Saw this on the news last night...
Seems far-fetched, but then so did all cancer research at one time or another. http://www.9news.com/news/article.aspx?storyid=110460&catid=188 Vicki
finally took neupogen & a question
I posted right at Christmas time about needing to take neupogen shots for my low white blood cell count, then how the insurance screwed up, didn't approve it, didn't send it, etc., until a week later and my count then came up on its own. Well, I finally really did need to take the neupogen shots this week. My white count…
Nice feel good story
Came across this and appreciated the kindness shown when things are tough. http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/gallery/022309dana_farber_beams/ Big scan coming up for me Monday.... Chip
Liver and colon resection done!
It was pretty nerve-wracking leading up to surgery but I am glad to say the surgery is now behind me. The liver surgeon said there were no additional tumors other than the ones onf the CT scan. He removed the whole left lobe and wedge of the right taking away a total of 40% of the liver. All clear margins. The colon…
Hello everyone. I hope you won't mind me jumping right in. I found this board a couple of days ago and have been reading a lot. Cancer chose me in March of 2004 when I was diagnosed with stage 2 rectal cancer. I had surgery within days to remove the large mass and resection my colon. No lymph nodes were involved and my…
PET done today-waiting game
Well, got my Pet scan today. A nerve racking week. At least see my oncologist Monday,so only have the weekend to go. The CT, mamogram and ultrasounds don't look to good, lesion on liver, abnormal mamogram and lump under arm. Had my last chemo in 2005 for met. colon cancer. My oncologist is talking about sending me to James…
Sore Throat......
Sometimes my throat feels like it has a lump in it, but today it felt abit sore. Could it be from taking all these pills, and if I'm getting a cold, could that be a cold, and should I be worried? I know if my temp gets to 100.5 I'm supposed to go to the hospital? it's 99.0 now.
CAT scan - good
Hi, As I mentioned in a post the other day, they did ****'s pre-chemo, after surgery CAT scan yesterday. We were quite nervous because on the CAT they did the day they found the tumor(1/12/09) , they had not done his lungs. The onc called and said that other than the surgery change (75% of colon gone) everything else…
Done with chemo
Friday they finally disconnected the 5fu pump from me for the 12th and final time. I never thought this day would come. They checked my CEA and it came back at .7 now I have to make an appt for my CT scan and I'm starting to get nervous already. I can't wait for my body to start getting back to my new normal...I'm ready to…
stiffness in joints and shoulder
HI, has anyone been experiencing stiffness in the joints for the chemos? I have had a sore right arm for about a month on and off. It seems to get better then it comes back. Sometimes the joint or muscle on the left arm hurts and then sometimes the joints in the ankles or neck. I remember it happening after I finished…
All ready for #5 treatment, but delay... delay
My husband (colon cancer III)has had 4 of the 12 Fol/Fox with Oxy treatments. The fifth treatment has been delayed, first for low platelets and then last week the platelet number was up but the WBC was down. Wondering if any of you have had this happen to you. And if so, were you delayed for other treatments also? On a…
Robert Schimmel book *Update
I promised that I'd post a review of Robert Schimmel's book "Cancer on $5 a day, *Chemo Not Included" when I got it from the library, so here goes: It is a very quick read. It made me laugh (out loud) to the point that I was freaking people out in the infusion room. And it made me cry. It was one of the better 'canzer'…
Travel Insurance
Hi everyone- I know that many of you on this board have traveled and I remember advice from some of you about getting travel insurance. Well, after 3 1/2 years of battling this disease my husband and I wanted to take our family on a short cruise over Thanksgiving. He was (and is) being treated with Erbitux and Ininotecan.…
question erbitux
Hi, Is Erbitux only available if you're in a trial? Has any one on this site not been in a study an still been given Erbitux? Thanks. Kathleen
Emend - why not start with it?
I keep reading about the nausea and I feel like I keep reading that Emend works for so many people. Why don't they just start people on it? It seems like so many are suffering, why don't they give it first time around? Kathleen
Port is in,ready for chemo
Hello people, I have just signed up on this site. I originally was diagnosed with colon cancer in Oct of 2007. They removed 8 inches of my colon and 100 lymph nodes. They were all clear, so they told me I was OK, no treatments needed. I went back a year later for follow up colonoscopy and there it was again. This time it…
Colossal Colon makes the news in Tampa
Thanks to MajorGeeks.com and their Florida Friday, I found this article Colossal Colon ETA: to fix link, thanks to phillieg! Thanks, I don't know what I was doing wrong when I tried it first, but it works now! mary
Back to Erbitux/Finger issues
Do all of you who suffer from the split fingers find that it seems to run in cycles or do your cases have it where your fingers are bad all of the time? Mine runs in cycles. Thanks ~phil
Prayers go out to both of you...You are still at the top of the list at my church prayer list....Just letting the both of you know that we still hold both of you in our hearts.......God Bless you both......
I learned something new today........
I took my mom of 80 years to the eye dr today because of degeneration of the eyesight. He found that over the years that slightly high blood pressure had caused her eye capillaries to clot and block flow through the eye. it has produced busted vessels which is causing her to form more clots behind her eye and causing her…
Diagnosed in Januray of 2007...I have a couple of key questions leading up to my PET/CT scan tomorro
Hello. I am a stage 4 colon cancer survivor who was diagnosed in January of 2007 (2 spots on liver + 3 out of 33 nodes involved). Since my initial diagnosis, I had a liver resection in June of 2007 followed by an additional 3 months of chemo. In November of 2007, I was declared cancer free. Unfortunately, one tiny spot…
Waiting for scan results - ugh
I had an MRI scan today. Now I'm waiting for the results. As many times as I have been through this (lost count!)...the waiting is so hard. Also (pardon me while I moan a while - we all have those days) -- those scans are just awful. Lying there in the tube, trying not to think about 'what if', drawing on every 'mental…
2 year anniversary
Today two years ago I had my resection and woke up with my ileostomy. What a journey it's been. To those of you who have just been diagnosed or who have had the same surgery stay strong. Some days are hard for me still. But most days I'm so determined. Hopefully for the ones that have just found this board you'll beat this…
what and when is the nadir??
First let me say good luck to everybody waiting today...it's nerve-wracking for sure! A quick question...as I understand it the nadir is the low point in every round of chemo....i assume this must be blood count. Does anyone know when this occurs. For instance on oxy infusion and then 14 days of xeloda I get the next 6…
First scans today and going to chew radiation onc's butt
I had radiation and have since found studies showing in my stage that radiation only offers a 3% benefit. I have also met several women and men on another forum that had their tumor in the same location or closer to the sigmoid junction than mine, and they were recommended against radiation, and now I am so upset that i…
Liver resection
We met the liver surgeon today. When he came in he said my response to chemo was "tremendous" so I was happy to hear that. He said I was resectable and that when he looked at my scans he was happy as it was an "easy" surgery compared to others. He said I had had 7 lesions in my tumor (2 more than I thought...that was…
A great day
Being quite new at this cancer "thing" I'm always asking questions and tend to be serious, but today I have to say, "I'm happy". I've been so down for the last few months and I had my second chemo after the port situation was taken care of recently. After this second treatment I only had 1 side effect! Nothing like the…
Great visualization tool...
Hello everyone! I've been making a big effort to incorporate exercise into my life every day. With this, I've rediscovered our Nintendo Wii. The boxing game is great. And, every time I play, I imagine my boxing partner is cancer and I KICK THE CRAP OUT OF IT! Hugs and Hope, Elizabeth
didn't want to steal mike's limelight
So - I'm making my own - number six is attached to my hip now, coming unplugged tomorrow. I hope it's as you all say - faster on the way down - by then the winter will be over and spring will have sprung. What I have learned so far - thank goodness this is winter, can't imagine not being able to drink anything cold on a 93…
Happy Day...
I met with my oncologist. After reviewing everything, he has decided that I only need FOUR mop-up chemo runs. He says I will get a 5FU bolus 5 days a week (Mon-Fri) then be off for 3 weeks - four times. They will give me leucevorin (sp?) as well. Then, I will be DONE! Is this possible? I have been so blessed on this…