Prayers needed for upcoming CAT scan
Hi everyone, it's been a while since I've posted, although I'm frequently on here reading all of the latest posts. Seems like a lot of newbies here now. Don't see too many of the veterans. Anyway, my dad was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer three years ago. It spread to his liver with 1-2 mets (doc isn't sure how…
Erbitux Rash Treatments
An article on the Colon Cancer Coalition website reports that Bristol-Myers Squibb, the ones who mfg. Erbitux, have a skin care kit to treat the rash as well. Good results are reported. Also there is mention that using milk of magnesia, yep, used on the acne rash is helping. Let it dry for a few minutes and then remove…
What is this chemo-lite?
And does it not work as well as regular chemo without the oxalplatin? I'm going to get the FOLFIRI, but want to be sure that's just as an aggressive treatment?? I don't want them to be easy on this cancer, I want it out... And is it possible for Stage 4's to ever be NED? I am reading stage 3 and 2, but not much on Stage…
New CRC screening test
Have you seen this article? It discusses a new fecal test that is actually supposed to be more accurate than CEA. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/585221?src=mp&spon=7&uac=127506BK mary
Waiting for Day One
Well today is my day to wait. I have to go to the hospital for blood work and then tomorrow at 8:30 I start my chemo. It is -17 degrees and i keep thinking how cold it will feel. You know the really stupid thing I am afraid of....I have this vision of the oxy going in and then having like a big toxic re-action to it. Or…
Here I go again!!!
Hi everyone!!! I am 39 yrs old, I have been in remission for 2 months now, I had 4th stage colon cancer, 12 rounds of 5fu and surgery in Oct. We were supposed to start preventative chemo in March, Change of plans! I found another swollen lymph node in neck which is where this all started last year! I will be starting chemo…
I don't think I"ll be in that Avastin/Ertux study now :(
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29019005/ Using 2 newer drugs may worsen colon cancer Study: Combination of meds made disease worse, patients more miserable Most viewed on msnbc.com updated 1 hour, 38 minutes ago NEW YORK - Doctors thought that combining two newer drugs that more precisely attack cancer would help people with…
Has anyone had problems with their new port?
I just had the port put in at the beginning of January. I've only had 1 round of chemo. The first round took almost all day, because the port was "clogged" with some kind of "growth" on the inside. They finally got it cleaned out and could access my blood. I receive my chemo every two weeks and Wednesday I went in to get…
lower spine pain from radiation
Hi Everyone, I'm wondering how many of you have experienced pain in your lower spine/sacral/hip bones because of or following radiation and/or chemo? I just requested to have both my neck and my pelvic bones area x-rayed today. The neck wasn't as a result of chemo or radiation- I fell last week & it's been hurting ever…
CT Results
After completing 4 rounds of FOLFOX the lesions in my liver (4) have all decreased on all dimensions by between 30 and 50%. The largest went from 6.2 by 4.2 cm to 3.6 by 2.6. The smallest went from 1.2 by 1.2 to "sub-centimeter." The colon tumor also had a 50% decrease since my original colonscopy and CT scan. Since the…
The CSN Staff contacted us today asking our permission to feature HOP on the Home page. Permission given, so I'm hoping they'll print a wee bit of his happy ending to give someone inspiratio and HOPE. Howz 'bout that..... Marygale
New to site
Hello- I am new to the site. My mom was diagnosed the Friday before Thanksgiving 08 with a 3 X 2 leison- ulcerative obstruction with resection that following Monday. She spent a week in the hospital. Her surgeon diagnosed Stage 3 with no lymph node involvement. She had her port placed that next Friday. Her oncologist…
My 1st Oncology Appt
So, I went to my first oncology appt, and met my doctor who I found very kind and sweet, pretty young, but seemed very smart who specializes in the colon..she actually wanted me to do some clinical trials with the drugs Bevacizumab(Avastin)and Cetuximab which are 2 FDA Approved drugs, to mix in with the standard chemo that…
Husband back in the hospital
He was admitted last nite for severe pain and vomiting may have a blockage again he was just released on monday problems started tuesday. Will no more today, I am mad he should not of been released. and they just operated for the blockage. something is not right but i will find out beleave that.He is in so much pain they…
Answer to Prayers
My husband of almost 40 years has stage 4 colorectal cancer which metastised to the liver. He had a colostomy done in 2006 and has been undergoing chemo since then. They have tried it all but nothing has stopped to cancer in the liver from growing. So in Dec. his oncologist told us there was nothing left to do or try. The…
You know what?
I'm actually going to go to work tomorrow. I miss everyone there so much, and while I still have energy, I want to help out the therapists. I talk to my supervisor last night on the phone and she said they know their options was, was that they didn't want to lose me, and are willing to work around me, that was so sweet and…
Two years ago I came to this website frightened and miserable, waiting for my cancer diagnosis to be confirmed. I got so much support and am ashamed that I am not a more frequent visitor, as I think my experience might give encouragement to those just embarking on this road that no one seeks ... Today I got the results of…
FROM HOP TO ALL MY INTERNET FRIENDS: It's been 2 weeks since I had surgery. It took about a week to get out from under the drugs from it all. Reality was a little vague sometimes, so I thought I would wait to respond to all of you 'till I had a clear head. I can sound stupid without the help of drugs. I've been trying to…
Back in the Saddle
Hi All..You can't keep a good man down.......Power went out at 8 Tuesday and we got it back last night at 2 am...No phone..No computer...I missed all of ya'll and Thanks to all for the concern. I have a 300' driveway and it was completely covered in fallen trees. We are fine though. I live next door to my mom and sis and…
Update from Vanderbilt
My husband saw the lung surgeon today at Vanderbilt...He had the PET scan results, the lung function test, the CT scan, the cardiolite test, stress test etc. The nodule in Frank's right lung lite up this time on the PET scan and also a lymph node near the lung. They are almost positive it is lung caner. They said if it is…
urgent response please!!!
Hello everyone. This is Valerie; stage 3 colon cancer; 1 node positive out of 18. Completed chemo in on Dec. 4th. Had cat scan and bloodwork done and got results back Jan. 13. All the results were very good. Dr. said that I could get port taken out. Well, this is my dilema. Had a colonoscopy on Jan 27th, one polop removed,…
Surgery aborted
Hello! Quick recap: Diagnosed stage IIIb rectal cancer in August 07 at age 38, chemoradiation for six/seven weeks, resection surgery in January 08 with temporary loop ileostomy, then six months folfox which ended in August 08. I was scheduled to finally have the ostomy reversed last Friday. They got me in, got me prepped,…
CEA confusion
Background-Diag rectal cancer 4/08, surgery 5/08 lower anterior bowel resection, illeostomy & gall bladder removal, 12 rounds of Folfox (8 with the Oxliplatin), reversal surgery 12/17/08. CEA level at time of diagnosis was 5.0 CEA at end of chemo was 4.6. Went to oncologist last week and CEA is 4.7. When they took it, I…
New here
I found out I had rectal cancer on 12-17-08 just started treatment 1-20-09 the tumor is 2.6 cm and stage 2 cancer close to stage 3 having chemo and radiation treatment for 6 weeks then heal fore 5 weeks then the DR's will take out the tumor then another 5 weeks healing by shrinking the tumor I have a 50/50 chance of not…
Path report
Hi Everyone, The internet went out at the hospital Saturday night. I can't believe how dependent I have become on you. I feel like you are the ones who get it. **** has had a hard time at the hospital.. He had 75% of his colon removed Tuesday and he is still in the hospital. Things are starting to move very slowly. He…
Well, after a sleepless night preceding the surgery, and a very long day--I am happy to report that the thyroid cancer is removed from my mom's body. The surgeon said surgery went very well. He removed a few lymph nodes beneath her thyroid and said that something was going on beside her esophagus but he was able to remove…
Robert Schimmell...
Has anyone seen this comedians show on Showtime? he may be kind of lewd and raunchy (I do have a warped sense of humor) but this guy has had colon cancer for 8 years, and his prognosis was like 2 years.. he performs onstage and even has the crowd laughing at what he's been through, he had me cracking up, he wasn't trying…
Day Off
I am taking a day off from worrying about my CT tomorrow. *Jorie runs in and yells "GO STEELERS!!!" and runs out!!!*
pain pump
Husband coming home soon will have pain pump put into abdomen and live what ever time he has. michelle
Hi, I'm new
I found out I had stage 3 colon cancer in May of 2008,I had surgery and started my chemo in June and finished in Dec. I will get my first catscan in May and am very nervous about it. I also have neuropathy it is severe.