Side effects of Radiation- Mucoepidermoid Carinoma of Salivary gland
Hello Everyone, My father has been diagnosed with Mucoepidermoid carcinoma - Low grade w . He has undergone surgery to remove the cancer cells and has undergone Neck dissection as a palliative measure. He is currently undergoing radiation . I am not sure if it coincides with what others have had with the same/similar…
Well people here I sit in the chemo room getting my weekly fix of erbitux this is the 5 week of treatments, I will see the Dr. When the dripping of fluids quit. So far only side effects is a lite rash in my hair. I'll update after I see Dr.
Hi Everyone, I am new to the site, I tried to find out if anything was posted about HBOT but couldn't. Have any of you tried HBOT? My husband is 5 month post radiation, he has a severe burn in the back of his mouth, and they are now wanting us to try HBOT .....I have googled and now I would like some real opionions please.…
Throat cancer..? Any help please
I've been sick over a month (sore throat,fever 99.9-100, sores on tongue but only for a few days And now swollen lymph nodes behind right ear like in that bone? and super tired and body aches) 3 drs and still don't know anything.. I have a ENT apot for Friday but was still worried and wanted to ask here. My tonsils are not…
Another operation, 14 November, but a good one this time!
Have just been to clinic. On 14 November, Mr P. is going to: 1. Remove this lump on my trachea, "to put both our minds at rest". 2. Stitch together the two front ends of my "tongue" - which are straying apart. 3. Debulk the width of the "tongue". This should give me better function and comfort, and it will be very nice not…
bylateral neck dissection
Hello everyone,well just got out of the hospital for a bylateral neck dissection and have not seen my doctor or talked to him but only once since sfter surgery If i can remember which memory is vague the last thing i remember was that he had gotten all that was there and all lympnodes were clear he removed the old mass and…
Anyone heard from Skiffin - John
Haven't heard from John in awhile. Last I heard he was moving forward, all be it slowly. I miss his humor and fish stories. Debbie
Clinical trials
Hello everyone, At Don's suggestion, I am reposting a reply I wrote yesterday. My reply was brief but I am more than happy to go into more depth if requested. I have attached a link to the trial below. It's been quite some time since I've piped in. I visit the site often and am still inspired by everyone who posts. After…
long acting pain meds
Hey everyone, Have a question for anyone using meds. like MS contin (extend release 12 hr). I've been on a very low dose for quite awhile now, using vicodin for break through pain. Are there any weird side effects other's have had using these ? I put a message into my primary today. I'm recently having bizarre episodes of…
Scar Tissue and Radiation
Hi.. does anyone know how radiation affects scar tissue? I haven't had a chance to speak with my Radiologist/Oncologist about this. I do know they are now planning to radiate both sides of my neck. On the right side it is the lowest part of my neck, and my whole right shoulder up to my neck and down to my elbow is 3rd…
Good Morning.... I am sure that I have read in these posts somewhere suggestions for saliva producing chewing gum??
Cetuximab What Would You Do?
I had my surgery to remove my tumor, lymph nodes and titanium jaw replacement on 8/11. I was scheduled to start radiation treatment on 9/8/14. When I went to have the mask made my radiologist observed that my planned dental extractions did not happen during surgery and needed to get done. Had it done and postponed…
Sorry for bringing up something personal, but I have just thought some ladies might not know about it. Many women, including myself, their periods can stop when they're undergoing radio, and all these other horrible cancer treatments. Mine stopped for 4 months, then they've come back, a bit differently, but are gradually…
New, but I've been through this before
Hello, ve been reasing sing this forum for the past two weeks and thought it was time to Introduce myself. Four years ago, my father in law passed away fron oral cancer. He had a tumor the size of his fist in his jaw and for months thought he was dealing with TMJ. Less than a head after diagnosis, 12 hour surgery to remove…
Peg and i are a fightin' again..
Hi all. haven't been on for a while now, been busy with my greenhouse.. but it seems Miss Peg just can't behave herself..she seems to like the color Red! I wonder if anyone else had leakage after 3 weeks of getting her put in. I am using a gauze sponge under it. I am still eating and drinking on my own yet. I was told by a…
Hi All, Thank you all for all your support in this hard journey till now. I have come across another hard point now.My father today had tracheotomy as he had problem in breathing.Last month oncologist has told that the primary tumor has already gone from Pyriformfossa,But there are swollen inside the neck near voice box…
Ringing in my ear
I wanted to first say thanks to everyone on this site. It is very comforting knowing that I can ask questions and get support from such an encouraging group that has experienced much of what i am going through or about to go through. I appreciate it very much!! I started my treatment two weeks ago and half 4 and 1/2 weeks…
texas oncology
does anyone on the CSN go to the texas oncology in mesquite texas off of galloway and I30? i see a lot of people there, just wondering if any of our family go there?
Im scared my husband is finished all treatments 35 rads 3 cysplaitin... .he was diagnosed with stage 4a scc hpv 16. ... was misdiagnosed for a year found it by having surgery to remove what they were certain was a cyst... Dr apologized after told me he was so sorry He had made a mistake..We will know by end of december…
Head and neck cancer tinnitus
Has anyone who has been treated for head and neck cancer with radiation have tinnitus (ringing in the ears) becasue of your treatments. If so, did it go away after treatment.
Gravy Tongue
Good morning! My husband is almost 8 months post Radiation.....he has 95% taste back and is tolerating everything - even hot/spicy items. He has regained all of his saliva on the sides of his tongue, and we thought some on the main part. But a few days ago he started saying that he felt like he had a thick gravy on the…
Adenocarcinoma Ethmoid Questions
Hi All! My doctor strongly suggested I have this cancer but won't know for sure until full pathology report is delivered & MRI is done next week. Any survivors here that can describe what to expect if the doctor's suspicion is realized? (I had a nasal polyp, got CT-scan which showed nothing, but Dr. found tumor upon…
I dug and dug through papers I had received and hid away and found the name of the clinical trial drug that was presented by my team. I signed the paperwork to participate but am able to change my mind. It is called Cetuximab. Has anyone had any experiences with this drug?
Mayo came through again
Surgery was last Friday. Two hours turned into 7. They removed the titanium link from my jaw. looks like a bicycle chain. What a feeling of relief to have it gone after almost 3 years or toting it around and being uncomfortable. Guess there were 3pieces of fibula used back then. Near hinge and middle of chin had fused. One…
Relatively off-topic; interesting article
Researchers at Stanford University say they have found a new way to stop the spread of cancer. http://engineering.stanford.edu/news/stanford-researchers-create-evolved-protein-may-stop-cancer-spreading
Post Treatment Blues
i finally finished my treatment. I'm almost three weeks post treatment and am experiencing some depression and anxiety. During treatment, my focus was so much on things like eating, staying hydrated, pain control, coping with radiation and chemo. I was in and out of the hospital for treatment. The entire treatment took…
Bunnymom Update Finished Treatment in Recovery
I haven't posted for months. I finally finished treatment almost three weeks ago. I'm in recovery now. My treatment was five days inpatient, nine days home for seven rounds so treatment actually lasted about 14 weeks. One time per day radiation (35 rounds) with 5 FU and Hydrea. I was very focused on the treatment during…
Starting radiation Overweight
Has anyone else started radiation being overweight? I am significantly overweight, about 100 lbs. I know the doctors say this is not the time to "diet", but it would not hurt me to lose a few pounds. I had surgeries 7/8, 8/11 and start radiation on 10/6. I have eaten and drank ok so far throughout recovery. I have not lost…
Dr, Oz and Coconut Oil
I thought this was very interesting, Doctor Oz talking about the good in Coconut Oil http://www.coconutresearchcenter.org/dr-oz-talks-about-coconut-oil.htm Coconut Research Center http://www.coconutresearchcenter.org/ Tim Hondo
Newly diagnosed
WEll I got the news that nobody wants to hear...it was confirmed that I have squamous cell cancer in tonsils after a biopsy results came back. Doctor said it was stage iV which is very overwhelming to hear. I feel like I have read way too much on the internet, but I am very glad I stumbled upon this site. The support…