mammogram ok
Well- Mom has had 4 rounds of 5FU. She had a mammo last Thursday- and it was good!!! I know she has worried about the results. This is the first 'test' since her CRC dx. She has had such a bad round #4. I hope they decrease the oxi next Tues. I threatened to go up there with her- she didn't think it would be necessary :) I…
Had to change chemo treatment for the last two......
I went to the Oncs office to talk with the nurse and informed her that my toes were almost numb and the bottom of my feet are starting to do the same. She said we were going to stop the oxil and start maybe just the 5fu and leucouvrin or use Erbitux (sp)for my last 2 treatments. Anyone know what besides diarhea that its…
Pet Scan Results
HEllo all First I want to thank everyone for their prayers, because they worked. My scan came back good, there was some activity where I had my surgery but nothing cancerous thank God. Blood work is good, CEA went up from 1.2 to 1.7, so no worries there. ONC wants to do 8 cycles of Xeloda, which is 2 more then I thought. I…
Cat scan results
I went friday for my cat scan and had the whole weekend to try not think about it, easier said than done. I called my onc. this morning and the receptionist told me my results were not in yet and to call back tomorrow. About five minutes later my phone rings and it's her again.....she told me they got my report and…
2nd Treatment done....
...And they gave me Emend this time.. with 3 Dexamethasone, and 2 Zofran, so far so good, it's the next night (tomorrow) that I hope is better.. they also sent me home with an Emend for Tomorrow morning, and a prescription for the Dex, and also some Lorazapem (Ativan)..I feel myself getting really tired now though. My…
I know today is the day you get the results back from the Dr on your PET Scan.....My prayers are still with you and I prayed again just now that you will be ok. I'm not rushing you to post in here, I just want you to know that we all are thinking of you right now and good news or bad, we will all deal with it and know that…
Tasting it...
Ewww, I don't remember it being this bad last time, the night sweats, I can even smell a difference to the sweat smell, it smells mediciney....is this normal??? but I feel like I can taste the chemo and meds that were put in me today, it's a nasty taste in my mouth which leads me to want to be sick...man, Friday just can't…
my port sugery is wed. i have no idea why i am so nervous about getting a port, but man o man it is bugging the hec out of me, then again this whole thing is like that as well!!!!! chemo starts on march 9th, ahhhh!!!! my nerves are shot!! Tommy
Face Book
I wonder how many of us are on Face Book, I am, you can find me under Janie Bennett....I have pics there and its appears to be a fun place and much easier to use then myspace...If anyone wants to look me up feel free. Beth aka Janie
Anal Cancer
Just diagnosed with T1-T2 anal cancer. No risk factors apply. Set to get 5 1/2 weeks radiation with chemo. Anyone been through this? I'm 54 years old, female.
Newly diagnosed with mass in colon
Haven't yet seen oncologist. Only know that there is a"large" cancerous tunor in my colon. I am terrified and see little to hope for. What does "large" mean? I don't know if any other organs are involved. This is the most frightening thing I have ever experienced. Just don't know how to face each day and go on.
Celebrex - helps with diarrhea??
There was an interesting article on Medscape about whether celebrex (celecoxib) helps with diarrhea in colorectal cancer patients undergoing chemo for metastases (especially irinotecan-based combinations). The conclusion seems to be that there is no solid evidence from clinical trials, but that a number of oncologists are…
Itchy face
Has anyone out there experienced itching before reaccurance? I have been NED for almost 3 years, had stage 3 colon cancer with 13 positive nodes. Back in 2006 shortly after I finished chemo, I got hives around my belt line. Went to an allergist and he told me that sometimes when a disease tries to return, people will get…
Pain 19 days after surgery??
My husband was diag. with colorectal cancer 10 8/06; had surgery 9/06 and had a colostomy done. Cancer met to liver and had over 2 yrs of chemo. Sent to Vandy for clinical trial and then referred to liver surgeon who said he could do liver surgery but needed lung surgery first. Lung surgery was done on 2/10 at Vandy where…
2 Years NED
Wow! I just celebrated 2 years since my resection for stage II rectal cancer It's hard to believe that so much time has passed. I was at the doctors for a checkup on Friday and all the emotions came rushing back. The thoughts of anxiety and fear - yet than I realized I'm still here! Sure there are PET scans to come and the…
Rising AST/ALT liver levels
Hi all, Need some feedback here. My husband Jerry 42 now just had a b-day is on folfox and erbitux (trial) for 6 month stage 3b colon. Anyway he's been doing great and just finished treatment 4 of folfox and of 8 of erbitux. Not to bad side effects well he went in on Wednesday and his labs showed that his liver enzymes…
Back to chemo
I took 3 months chemo break to have rectal surgery, after finishing 12 folfox+Avastin. The recent CT scan shows growth of the liver and lung lesions. So I am back to chemo next week. This time it will be Folfiri+Avastin. I have K-Ras mutation, so Erbitux is not for me. They have to cancel my SIRT testing due to the tumor…
Thank you all and your advice needed
Thanks all... You know how hard it is. I tru;y appreciate your kind words and help getting me back up. Failure was the wrong word choice...more like letting down others... and I know its not true but that is the feeling. I'm better, your words helped A LOT and getting fighting mad again... For those that know the…
Bladder Issues
I haven't seen a post about this. I had my last resection December 12. It was done laprascopically and they removed the portion of my colon where my lesion was and a small part of my rectum. I noticed the first week I was home from the hospital that my lower abdomen would ache sometimes when I had to urinate. (Sorry to get…
Another question for all the "Experienced" people
I'm on my 3rd chemo treatment with Oxaliplatin the first one was alright, the second one was a breeze, this third one I have that tingling/numbness/pain in my hands so bad it hurts to type. I was given a "list" of side effects before chemo started and I read that these are possibilities, it doesn't mean you will get them.…
my turn
i guess its my turn now just got a call i go monday to have my port put in [yeehaw] i am so scared but i know i can count on my friends here. i had a bad day yesterday after my onc told me 12 rounds in 6 months but i just have to cowgirl up and do it. hope everyone is having a good day......God bless johnnybegood
Test tomorrow
I have to be at the hospital tomorrow at 8 am to start drinking that wonderful tasting barium for my first CT scan after chemo and I can't stop thinking about it. I've stayed pretty busy all day trying to keep my mind off of it. My onc. has taken x-rays of my chest and abdomen and all was clear and my CEA is .7 I'm hoping…
Results not so great
Well I talked to onc at Stanford about my last CT scan (Stage 4 9/06, liver and lung surgery for mets and chemo) I have been clear for the last year. This last one showed a 8mm lesion near the margin of the last lung resection. It is not great news but not terrible either. I just feel disappointed and down. I teach and…
New to this
Four and one half years ago my Dr suggested that I have a fecal occult test because I had a family member that had a history of multiple polyps. My test came back postive and I was scheluded for a colonoscopy. When it was completed the result was that I had a large polyp and it was removed and tested. On the tip of the…
Bowel Movements (I know, yucky subject)
I hate discussing this, but it's making me nervous..I haven't had a BM since Sunday, and usually go regularly, I had diarhhea, but took that Immodium-AD, and now wonder if it was bad for me, or is stuffing me up.. I want to go before the chemo treatment tomorrow, I know I'm not blocked or anything, because I'm passing gas,…
Decreased 5FU
Mom began her 4th 5FU treatment today. They decreased the dosage because she is having so much trouble with her hands. She is experiencing pain- she has RA too- so maybe the chemo is flaring it up? Or is it neuropathy pains? I guess they know when it is appropriate to decrese the chemo- it is a little scary to think about…
well port is in
ports in, a little sore but not to bad, now i have the fun of wating till the 9th to start chemo, this should give my nerves a mini vacation, thank you again to all of you for the great support you guys really helped!!! also i was wondering if anyone has used vitamins on chemo i have heard both pros and cons about this and…
Elimination Problems Suggestion
I wanted to share something with anyone who is having elimination/bowel problems. It is something that has worked really well for me, I know others who have had colon cancer treatments and ostomy reversed are having trouble like I did for several years, pain, bleeding/ constipation/diarreah, hemmorhoids. A nutritionist…
Dad still NED!!!
Hey everyone!!! Well, my dad continues to be NED 2 1/2 years after first being diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer, which spread to his liver. After many, many prayers and prayers of others, my dad was completely healed of the spots on his liver after the doctor said my dad would have 2-3 years. My dad only had surgery…
bag back on
Has anyone here made the decision to have an ileostomy or colostomy bag put back on? If you did what lead you to this decision?