When to leave the house?
I just had my first chemo treatment, and was wondering when it was safe to actually leave the house, I'm really scared of getting infections, and don't have a germ mask on me, but I actually feel good for once where I may want to take my kids to a movie, is it ok to leave the house after the chemo treatment? I was just…
It is more blessed to give than to receive....
It is so difficult to understand that sometimes we have to be the gracious receiver and not the giver. It is very easy to give...it takes humility to receive. One thing I learned through this cancer nonsense is that if there is no one who will accept a blessing...then the Blessers, the ones sent to bless, are left…
I'm Going to be a Grandma this year!
I just found out that my daughter is pregnant and will be having my first grandbaby this October. I cant tell you how excited I am. Thank the LORD, he is bringing me my true joy, I cant wait. I am so excited, I am in a bit of a shock, my daughter was supposed to wait a few years but you know how that goes. She is still a…
Bone Scan Results
I'm doing the happy dance this morning... ok, more like the happy shuffle since the knees won't cooperate with dancing :D My onc sent me an email this morning to give me the results from the bone scan.... Good News/Bad News report: Good News: NO cancer involvement ANYWHERE in the bones/joints!! My bones are in "remarkable"…
Number six halfway done, feel like celebrating
I know six chemo rounds is only halfway and not as great as Buzzard's coming up eleventh, but I a celebrating this landmark, halfway, Woo Hoo. It's been less than a joy ride, but now I know the end is in sight and doable. Thanks to everybody who is ahead of me on this journey for their sage advice and everybody coming…
Home From Vanderbilt ..Lung resection
We got home today. Frank had surgery Tues. the 10th for lung resection. When they got in there the cancer was small and it was a met. from his colorectal cancer so they only had to take out a wedge instead of the upper lobe. The doctor said he only had to take 4% of his lung. Frank made it through surgery okay but on the…
Nana B... you ok?
Nana B... I know you weren't feeling too good, but am just wondering if you are doing ok now? I haven't seen a post from you for awhile and I'm hoping that it's just because you have gone away for the weekend or something. Please check in and let us know how you are doing when you are feeling up to it! Huggggggs, Cheryl
Blood when u Urinate
First of all I have Stage 4 colon cancer. It is also in my Lung>liver> and ovaries. I have an exam scheduled this Thursday with the GYN my doctor wants me to go and see the GYN because he isn't to sure is I have tumor's on my ovaries. Which they may be able to see better with an ultra-sound. Any way I don't have any cramps…
Another post-op question
I am seeing the surgeon today, but wondered if anyone else has this problem. I feel like there is a large lump, or baseball, in my rectum. I cannot sit, or lie down with any comfort. I am awake most of the night now, as I roll over and 'hit' that spot. Ii is very uncomfortable and I am very tired! Is this temporary? Vicki
wONDERFUL NEWS......my CT scan was clear and CEA was good so I am NED........doing the happy dance......next CT scan is in April. Couldn't have made it through all this without your great support! Hugs, Barbara
Urgent question about PET Scan Results
Diagnosed Stage II in October 06, immediate surgery followed by 28 radiation treatments and 12 chemo treatments. Small bowel blockage one year later at site of original surgery. 3rd resection in December 2007 with temp ileostomy. Ileostomy "Max" reworked in Feb 08 and reversed in March 08 with Port removed. Three PET scans…
Nervous cancer back?
Hello. I would like to hear from anyone who has had metatastic colon cancer that spread. Mine had spread out of colon, into overy and lymph. This was approx. 4 yrs ago, had it all removed and chemo. Was doing well. Over past year I guess, my energy level and general feeling of well being dropped, most of all over past 3…
Cracked Feet
I was just wondering if anyone here gets cracked open sores on there feet. I do all the time. I have been putting udder balm on them with socks. But I hate to wear socks. As soon as I stop they break open again. Any suggetsion's different then what I am doing already.
Today's Oncologist Visit
Hello, everybody!! (Gee, why does that remind me of Shirley Temple??? ) Anywho... just thought I would post about my visit with my oncologist who, I think I've bored you all before with how much I love and adore her! It just reminds me of how incredibly important it is to have a really good rapport with your oncologist…
Hey Krista how ya doin? Hope your ok!!
To All great suppportive people
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! When I read what you've gone through I truly feel I'm not alone and my side effects are "normal" not severe. I had a treatment Tuesday, pump removed Thursday morning and literally slept all day Thursday until noon on Friday. (I woke up twice thirsty) So far, the side effects I had after…
look after your mates
I left a photo in the expressions gallery under "look after your mates" it pretty well sums up the week the people of rural Victoria in Australia have been having...Ron.
quick note to say hi to all
just want to say hi to all hope you are allok havent been on much lately busy week, but keeping you in my thoughts and prayers every day just had round 2 chemo doing good even got to go to Trace Atdkins concert Fri night. I will be on this week just wanted to check in though take care all Sheri22
bathroom issues
Does anyone know how to bulk their stool up. Since my reversal it's usually always semi formed and soft. Stools are smaller since this reversal. I take lomotil regularly to slow down digestion. Alot of foods I'm afraid to try for fear of more frequency. My surgeon just did a balloon dialation on me. I haven't noticed a big…
CEA question
Hi Everyone, **** will start his FOLFOX 6 and Erbitux at the beginning of March. Right now we are trying to enjoy the fact that he has recovered from the surgery and he feels good. We still have a question about CEA numbers. The day they found ****'s cancer, his CEA was 1.2. His tumor was really big, blocking 98% of his…
Happy Belated Valentines Day to you Ladies.......
I am very sorry for not coming in here yesterday and wishing all of our girls in here a very Happy Valentines Day !!!.....I hope all of your wishes come true and that it was a very good day for you all...We all love ya and may God Bless each and every one of you...Have a very Special weekend............. :-)
Prayers Needed and a Gripe
I see the oncologist Tuesday afternoon to go over results of CT Scan and CEA.....this is the first since I ended chemo Dec. 8 so I am really anxious about the outcome.....would appreciate your thoughts and prayers.....am trying to battle the anxiety......and I keep thinking I will have to go through this every two months…
My First Hurdle Done With
Today I am so pleased to announce that I am finished with radiation and chemo for my first hurdle in this battle of the little "c". I started this treatment on January 7 and today was my "freedom" day for awhile at least. My next hurdle is picking a surgeon. I started with one that gave me hope of being cancer free but…
So many new people here
I've been off the site for a while and although it's nice to see new people it just means we all have the same reason for being here. Well, wlecome everyone new, and "hey" to all the vetrans. I finished chemo on Oct. 22, 2008 and went back to work on Nov. 3, 2008. I was doing really good, got tired by the end of the week…
Jana Miller's Obituary
HURLBUT-MILLER -- Jana Hurlbut-Miller, MD, passed away peacefully on October 13, 2008 after battling cancer for over six years. She died at her new home in Salt Lake City, UT at the age of 38. Born June 2, 1970 in Washington state, Jana then grew up in Albuquerque, NM. She received her bachelor's degree from the University…
Starting Chemo Tomorrow!
I woke up not feeling very good today, some pain in my right side, but it's better now, with a couple motrin, but it upset my husband enough to call the doctor and see why I have to wait till Monday to start chemo (My dr. appt was almost 2 weeks ago) he hated the thought of me waiting so long to even start chemo, even…
Question about pain after radiation treatments.
Hello - For all of you that went through radiation treatments, how long was there pain after you were done with the treatments? My last radiation treatment was Jan 26, 09. Almost 3 weeks ago and I still have pain with bowel movements, and then a bit achy afterwards. (However, NOT like what it used to be.) I still take a…
I'm computer dumb
OK I've looked everywhere to figure out how to post a picture from my computer to come up when I post. And then how do you resize it. I'm just not good when it comes to figuring things out. I even went on the Help section and it says to post your pictures from your computer but doesn't tell you how and mine is way over the…
Disbanded groups?
I'm not sure about anyone else but I really enjoy having specific groups. I was curious to see what others thought.
Silly question...
I am approaching my 5 year anniversary of being diagnosed (unfortunately not of being NED). I have had few if any real breaks from chemo, I've had 5 operations overall and probably 170 rounds of chemo. I feel depressed a lot more now than I did earlier. I do see a therapist and also take a anti depressant but I often feel…