there since to since last May, and my scan was July 1st. Not only do I look good (in her eyes), and feel good (in my estimate).....but FINALLY my blood counts have returned to normal!!! That took 2 years.....day after tomorrow will be my two year anniversary of finishing treatment!…
Free flap surgery
Has anyone had a mandiblectomy with free flap where they used tissue from the thigh instead of the fibula bone? When I went back for surgery follow up they told me I had fluid I'm my thigh by the incision. They said it would go away by itself but not how long. How long does it take for fluid to be absorbed? It seems like…
Necrosis how to stop it
As my doctors were all trying to figure out what next to do about the Necrosis the hole was just getting bigger and bigger. My daughter was doing a little research about Oil pulling; I think Laralyn had a post about it last month. Coconut Oil Pulling and Raw Honey seams to be the cure for it, I even started using a little…
2 Years ago.....tomorrow
August 30 2012, is the day I got the phone call saying you have Stage 4 cancer. A life changing moment. I am not one to get upset or afraid real easily, but I'll tell you, that chilled me to the bone, as I am sure you can all relate. Of course I jumped on the internet to learn all I could about SCC, Staging, 5 year…
Carboplatin and 5-fu
Has anyone had the bad luck of having a second go round of carbo and 5-fu? Had rads and chemo Dec 2012-Jan 2013. Since then I was on avastin for mets to lungs for kidney cancer but this was changed to erbitux this past February when a biopsy showed it was squamous cell. Last Pet scan showed it had spread to left 6th rib…
40 anniversary surprise
My children and I all planned a surprise for my Wife on our 40th anniversary. I told the Wife I wanted to spend our anniversary up on Toledo Bend just me and her. Well I could see that she did not really like the idea but she went along with it. We were down on the pear fishing when her brother and his wife just walked up…
Sore throat 5 months after radiation
I have a sore throat for 3 weeks. It has been 5 months since my last radiation treatment. ENT has put me on a 3 week regimen of antibiotics still no relief. Also I have a tickle in my throat that results in me coughing up a clear mucous. ENT says next thing is a CAT scan. has anyone else had this problem before? I had…
My great niece was an intern for St. Jude Hospital this summer. Her sorority does fundraising for the hospital. She ends her messages with: For the children. I was thinking of ending mine with: For the survivors. This was on the wall at the doctor's office today and I felt it was more of an inspiration. You are Stronger…
Surgery Prior to Radiation
Hello everyone, My ENT is wanting to perform a tonsillectomy and neck dissection on the same day and then start radiation treatment. How many of you had surgery prior to radiation and how long did you have to heal before the radiation could start? I of course want all of my treatment to start immediately but am worried…
What Type PEG Tube are you using
What type of PEG are you all using, I have a low profile tube and from the day they put it in it leaks For everyone who has a PEG Tubes what type do you have. Two months ago I got a replacement Low Profile PEG Tube and all it does is leaks. I can eat all my Norman food with no problems but as soon as I drink water it…
help please, 3 weeks since treatment finished
Hi there, I haven't been here in a while. I have now had my radiation and chemo over 7 weeks. It now been 3 weeks since it finished. I have a peg and am still using this. How long before you are able to eat again or does it seem too long for me ? I have been on morphine which I have now weaned myself off , one side effect…
Hi friends, and I hope you are all doing well. CT at 9am today. I have no reason to believe it won't go well as after 15 weekly treatments of Cisplatin, the mediastinal nodes are still just dead tissue after the Taxotere destroyed them. All of the damage to my body and the severe Pleural Leakage is almost healed. The small…
went to doc yesterday.
went to my oncologist yesterday for meds. she told me she does not want me to have surgery on the 25th. her and her partner both said to wait three more weeks so they can mesure the two spots on my rite lung the are 3centermeters now. if they grow in this this three weeks wait and see, that there is no sence in haveing to…
Road Trip
My husband and I went on our first road trip since cancer #2 struck in December/January. We went 3000 miles to visit friends and family in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Kansas (started in St. Louis). The new profile picture is from the mountains above Alburquerque. We took the tram up to over 10,000 feet. I was…
checking in - 14 rads done so far
Dears, sorry i haven't been available much recently. To be honest I'm not enjoying this rad treatments at all ! And sorry for the long post! 14 sessions done, still have another 14. I have developed a reflux / gastritis problem in my stomach because of stress (that's what the Dr. told me) Haven't been eating for the past…
Jaw replacement and osteoradionecrosis
first I really appreciate each if you. Here's my new situation I'd like to know if there is anyone out there going thru this. 3 years ago I had segmented mandilbectomy, fibula free flab to reconstruct jaw bone. All teeth removed and implants put in. Six weeks radiation. no reoccurrence of scc so far. I was told last week…
Tomorrow will be four months since Jim died. Seems like yesterday. The closing on the condo is Tuesday so I am beginning to pack up. Jim had his own room the last few years. He kept his books, clothes mementoes, etc. in there. My sister offered to pack it for me but my son wants to do it. We were in there Friday and I was…
Just Sayin..
It's been long and hard battle..., hopefully the light at the end of the tunnel is near. I still have a ways to go, still seeping a little from the stomach, but no PICC line and what I can eat is a new venture as well... But I'm pushing forward. Oh and BTW, I had a little fun today.... ~John
One year check with the surgeon...
I saw the radiologist at my one year mark (June 21) and he said all was clear, so today was my one year check with the surgeon. He was VERY PLEASED with my progress and said "see ya in 4 months". Cancer free. Music to my ears. For those of you just starting your journey...be hopeful, have faith and lean on the support…